Matthea Little Smith - Smith is an African American and a lesbian and the daughter of Minnesota civil rights pioneer Matthew Little.
Now's the time to make justice a reality to all of God's children.' Now that's what Martin Luther King said. He didn't say 'All of God's children who are not gay.
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gays and lesbians of botswana

Last Updated: June 1, 2005

Page: 1

By The Voice Columnist

June, 2005: Gaborone - Perhaps its time we let them come out of the closet and do their thing openly because that way we would de-mystify the whole gay- lesbian thing.

We would also be accepting that gays do exist among us because it seems like the harder we try to sweep them under the carpet the more they appear to spring up almost everywhere around us.

We might as well start dishing out condoms for male prisoners too while we are at it seeing that it wasn't so difficult for us to distribute condoms in junior secondary schools after all.

The never -ending argument is that gays are wired to be attracted to the same sex, but I suspect many of our gays here do it for financial gain like the brother who is rumoured to be servicing a whole bunch of high powered guys who seem to be having a hard time hooking up steady partners.

I was motivated to comment on the subject of gays by a letter to the editor, which appears on the letters page somewhere in this paper.

A gay guy is appealing to Voice readers to understand that gays just don't do it for pleasure but then the question that came to mind was if they are not going to do it for procreation, what the hell would he be doing it for, if not for pleasure?



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