Cathy Crimmins, author of How the Homosexuals Saved Civilization
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sexual revolution in church frightening

Last Updated: February 21, 2007

Page: 1

Source: East African Standard

February 21, 2007: Being liberal is sometimes dangerous and being conservative sometimes worthy it.

The two forces have caused a rift in the Anglican Church. Bishop Katherine Jefferts Schori, head of the US Episcopal Church, leads the liberals, while Nigerian Anglican Archbishop Peter Akinola commands conservatives in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Ordination of gay priests and blessing of same sex unions are the two crucial things that have taken centre-stage at the Anglican primates’ summit in Dar es Salaam. It is clear that homosexuality, advocated in the West, has caused a row that has divided the Church.

In 2003, the Episcopal Church ordained gay Bishop Gene Robinson, causing uproar among the conservatives. Bishop Schori has said the conflict is about biblical interpretation.

"We have had gay bishops and gay clergy for millennia," she said. "The willingness to be more open about that is more recent."

The sexual revolution in the Church is frightening and should serve as a wake up call to faithful, especially in Kenya. The World Social Forum in Nairobi is still fresh in our minds.

Homosexuals and trans-sexuals pulled mammoth crowds when they demanded their rights.

It won’t be long before public parades and street protests calling for same-sex marriages become common.

Wema Fadhili,

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