... so long as the people do not care to exercise their freedom, those who wish to tyrranize will do so; for tyrants are active and ardent, and will devote themselves in the name of any number of gods, religious and otherwise, to put shackles upon sleeping men. Voltarine de Cleyre
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friends of trp launched

Last Updated: April 23, 2004

Page: 1

By Mpumi Mathabela

April 23, 2004: It was a hectic day for the TRP staff, running around making sure that all the preparations for the day were done properly. They chose the Warehouse Theatre in Windhoek for the launch, a beautiful venue that would hold a large number of people. They wondered if people would show up as the hours went by and the event drew nearer. The final preparations were to make sure that the venue was organised properly; table cloths, projector, and music were all in place.

The invitations had stated: "No jeans, No takkies!" and so presentable outfits were the order of the day. "Madelene [from TRP] and I got to the venue at 8pm and already the place was packed, to our amazement. Everyone looking absolutely wonderful; drag queens looked fabulous and drag kings looking stunning in their suits. Everyone looked presentable and ready to have a great time."

I was nervous because I didn't know how the whole website presentation would go, and I was not expecting so many people to be there (a crowd of +300 people). The programme for the evening was introduced shortly after Madelene and I arrived, with Linda of Sister Namibia as the Master of Ceremonies. Ian Swartz (TRP director) started the programme by delivering a well prepared welcoming speech and an introduction on what "Friends of TRP" is all about, he thanked their funders, supporters and his colleagues for a job well done. Then Sharon van Rooi's (a local singer) gave a beautiful rendition of Chaka Khan's "Through the Fire" which got the crowd screaming. My favourite performance of the day was that of La Rochelle (a former Miss Gay Namibia who has been resident in Johannesburg for many years), the crowd went wild when she came onto the stage and as usual her performance was a showstopper. Next on the programme was a short snack break then the launch of the website, which if I should say so myself, went well. When all the items on the programme had finished it was everyone-on-the-dance-floor-'til-you-drop.

And, a summary of the evening? "The night was a success; Ian and the TRP staff were happy with the site, which was a great relief for me. At 1:00am it was lights out."

Friends, and website, were launched with celebration and excitement with the whole of the city's LGBT people there to support the TRP.


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