Saturday, April 18, 2009

Almost There..

peristaltic pump copy.jpg

VUMC Department of Cardiovascular is considering to offer us to continue doing research in the summer and afterwards of this peristaltic pump for the heart until we can come up with a real prototype.

Make du'a. I am working real hard now on the LED Chaser Frequency Sequence and Low Voltage Indicator circuits to prove of concept of our design.

Oo Allah, please make it easy on me.

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Monday, April 13, 2009

Apakah Langkah Seterusnya?

Divine GPS: The Inner Dimensions of Salatul Istikhara

Kini tinggal kira-kira 2 minggu lagi sebelum tamatnya pengajian sebagai pelajar universiti. Saya tidak tahu bagaimanakah perasaan rakan-rakan yang lain, tetapi bagi saya pastinya ada perasaan berdebar-debar dan tertanya-tanya "Apakah langkah seterusnya?" Ada yang ingin sambung belajar, ada yang ingin memasuki alam pekerjaan, ada yang mahu memulakan perniagaan, dan bermacam-macam lagi. Saban hari ada sahaja yang bertanya, "Apa perasaan sudah nak habis belajar?" "Buat apa lepas ini?" "Balik bini lah." Setiap kali saya berhadapan dengan soalan-soalan sebegini, memang sukar bagi saya untuk menjawabnya. Bukanlah saya bermaksud mahu berahsia, tetapi hakikatnya, masih lagi tiada hitam putih apakah yang bakal berlaku dan saya ialah jenis tidak suka memberitahu sesuatu perkara yang belum pasti.

Mungkin saya akan bekerja, di Malaysia, atau boleh jadi di US? Mungkin saya akan sambung belajar, atau mungkin tidak. Masih dalam bidang kejuruteraan? Mungkin juga tidak kerana sejak di bangku sekolah saya juga mempunyai minat yang sangat mendalam dalam bidang undang-undang. Tidak salah mempunyai cita-cita yang pelbagai. Dan tentu sekali tidak salah untuk berfikiran kreatif, dan terbuka terhadap apa yang mahu dilakukan selepas alam universiti. Selain menyambung belajar atau memasuki alam pekerjaan, mungkin ada yang ingin mengambil cuti dan berjalan menjelajahi benua Afrika?

Sebab itulah saya sentiasa memberitahu rakan saya "Too much uncertainty."

Zon Tidak Pasti

Hakikatnya, perancangan selepas alam universiti telah saya mulakan sejak menjejakkan kaki ke alam universiti 4 tahun yang lalu. Tetapi sepanjang perjalanan kehidupan bergelar pelajar, banyak perkara yang berlaku yang semestinya membentuk minda, halatuju, dan menyebabkan kita selalu tertanya-tanya, "Adakah ini yang mahu aku lakukan?" Zon tidak pasti ini merupakan suatu perkara yang perlu kita fikirkan dengan seikhlas hati kerana keputusan yang kita akan lakukan kelak sangat penting untuk masa hadapan kita. Adalah menjadi kelaziman untuk sentiasa kembali dan mengkaji apakah yang mahu dilakukan selepas tamatnya pengajian kerana menurut salah seorang profesor saya, sepanjang pengalamannya jarang dia menemui pelajar lepasan universiti yang sudah mempunyai hala tujuan yang lurus, jelas dan boleh dijangkakan. Dunia sentiasa bergerak maju kehadapan dan wujudlah peluang yang lebih pelbagai dan terbuka.

Namun sekiranya seseorang itu yakin bahawa dia sudah mempunyai hala tujuan yang jelas terhadap apa yang mahu dilakukan selepas ini, maka teruskan. InshaAllah, berdoalah, moga-moga keputusan yang dibuat itu ialah yang terbaik untuk diri anda dan masa depan anda.

Apa Yang Boleh Dilakukan?

Pertamanya, tentulah sentiasa memohon bantuan daripada Allah. Pohonlah dan berdoalah agar Allah membantu kita dalam membuat keputusan yang tepat. Tiada siapa yang tahu apakah nasib kita pada hari esok melainkan Allah.

Dalam satu hadith yang diriwayatkan oleh Ibn 'Umar yang dipetik dari Sahih Bukhari; "Narrated Ibn 'Umar: Allah's Apostle (Peace be Upon Him) said, "Keys of the unseen knowledge are five which nobody knows but Allah. Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow; nobody knows what is in the womb; nobody knows what he will gain tomorrow; nobody knows at what place he will die; and nobody knows when it will rain."

