Cathy Crimmins, author of How the Homosexuals Saved Civilization
I decided that I dont care if I come across as the biggest fag-hag in the land.
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Last Updated: May 1, 2000

Page: 1

By correspondent

May 2000: In strictly legal terms, there are indications that there is currently nobody in prison under the provisions of Art. 347* of the Penal Code, according to Behind The Mask's correspondent in Cameroon. 'But do not take my word for it.'

In January 2000 there was a debate (the first of its kind on national TV) on the subject of homosexuality, and as the general tone of the participants wasn't harsh enough, the head of the TV station (public and only one in Cameroon) felt compelled to air yet another programme, this time with a less favourable tone and the inevitable characters (the priest, the psychiatrist, the lawyer, etc.) and 'suspects' (the young male prostitute who does it for the money, the young woman who was raped as a child, etc.)

One of the things that was said all along is that there is no clear evidence that anyone is currently in gaol under the terms of Art. 347 - due to the very difficulty of being caught 'red handed'. Interestingly, all these debates on TV have reinforced the perception among the public at large that homosexuality is now being 'promoted' by authorities, with a couple of high-ranking officials rumoured to be gay - and very closeted.

On the social front, at least in Douala and Yaounde (the two biggest cities in the country), each city has a couple of bars where gay men (little lesbian visibility yet) meet on weekend evenings, but neither city can boast an established strictly speaking lesbigay joint. My own perception is that there is mounting interest - if little money - amongst the community and chances are, one will surface soon.

* Art 347 of the Cameroonian Penal Code: Whoever has sexual relations with a person of the same sex shall be punished with imprisonment for from six months to five years and a fine of from 20,000 to 200,000 francs (i.e. from US$30 to US$300).

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