Shogo: Mobile Armor Division


Planetshogo - The best Shogo : Mobile Armor Division site out there...period...
Monolith's Shogo : Mobile Armor Division website - The offical page for Shogo. However it hasn't been updated in almost two years, and doesn't look like it will be ever again...
Monolith Productions - The website of the creators of Shogo.


Otaku MOD team - The home of the Otaku MOD team. They made some of the first MODS for Shogo.
Macross TC - A total conversion based on the anime.
Sticks and Stones CTF - Capture the flag, Shogo style!
Defending the monolith - MCA Squad based warfare. Defend your monolith while trying to destroy the opposing team's.
TOW Arena - The Shogo version of the popular Quake2 MOD - Rocket Arena2.

Mobile Armor Divisions (MADs)

Death Angels : [DA]
Skull Squadron : [SS]

Team Rocekt : >>TR<<
Otaku Death Force : [ODF]

The eXtermination Squad : [tEs]

Bone Squadron : [BS]

Genome Toksentai : [GT-MaD]

Ghost Clan : -GC-


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