Justeru sentiasalah berdoa kepada Allah agar diberikan petunjuk dalam membuat keputusan yang tepat dan bijak. Bersihkan hati kita daripada membuat keputusan yang berlandaskan nafsu, riya', ingin menunjuk-nunjuk dan berbangga diri. Sucikan hati kita dalam membuat keputusan, dan letaklah keyakinan sebanyak-banyaknya kepada Allah setelah membuat keputusan. Semoga itulah keputusan yang sebaik-baiknya untuk diri kita.

Kedua, mintalah nasihat daripada ibu bapa dan keluarga. Ibu bapa kita kita mungkin tidak memainkan sebanyak mana peranan kepada kita dalam membuat keputusan seperti ketika kita di bangku sekolah. Pastinya ibu bapa kita percaya bahawa kita sudah cukup dewasa untuk membuat keputusan terhadap apa yang kita mahu lakukan. Tetapi tidak salah untuk berbincang dengan mereka dan mendapatkan panduan dan nasihat daripada mereka. Ibu bapa ialah orang yang paling rapat dan paling mengetahui isi hati kita. Berbincanglah dengan sebaik-baiknya, dan luahkanlah perasaan dan tidak perlu berahsia dengan mereka.

Ketiga, berbincang dengan profesional, yang berpengalaman atau orang yang sudah berada dalam bidang yang mahu diceburi. Kadangkala kita sendiri tidak pasti bagaimanakah suasana pekerjaan dalam bidang tersebut. Justeru adalah penting untuk mengenalpasti pihak yang boleh diajak berbincang untuk mengetahui dengan lebih dalam akan suasana dan persekitaraan dalam bidang tersebut.

Pada akhirnya, tentulah saya sentiasa mendoakan agar rakan-rakan yang akan menamatkan pengajian pada tahun ini, sama ada di Vanderbilt, atau di tempat-tempat yang lain, semoga dipermudahkan dalam semua urusan, dibukakan pintu rezeki dan berjaya membuat keputusan yang tepat dan bijak. Saya memahami bahawa kita dalam suasana ekonomi global yang kurang memberansangkan. InshaAllah, bagi yang akan menamatkan pengajian, tentu sahaja kita berasa ghairah kerana terhidang luas pelbagai peluang di luar sana, ada yang sudah diterokai dan ada juga yang masih menunggu untuk diterokai.

Sentiasa berfikiran positif, dan "change the opportunity to reality."

Amar Razali
Nashville, TN

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Monday, April 06, 2009

Rabbi zidni 'ilma..

As-salaam alaykum,

Here is the beautiful dua you can ask Allah, the Glorious and the Exalted, for the advancement of the knowledge:

رَّبِّ زِدْنِى عِلْمًا

"O my Lord! Advance me in Knowledge."
[surah Ta-Ha; 20:114]

"It is only those who have knowledge amongst His slaves that fear Allah." [Surah Al-Fatir (35): 28]

"If Allah wants to favor someone, He grants him comprehension (understanding) of this religion." [Sahih Bukhari vol.1 # 71, Tirmidhi and Musnad Ahmad]

"Seek knowledge, because seeking it for the sake of Allah is a worship. And knowing it makes you more God-fearing; and searching for it is jihad, teaching it to those who do not know is charity, reviewing and learning it more is like tasbeeh. Through knowledge Allah will be known and worshipped. With the knowledge Allah will elevate people and make them leaders and imams, who will in turn guide other people." [Fatawa Ibn Taymiyya vol.10, p.39]

"Whoever treads on a path in search of Islamic knowledge, Allah will ease the way to Paradise for him. The angels will lower their wings, pleased with this seeker of knowledge, and everyone in the heavens and on earth will ask forgiveness for the knowledgeable person, even the fish in the deepest of waters will ask for his forgiveness." [Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah, Tirmidhi # 2835-sahih hadith]

"He whom death overtakes while he is engaged in acquiring knowledge with a view to reviving Islam with the help of it, there will be one degree between him and the Prophets in Paradise ." [Al-Tirmidhi Hadith no. 249. Narrated by Al-Hasan al-Basri]

Subscribed from AbdulRahman Yahoo Group. (You must join this group. Will not regret it, InshaAllah.)

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Sunday, April 05, 2009

Just For Fun

Sorry, I couldn't stop laughing. It's just ridiculous.

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Thursday, April 02, 2009

Here It Comes Again: A Jihad for Love

I have a lengthly discussion with my friend AbdulRahman Chao (he doesn't want me to call him 'Imam'. That's totally fine, man) about the issue of homosexuality in Islam.

