Sports >> February 08

Cricket: more intense and exciting than most Americans believe

by Sushmita Sridhar

Famous British playwright George Bernard Shaw once said, “Cricket is the game 11 fools play and 11,000 fools watch,” a sentiment a great portion of the world would not agree with. More...

MVHS girls' athletic program put on CCS probation

by Avery Cruz

The Varsity Girls Soccer team was unable to practice for two days and put on probation for a year and a half due to a practice held on a Sunday. More...

Local go-kart race track satisfies the need for speed

by Karen Ladenheim

Steering around sharp hairpin turns and reaching speeds of up to 40 mph on the straightaways, participants pass one another to win the race at GoKart Racer in Burlingame. Unlike other go-karting places, GoKart Racer’s indoor track features an elevation change and is wide enough to accommodate full-on races, which allow for a more competitive experience. More...

Maas's Sports Madness

by Zach Maas

Zach's commentary on recent sports affairs. More...

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We are adding a celebrity to the Oracle Staff. Who should we add?

Paris Hilton
Sharon Osbourne
Keanu Reeves
Samuel L. Jackson