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Editorial: An opening night of debate and film

Last Updated: March 2, 2007

Page: 1

By Mashilo Mnisi (Editor)

March 2, 2007: The Out In Africa gay and lesbian film festival in South Africa kick-started first day of March with absorbing opening night of the gay community in glittering styles of apparels. The 13th gay and lesbian film festival was different in many things compared to last.

The spectacular event took place in Hyde Park, north of Johannesburg. Again, the night was so extraordinary as the event was opened by the Deputy Chief Justice Dikgang Moseneke of the South African Constitutional Court where he enlightened the audience about the constitutional rights of homosexuals and ultimately wished the event a very successful one.

Although he couldn’t stay longer to be able to share some of his legislation and constitution prowess, Justice Moseneke in fact was nudging the gay community that the South African parliament and government is still discriminating against this minority people.

He pointed out at the gay Civil Unions saying they’re not being referred to as marriages yet in the constitution like in any entity such as Customary marriages and Civil marriages as it will take some strains and struggles to be called so.

However, with the screening of the first feature film – Beautiful Boxer, the film festival was well-attended as the auditorium was jam-packed by audience.

Many came in as couples not that to cherish the Civil Unions Act, but to mark the 13th anniversary of the film festival and to celebrate the success of Out In Africa.

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