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Editorial: A month of mingled feelings

Last Updated: February 21, 2007

Page: 1

By Mashilo Mnisi (BtM Editor)

February 21, 2007: It started with turmoil in Nigeria between government and LGTBI activists over the Nigerian Anti-gay bill. Then contrary in the continent, that continued with some spectacular celebrations of Valentine’s Day where the Pietermaritzburg Gay and Lesbian Network held the Mr. and Miss Gay 2007.

During the Mr. and Miss Gay 2007 – to the surprise of the organisers and guests, a couple went on to make a public announcement of engagement  – and that guaranteed gay rights in South Africa.

After that followed the blissful celebrations of the Cape Town Pride that included a book launch and excursions to the Cape Town townships such as Gugulethu and Khayalitsha.

Amid these subsequent celebrations, the Anglican Episcopal Primates met in Tanzania recently for five days denouncing gay rights in their churches, saying homosexuality is not compatible with the Bible. Surely the Primates will be again discussing homosexuality when the communion meets in South Africa in a few weeks time, although here the main focus will be HIV/ Aids – which is a major debate among gay people.

The month was indeed fraught with achievements and disappointments, but all these culminations and debates around LGTBI rights prove that they are fundamental human rights on the continent that need to be fought for.

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