OK. So here's the thing. Today, A Jihad for Love documentary will be shown to the VU community as part of the VU Pride Week. First of all, let me make it clear. I don't really care about these homosexuality, gay, lesbian issues on campus, but when they try to relate and tie it with Islam, wow, wow, stop, now I need to care about it.

Read the statement below that I took from The Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Life (LGBTQI) at Vanderbilt University.

"A Jihad for Love is presented by Community Vanderbilt, the Office of LGBTQI Life, and Vanderbilt Lambda. In a time when Islam is under tremendous attack from within and without, "A Jihad for Love" is a daring documentary that explores the complex global intersections between Islam and homosexuality. Discussion following the film will be led by Nita Farahany, Assistant Professor of Law and Philosophy; Richard McGregor, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies specializing in Islam; and C. Melissa Snarr, Assistant Professor of Ethics and Society in the Divinity School. For more information about the film, visit"

Why they want to show this controversial documentary? Clearly, Islam does not promote this homosexuality, gay, lesbian, etc. as the way of life, and Islam encourage the Muslims to get marry in natural way. I also want to encourage my fellow Muslims on campus to not react angrily and emotionally. Be calm and act wisely. We want to respond in the best manner as possible. Educate the people who do not know about Islam. This is our opportunity to spread the message of Islam.

I cannot say much for now because I have not see the documentary itself. So, I am planning to go to that event and listen to the discussion. I knew Prof. McGregor before (he thought one class for Introduction to Islam class with Olive Tree Education 2 years ago) and I believe he can say what is the stand of Islam in this issue.

Amar Razali

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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

East – West Journalist Interfaith Seminar


Catholic Center
March 27 2009, 10:00 - 11:30pm

I went to the East – West Journalist Interfaith Seminar yesterday (Friday, March 27 2009) as part of Olive Tree Education’s program. Dr. Awadh Binhazim was invited by the East – West Center to represent Islam on the Interfaith Discussion. Our new OTE member, Sr. Alia was also presented. The program started at 10am, at the Catholic Center in Nashville.

I actually already arrived at the Catholic Center around 9:40am. I met with Dr. Awadh outside the center, and went inside together as a group. After I identified the exact room in that building, and distributed some new and updated pamphlets of OTE, I went back to Vandy to pick up Alia from her class that finished at 10am. When we arrived, the discussion already started.

It was not a big audience. I expected it was like a big program – with the speakers seating on a stage or some kinds, with a lot of people coming. Nope, it was not the case. There were 6 journalists (Indonesian, Singaporean, Iranian, Pilipino, Indian, and Bangladeshi), the chairperson, and the panelists, who were Dr. Awadh, Rabbi Y. Kliel Rose from West End Synagogue Nashville, and Bishop David Choby, the 11th Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese in Nashville.

So Bishop Daivd began the discussion. He talked about how the Catholics community plays it roles in the Nashville society. Nashville nowadays is very different with what Nashville was 10 – 15 years ago. One if the reasons is because the coming of foreigners and immigrants. Nashville has one of the largest Kurdish community in the US, as well as the Somali community. Catholics also has built a close relationship in terms of interfaith with the Jewish community compared to the Muslim community.

Then Dr. Awadh continued the discussion. One of the points that he mentioned was about the life situation for the Muslims in Nashville after the post 9-11 era. Before the 9-11 tragedy, the Muslim has very few interfaith discussions, and it was not very active. But after the 9-11, the number of programs for interfaith, classes about the foundations and basics of Islam were increased dramatically. People really want to know what Islam is, and the Muslims community at the early stage of 9-11 does not have the structured organizations or unit to handle these kinds of programs. It is why Olive Tree Education was established.

Rabbi Rose said he was not too familiar with the history of Nashville too much because he just moved from Miami, FL. But he did agree with what other panelists said and he point out about the conflict of Palestinian – Israel. He also mentioned that people from other faiths should go beyond the Interfaith Discussions – which means, do something else after that where it can show our similarities such as to give contributions for the humanity, social works and other activities that all faiths can come and work together.

That is a very good point.

Then the journalists asked the panelists some questions. Among the questions were from Mrs. Purwani Diyah Prabandari, Bureau Chief for Central Java and Yogyakarta, Tempo Inti Media, Yogyakarta who asked about hate crime or any kind of that nature that happened to the Muslims community in Tennessee. After the Q&A; session around 15 minutes, we took some group pictures and the program ended.

It was a good event, Praise be to God, although I thought we should have more people/audiences in the discussion.

