“Uganda is the new Zimbabwe”
"President Yoweri Museveni is the Robert Mugabe of Uganda, a homophobic tyrant who tramples on democracy and human rights, said Peter Tatchell of OutRage!
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reverand nokuthula dhladhla seeks donation

Last Updated: July 16, 2008

Page: 1

Rev. Nokuthula Dlhadhla of HUMCC Johannesburg  has been diagnosed with a spinal tumour which requires urgent surgery to prevent permanent paralysis. She has been unable to walk or work for the past five months and has been confined to a wheelchair. She went to the Johannesburg General Hospital and was told that the first available surgery date was in late December.

 As her condition is rapidly deteriorating and the doctor recommended immediate surgery in order for her to be able to walk again which will take at least another six months of rehabilitation,  the HUMCC has fundraised internationally to assist her with the cost of surgery in a private hospital totalling R110,000.00. we are appealing that all JWG organisations distribute this message to their staff and to their constituencies.

We are sure that collectively we can raise the shortfall of R16000 so that Nokuthula can have the surgery as soon as possible. Please contact me at 082 928 0062 or 011 717-4239 (GALA) if you need any more information. Contributions to be deposited directly into her account and please email anerela@yahoo.com or fax 011 717-1783 me a deposit slip so I can track the payments. Her account details are as follows:


Bank: Standard Bank – Eloff Street

Name: T.N. Dhladhla

Account Number: 204 850 223

Branch Code: 1305

Swift Code: SBZAZAJJ


Your contribution will be highly appreciated, God bless!!


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