Kasha J. from Freedom And Roam Uganda (FARUG)
When Ugandans hear that we are advocating for gay rights they imagine we want more or extra rights,but NO,we want what belongs to us which was robbed from us,EQUAL RIGHTS which we are entitled to just like any other Ugandans.
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editorial: another five years of taunt

Last Updated: June 30, 2008

Page: 1

Editorial: Another five years of taunt


As conservative as he is – loathing any versatility or change – Mugabe’s five year sovereign rule, started 28 June this year, will continue to alienate homosexuals in Zimbabwe.


The gay and lesbian community in Zimbabwe despises Robert Mugabe and his governance since it doesn’t recognise its rights, and in lieu the community is experiencing torture from government. As a human rights violator, even witnessed by the world from his attacks on oppositions, Mugabe has (and will always) been loud mouth bashing gay people in his country comparing them to animals.


The gay community’s dream was shuttered by the overwhelming triumph of Mugabe in the recent run-off elections, after Morgan Tsvangirai won the presidential elections that did not give him the overall majority to become president, hence it qualified for a rerun.


Most of the gay people in Zimbabwe vindicated and wished for Tsvangirai’s victory as he was seen as lenient towards and inclusive of homosexuals in that country. His withdrawal from the run-off elections dealt a severe blow and brought acrimony to his supporters, even to human rights, the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) individuals and to some extent proponents of real democracy, as they believe Tsvangirai could deliver the sort of democracy that is within the people.


In fact, to me, as a leader one needs to reassure his support and go ahead to execute the targeted mandate to represent one’s followers in spite of recurring human rights violations, genocides, human attacks and murders of followers.


Tsvangirai has been lame and timid towards the run-off elections whereby he could’ve impacted change despite the fact that the elections were already ruled ‘not free and fair’.


To me, Tsvangirai has betrayed his loyal supporters who yearned some change in Zimbabwe, and has no privilege to complain to the UN and AU about the elections as he allowed Mugabe to saunter towards victory – ascertaining him to reign as head of state and do what he pleases.

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