Tambe Tiku Human Rights Advocate:
By failing outright to condemn this cankerworm, the Head of State arrogated to himself one more function 'Lawyer for Homosexuals'.
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bishop daniel wandabula

Last Updated: September 5, 2008

Page: 1

Subject: Re: Open Letter for
Bishop Daniel Wandabula
Dear Bishop Wandabula,
Greetings from Nairobi!
During my pastoral ministry, I have come across a variety of concerns, challenges and problems. The folks I have found to be most confused are the homosexuals. I have learned through experience and education. Many people in the church who profess to love Jesus have been known to comment harsh treatment to homosexuals in the name of the Bible and God.
During my ministry to these LGBTI, I have discovered that many of them live under fear. They are stigmatized. They daily experience rejection and all kinds of discrimination both from the society and the church. These brothers and sisters need a lot of love, respect, understanding and care. They need a minister who can listen to them and give them an assurance of God's love. This is a frightened group that needs
Some confusing statements were put out concerning Other Sheep and me. Some people went further to impersonate me through e-mails and other forms of communication using disparaging remarks. It grieves me deeply that a number of my good friends have turned angrily against me and my family. On my part, I love them still and wish them no ill. Let us continue to be on speaking terms for the sake of Christ.
I know that the Lord has called me in this ministry to reach out to the outcasts and the scum of the society. I am not going to abandon this ministry because of some people carrying weapons against me. I am following the footsteps of our soon coming savior and lord Jesus Christ who reached out to the despised and sinners of the society of his time.
Although I am straight and not a promoter of homosexuality, I do recognize that homosexuality is a fact. I know people are different in terms of sexual orientation; homosexuals and heterosexuals.

It has been alleged by some people in the church that I intent to go around churches in East Africa to promote homosexuality. This is not true. These type of rumors are being spread formally and informally to soil my name. I greatly respect the family unit and the heterosexual individuals, as I am also heterosexual. I do not find religious arguments against homosexuality persuasive either because I have come to learn that historically, religion has been manipulated and misinterpreted to oppose the rights of various minority groups-women, slaves, etc.
During this time of confusion and misunderstanding, John Wesley and the apostle Paul have been my key mentors in the ministry. The passion for both of them was that none should be excluded from salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I know that I didn't seek being called to this ministry. It is the Lord who spoke to me (John 15: 16-17).  This is all about missions and evangelism.

Some people have accused me of doing this ministry for the sake of money, though I trust that God will not allow my family to starve. Some people have even accused me of being money hungry. I am not.
My Christ-like role in this ministry is to provide outreach to this group of people who have been misunderstood, stigmatized and rejected as outcasts of the world. We are dealing with the homophobia at the family, church and society level. We are dealing with religious justice
through seminars/debates.
Let me conclude by saying that the church should remember that we are in the world, but we are not of the world (John15:19). Jesus Christ is above our worldviews.
We need a gospel for LGBTI inclusion in Africa. Despite much denial of homosexuality in Africa, it has emerged from research that homosexuals have always been part of African society but, like other areas of human sexuality, it is treated as a taboo.
At this point, I appeal to all brothers and sisters to remember that God is love. Therefore I beg you in the name of God of love, let nobody intimidate or harass me or my wife or my children because of this ministry I am called to do. I know that they are already suffering because of me but let them be spared more torture and persecution.
Thanking you so much.

Grace & Peace,
Rev. John Makokha
East Africa Annual Conference
Author: Reconciling Network (Africa)




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