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amnesty fears retrial 'queens boat 50'

Last Updated: December 26, 2002

Page: 1

December 26, 2002: Amnesty International is gravely concerned that the Egyptian government has decided to retry 50 men from the 2001 "Queen Nile" case.

The human rights organisation believes that these men are being targeted purely because of their alleged sexual orientation. In the 2001 case, 29 of the men were
acquitted of all charges. The other 21 men were convicted of "obscene behaviour
between men" and are considered prisoners of conscience by Amnesty International.

Some of the accused affirmed that while they were in police custody they were suspended by the wrists, beaten with a thick stick and subjected to other forms of torture.

Urge Egyptian officials to end the retrial of the 50 men. To TAKE ACTION NOW, click on this link or paste it into your Web browser:



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