Amar Razali,
Nashville, TN

East - West Seminar March 27 2009

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Monday, March 02, 2009

Random: Amar & Imam Gyasi

February 28 2009: Amar and Imam Gyasi. Flynn Auditorium. Introduction to Islam Final Class.

Pictures from Introduction to Islam Class and Islamic Spring Retreat (1st Day) - Credit to Hambaly.

Introduction to Islam & Islamic Spring Retreat

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Friday, February 27, 2009

Go? Or not to go?


Spring Break at Vanderbilt will start officially tomorrow. As for me, I am 99.9% sure that I will not go anywhere during the spring break, but, who knows? I might (but not quite sure yet) will go to this alMaghrib seminar "Love Notes: Marriage and Family Life." The price is reasonable ($85), good place with great friends (9 hours driving plus I have been to Tulsa before and met great friends there) and interesting topic too.

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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Islamic Spring Retreat at Vanderbilt: An Invitation


Kudos to Syera! I think the poster is very well-designed

Top 6 (Six) Reasons Why You Must Attend the Islamic Spring Retreat (ISR) at Vandy:

1. In sha Allah, ISR is the 'right' place to revive your Imaan and inspire Islamic learning!

2. Comprehensive program rooted in sound Islamic knowledge; designed to provide practical solutions to today's challenges.

3. A friendly, welcoming environment that constantly boosts your Imaan.

4. A place where lasting brotherhood/sisterhood is created.

5. Great Speakers: Ustadh AbdulRahman Chao, Ustadh Abdul Rahman Abdullah, Imam Gyasi Mckinzie, Dr. Awadh Binhazim, Br. Omar Dunlap. Where else you can have these great du'aat, speakers, and pioneering community leaders in one place?

6. Delicious, great Malaysian foods, served with love from the ISR Vandy Food committees.

And they are all for free.

Wait. Did I mention that it's all for free? No registration fees? Don't need to pay for the awesome food? Don't need to spend a cent for attending those great lectures from those great speakers?

So what are you guys waiting for? Register now!

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The Story of al-Waleed ibn al-Mugheerah

Perhaps one of the most famous stories is the story of al-Waleed ibn al-Mugheerah. Al-Waleed was the most eloquent and highly esteemed poet of Makkah at the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him). He once passed by the Prophet (pbuh) and heard him reciting the Qur'aan. This had a visible effect on him, and he went away shaken and startled by what he had heard. The news of this incident spread throughout Makkah. Aboo Jahl, afraid that the people of Makkah might be affected by this news and convert to Islaam, rushed to al-Waleed and told him, "O my uncle! Say something (against Muhammad) so that the people will know that you are against him and hate (his message)."

Al-Waleed replied, "And what can I say? For I swear by Allaah, there is none amongst you who knows poetry as well as I do, nor can any compete with me in composition or rhetoric – not even in the poetry of jinns! And yet, I swear by Allaah, Muhammad's speech (meaning the Qur’aan) does not bear any similarity to anything I know, and I swear by Allaah, the speech that he says is very sweet, and is adorned with beauty and charm. Its first part is fruitful and its last part is abundant (meaning that it is full of deep meanings), and it conquers (all other speech), and remains unconquered! It shatters and destroys all that has come before it (of poetry, because of its eloquence)!"

Aboo Jahl responded, "Your people will not be satisfied until you speak against him!" Al- Waleed therefore requested Aboo Jahl, "Leave me for a few days, so that I may think of an appropriate response to give to the Quraysh." After the few days were over, Aboo Jahl came back to him and asked him what he had prepared. Al-Waleed, during this time, could not think of any explanation to give except, "This (the Qur'aan) is a type of magic that has an effect on its listeners."


In response to this, Allaah revealed, "Nay! Verily he (i.e., al-Waleed) has been stubborn in opposing our verses and signs...Verily, he thought and plotted; So let him be cursed, how he plotted! And once more let him be cursed; how he plotted! Then he thought! Then he frowned and was irritated; then he turned back and was proud! Then he said, 'This is nothing but magic from old; this is nothing but the word of a mortal!' I will cast him into the Hellfire..." [74:16-26].

This, then, is the testimony from the greatest poet alive at the time of the Prophet (pbuh)!

Taken from: An Introduction to the Sciences of the Qur'aan by Abu Ammar Yasir Qadhi

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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Introduction to Islam Class 2 - Feb. 21 09


Introduction to Islam Class 2

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Friday, February 20, 2009

Order of Engineer - Feb. 20 2009


The future leaders of our Ummah.

See more photos below:

Order of Engineer 2009

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