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Which Types of Water Can Grow Plants Better?
by Brittany Y.
* Hypothesis * Abstract * Materials * Procedure * Results * Conclusion * Bibliography & Links * 
I think rain water will make the plants grow best. 
Which types of water help plants to grow the best.  Two types of water were chosen for this project.  They were rain water and tap water.  Sunflower seeds were chosen also, because they are my favorite and they are easy to grow. 

 The experiment lasted for seven weeks.  I began by planting 1 sunflower seed in four starter pots with ěEasy Growing Soil.î  The pots were put in the window in my basement facing the south.  I watered each plant with 1/4 cup of water every other day.  I label the sunflower pots with paper so I knew which plants needed which water.  I took measurements every Sunday.  I began taking pictures when it sprouted.  On the fifth week of my experiment I eliminated two of the three seeded pots that didnít grow.  
 The rain water sunflower won.  It was the only plant that grew.  Next time I will put two seeds in each pot.  I could use sand and soil.  It is better to use rain water instead of tap water. 

  • 4 cups
  • sunflower seeds
  • rain water
  • tap water


1.  I put 1 sunflower seed in each of the 4 pots of soil.
2.  I labeled the sunflower pots with paper so I knew which plants needed which water.
3.  I watered each plant with 1/4 cup of water every other day.
4.  I checked the plant every day.
5.  I took measurements every Sunday.  I began taking pictures every week when it sprouted.
After 2 weeks the rain water sunflower plant started to grow.  The other seeds didnít grow. 
 I learned that it is better to use rain water instead of tap water when you are growing sunflower seeds. 
Bibliography & Links   
  • Burnie, David, Eyewitness Books-Plant.  New York, 1989.
  • Gibbon, Gail, From Seed to Plant. USA, 1991.
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Brittany Y.
Timber Ridge Magnet School