Cathy Crimmins, author of How the Homosexuals Saved Civilization
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not enough gay coverage, says research

Last Updated: February 13, 2007

Page: 1


By Lesego Masike (BTM intern)


February 13, 2007: Some South African media organizations agreed that the findings of a research saying there is a limited coverage, as well as a lack of in-depth reporting about LGBTI issues by media are true. 


The media is being accused of demonizing homosexuality while focusing only on scandals and portraying negative images and stereotypes. This is according to the Gay and Lesbian Archives of South Africa (GALA) in the research, in conjunction with Community Media for Development (CMFD).


“Very few reports are celebratory in nature. Specifically, headlines will refer to sexuality in criminal cases”, Christine Davis of Agenda was quoted in the research.


Asked how true these findings are, editor of a KZN-based Kwana newspaper Shelley Seid said; “I think the media has not created an unrealistic perception of gay people but rather that it perpetuates commonly held misconceptions of gay people.”


She however added that progressive media organizations such as the Mail and Guardian, Kwana and Sunday Independent try to raise and cover all human rights issues, including gay issues.


“Possibly not enough is being done”, Seid added.


According to Saturday Star Editor, Willem Steenkamp, the media coverage of gay and lesbian issues is well intended but the execution is poor. “I am appalled by all the negative things I hear other people say about gay people, we need to be more accepting of other people. More stories about gay and lesbian people should be covered in a fair and balanced way”, he said.


The research further states that the media is always quick in pointing out sexuality in the news, even if sexuality is not related to the crimes being reported therefore creating a feeling that the gay and lesbian community is not part of the of society.


“I also think that it is a problem that gay people are portrayed as either victims or perverts. It is time that sexual identity becomes a fact and not news”, said Seid.


Steenkamp advised both the gay and lesbian community and the media to work together and help guide each other so that the media can generate more stories that are fair. “It is all about human rights issues rather than gay or straight issues”, He said.


Lack of resources and knowledge around gay issues is the root of the problem according to Seid. “It is very hard to find local resources and spokespeople. It is only when newsworthy things happen that there is coverage. We need to portray gay relationships as something ordinary and (sic) everyday. Why are gay married couples not featured on the wedding pages of community newspapers?” Seid questioned.


Funded by Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA), the research explores the knowledge, attitudes and practices of the media in relation to the LGBTI community.


It also looks at whether there is understanding of burning issues and the basic yet important facts that would help guide the media in executing accurate reporting about the gay and lesbian community.


The findings are based on the responses of interviewed journalists and leaders of LGBTI organizations.


“I think that the research has helped to shed some light on the gaps and opportunities when it comes to reporting on LGBTI issues. I think that it has also provided some substantive backup on what the LGBTI sector has been saying for some time – that there is much needed work to be done when it comes to media and the community”, Deborah Walter, Director of Community Media for Development explained.

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