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Health Professionals - Lactation Resource Centre


The Lactation Resource Centre specialises in providing the community and health care industry with comprehensive and readily useable information resources on all aspects of human lactation. We facilitate the further understanding of the scientific basis of lactation through education and research.


Visit the Lactation Resource Centre website for further information


NEW A package subscription specially designed to suit your organisation.


Link your new parents directly with the Australian Breastfeeding Association - Australia's mother-to-mother support group - by giving them an introductory copy of our great bi-monthly magazine 'Essence'. Packages also include ABA's best-selling and fully updated book 'Breastfeeding....naturally' - FREE (RRP $34.95) - but only for a short time


Package options are:

  • 10 copies of 'Essence' , 6 times a year - includes 1 copy of 'Breastfeeding ....naturally' $95 per year
  • 20 copies of 'Essence', 6 times a year - includes 1 copy of 'Breastfeeding ....naturally' $135 per year
  • 50 copies of 'Essence', 6 times a year - includes 2 copies of 'Breastfeeding.... naturally' $255 per year


Other great membership advantages include:

  • discounts off ABA's seminars, workshops and conferences
  • 10% discount off your staff's Mothers Direct or Lactation Resource Centre orders (orders sent to your workplace)


Contact ABA for a subscription form to be posted to you - email: subscribers@breastfeeding.asn.au.