Gay rights activist Peter Tatchell on Mugabe
I wouldn't be surprised if Mugabe is himself a closet, self loathing, repressed queen. He fits the archetype,” claims gay rights activist Peter Tatchell. “His demonstrative, ostentatious, anti-gay tirades, must lead us to question why he is so obsessed with homosexuality.
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life stories of south african gay and lesbian youth candidly told

Last Updated: May 19, 2005

Page: 1

By Esau Mathope

May 19, 2005
: Johannesburg - For many young people in South Africa, coming to terms with their sexual orientation can be a very painful experience. Although guaranteed a freedom in the national constitution, lack of acceptance by family and society is often a reality. To crystallize the issues inherent in the process of teenagers coming out of the closet, would be launching a book and traveling exhibition entitled Balancing Act: South African Youth Speak Out.

In the book, twenty one young South Africans from a wide range of social backgrounds speak candidly about their experiences, hopes and dreams. The book explores the lives of gay youth in this country in a manner that challenges stereotypes and prejudices, and provides much needed information to young gay and lesbian people. It is also specifically written to be used in schools and it contains insightful and useful teaching notes relating to the learning area of life orientation.

The book not only focuses on the difficulties faced, but also the positive options and strategies adopted by well-adjusted young people. This provides roles models that readers can relate to as they begin to make their own life choices. It is hoped that the book and accompanying traveling exhibition will play an important role in an on-going process of human rights-based sexuality education for young South Africans.

The launch date, 11 June, is timed to happen at the same time as the build-up to the Youth Day on the 16th of June. GALA hopes to remind people that discrimination, whether based on race, gender, or sexual orientation, has no place in society. The book was written by Karen Martin and Joanne Bloch and is currently translated into Xhosa and Afrikaans.

"We created this resource to help address the high levels of discrimination and victimization being faced by gay and lesbian youth in schools. Anecdotal evidence tells us that that these high levels of abuse result in many youth leaving school before completion," said Ruth Morgan, the director of GALA. Judge Edwin Cameron and number of other human rights advocates will be at the launch at Constitution Hill.

Sandile, 17, one of the youths interviewed in the books said that "Sometimes I feel sad and lonely, like my family doesn't love me. But I have to deal with the facts: it's not easy to accept that your child is gay. There are very few parents who would, because of stigma."

The exhibition, based on the book, will showcase a selection of extracts from 9 stories with photographs. The exhibition can be viewed at Old Fort Temporary Exhibition Area 2 at the Constitution Hill Complex.


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