... so long as the people do not care to exercise their freedom, those who wish to tyrranize will do so; for tyrants are active and ardent, and will devote themselves in the name of any number of gods, religious and otherwise, to put shackles upon sleeping men. Voltarine de Cleyre
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in defence of mhrrc on homosexuality

Last Updated: March 2, 2005

Page: 1

By Sauka Madinga, concerned Blantyre

March 2005: There are some issues that get a lot of reaction from the public and issues of homosexuality is one of them and for a good reason-it's what might be called,

I have followed the arguments against legalisation of homosexuality with a lot of interest. What I find surprising, and more than just a little worrying , is the fact that I am yet see an article that really discusses the issues objectively; one that justifies why homosexuals, unlike everybody else whose rights are protected under the Malawi Constitution, should have theirs denied.

I must start by mentioning that, like a lot of people, I find it difficult to understand homosexuality but at the same time I am not some na�ve as to think that some people cannot be different from me.

If I don't understand or, for that matter, embrace an alternative point of view should not be given an opportunity to be heard.

Sexuality is a complex thing and thing to just brand one area of sexuality as immoral is as hypocritical as it is uninformed. Yes, the bible indeed forbids homosexuality, as it does adultery, fornication, drunkenness and many other acts.

If the bible were the bias of our argument, then guess we should not look at the biblical teaching in their entirety and enact legislation that makes adultery(like the Turks almost did last year!), fornication and all other 'sins' unlawful as well.

Interestingly, God never forces anyone to obey His commands-indeed He gave Adam the choice in the garden of Eden. Who are we, therefore, to deny others the right to choose for themselves? God never imposes anything on anybody, in fact, He is a liberal- He tells us what He wants us to do but He doesn't forces us to do that!

Like every good father, He tells us what is good for us and what is not, what make Him happy and what doesn't, but at the end of it all, He allows us to make a decision on our own. If God had wanted, He could have made Adam obey Him, but He didn't.

Now who are these elders to church to condemn others when God Himself says we shouldn't judge others? Are they taking on Jesus' challenge about '�he who has no sin, let him be the one to throw the first stone�.'?

Some of the arguments in the letter written by Msika, Ngwena and Chimlambe in the February 4, 2005 issues of The Daily Times are both untrue and oversimplified. Researchers have observed homosexual behaviour in animals including dogs, monkeys and others.

In fact, it is not uncommon for cows in heat to mount others cows! Some scientists have suggested that homosexuality seems to have some genetic origins. You will be interested to know that most heterosexuals get turned on (to different degree) when in the company of a naked person of the same sex!.
The Constitution of the Republic of Malawi gives everybody the freedom of association and legislation against homosexuality is conflict with this fundamental principle upon which our constitution is based. The Malawi Human Rights and Resource Centre (MHRRC) is not suggesting that people should practise homosexuality but it is, as it must, recognising the fact that some people's rights are being violated and suggesting a change in the legislation to conform to the spirit of the Constitution of the Republic of Malawi.

The Constitution is no intended to be a moral guide issues of morality are not matters that the state has ( or should have) any mandate to poke its noise into so long as those moral issues do not interfere with the rights of its people. Morality is an issue between you and your God, period. It is ironical that the same churches, whose western masters are gay paedophiles, keep quite when young boys are being sexually abused by these men of the cloth who head their churches and yet make a lot of noise when the human rights group want to decriminalise sexual relationships two consenting adults!

Where are these church leaders living in the same real world as rest of us or in some fantasy world that refuses to accept what is really happening? They are against the use of condoms yet it's a known fact that pre-and extra-marital sex is and will continue to take place. Evangelism is about giving the people information and let them make their own decision and not about hiding from the truth like an ostrich hiding its head in the sand.

The constitution is not intended to be a guide on the relationship/interaction between the state and its people and as such it is regressive to oppose changes in legislation that promote greater freedoms/rights for the people. What the Malawi Human Rights and Resource Centre is doing is advancing the fundamental principle of human rights which is, as Voltaire, a French writer and philosopher put it , " I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it".

What other people do behind closed doors is none of everybody else's business. Homosexuality does not deprive any one else of his or her rights and as such it's surprising that so many people have spoken out against it yet as things are now, the law deprives others (homosexuality) of their right to be who they are, openly.

The Bible does not condone homosexuality (along with many other sins) but doesn't the same Bible say that shouldn't judge others? Besides, atheism not unlawful in Malawi!

I guess what happening here is what Byron J Langnefiled perfectly put it when he said, " rare is the person who can weigh the faults of others without putting his thumb on scale."

And a minor correction: George Bush did not oppose gay marriage per se , he wanted to change the (federal) constitution to outlaw gay marriages, effectively making a law that would remove the power of the states to determine their own marriage laws.

This is not what the MHRRC wants, they want homosexuality decriminalised so that gays can 'associate' freely like everybody like else as stipulated in the Supreme law of the land - the Constitution!

I challenge all of those who have written critical remarks about the MHRRC suggestion to come forward and tell the nation why section of our society should hace their rights denied!

The constitution is supposed to serve us all equally and not discriminate against anyone. Let the penal code conform to the supreme law of the land.
South Africa





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