New York Noro Plaid

January 26th, 2009

Noro Plaid Scarf MMMmmm, Noro. I love the colors of this yarn, but I’m a bit disappointed with the feel of it. I guess since I’m very allergic to wool, no wool yarn will ever feel yummy to me.

I originally bought this skein of yarn for the wavelength, but it was just taking me too long. The thing kept twisting severely, and every row I’d have to spend 5 minutes straightening it. Luckily, I found I way to both show off the lovely colors, and also use nearly 100% of the skein! Basically, I capitalized on the natural gradients of the noro, and made a sort of ‘plaid’. The results are easy and beautiful!

Here is the super simple pattern, sized so it uses as much of the skein as safely possible:

Noro Plaid Scarf

1 skein Noro Kureyon Sock

Size f crochet hook

Finished measurements: approx 7 in. x 51 in.

Row 1: ch 43

Row 2: dc 2nd ch from hook. *ch 1, skip next st, dc 1* repeat across

Row 3: ch 4 (this counts as first dc and ch). *dc 1, skip next st, ch 1* repeat across
(Basically, you are making a dc mesh, like in filet crochet)

Repeat rows 2 and 3 just row 3 (thanks emy!) until the scarf reaches about 51 inches long.

Now, there are many ways you can do the vertical weaving. I chose to make long chains, to keep the integrity of the gradient, but you could replace the chains with 2 or 3 stands of yarn. It is your choice whether you want fringe, but remember, this scarf uses most of the skein, so keep that decision until the end.

If you are weaving in chains here are some options:

  • Chain one super long chain, and wind into a ball to use, cutting the length as you go
  • Chain single lengths and make them as you need them
  • Chain double lengths and weave both ends, so you have two less ends to weave in

Basically, take the chains or strands of yarn, and weave them in and out of the mesh boxes, lengthwise. Make sure to alternate the starting direction for each column. Secure the ends of the chains by making a knot, and weave in the loose ends of the chain back into itself.

This all sounds much more complicated than it actually is! Here are some more pictures. NOTE: These pictures are of the unblocked scarf! I will try to replace them with better quality ones when I get a chance.

Noro Plaid Scarf

Noro Plaid Scarf

11 Responses to “New York Noro Plaid”

  1. vashti on January 26, 2009 4:10 pm

    Your design is a really beautiful way to show off a Noro yarn with crochet! At the same time I know what you mean about what Noro feels like. You could try steaming it (try a swatch or a small area first). The reason I say this is, I once used a yarn with a lot of stiff scratchy llama in it, and the yarn shop owner told me to steam it when I was done crocheting it, to soften it right up. I thought she was exaggerating but it really worked!! I haven’t tried this with Noro. Anyway, congratulations!

  2. Sarah on January 27, 2009 1:13 am

    This is lovely! Makes me want to go and buy some Noro now!

  3. Laura on January 27, 2009 3:21 am

    I love it! I tried wavelength as well and got frustrated, and I’ve been TRYING to find the perfect pattern- this is exactly what I was looking for- and wonderful idea!!

  4. Lynne on January 27, 2009 7:05 am

    Love this scarf! I’m going to have to go out and get another skein of Noro Sock so that I can make one (I already made the Wavelength). I know what you mean about Noro and wool in general. I’m very sensitive to anything even remotely prickly. This is the way I soften all of my wool items:
    1) Soak the finished item in a basin of tepid water with a squirt of shampoo (I usually leave it in for a couple of hours).
    2) Rinse very well and squeeze out excess water by rolling the item in a towel.
    3) Fill the basin with tepid water and add a small squirt of hair conditioner (approx. 1/2 tsp.). Swish the water to disperse the conditioner and soak the item for another couple of hours. Lift out of the soaking water and squeeze out excess water by rolling in a towel. Block and air-dry.
    This method works out real well for me - even with the scratchiest fibers and sweaters. It’s also a great way to use up conditioners/shampoos that you tried and didn’t like, or the small travel sizes that you pick up in hotel rooms.

  5. Sally on January 28, 2009 10:55 am

    Love your scarf, thanks for sharing the “recipe”!!
    I’m in love with your hat as well, those seed pods are awesome!! Nice work, nice blog!!

  6. Susanna de Beer on February 6, 2009 4:36 am

    Love it. Allergic to wool too, but could this not be done out of other yarn? Or do they not have those colours in other textures?

    You are extremely talented! Maybe one day I will get me some talent too, think it might offer some stress relief for me, maybe…

    Thank God for those who have this talent to make the rest of us that buy it look awesome.

  7. Mel J on February 7, 2009 7:41 pm

    This is so pretty. At first I thought it was woven.

  8. Winter Crafts Round-Up | FaveCraftsBlog on February 13, 2009 7:03 am

    [...] something to keep you warm, I have to mention the New York Noro Plaid Scarf from Crafty Pants. She uses a very clever technique of weaving the yarn through the double crochet [...]

  9. Sherri on March 11, 2009 4:06 am

    Bought this yarn just because it’s pretty.
    Thanks for a great pattern. I have been looking for a way to show off the way the colors blend into each other.

  10. The Springing of Spring « on March 22, 2009 8:14 am

    [...] - twice, actually.  On the first visit, I picked up some Noro Kureyon sock yarn to make a Noro Plaid Scarf. The *thing* about Noro are the colorways which have to be experienced to be believed.  Whenever I [...]

  11. Hookie, UK on March 22, 2009 11:18 am

    Came across this on RAVELRY. What a great pattern! I never caught the sock bug so now I have a really good reason to buy sock yarn/more Noro - yay!
    Brilliantly simple and simply brilliant; well done you clever girlie! I love the woven effect as well as the colour play. Fab.

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