Ugandan resident on homosexuality
Some boys believe that to sleep with a man is safe because all the billboards around town show heterosexual couples, with messages ... nothing is said about homosexual couples using a condom, so they think it is safer to sleep with each other than a girl.
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homosexuals risk 25 year in prison

Last Updated: August 22, 2004

Page: 1

August 22, 2004: Zanzibar has enacted a law that allows for the imprisonment of homosexuals for up to 25 years.

Reports say the law stipulates that men convicted of having homosexual relations will be jailed for 25 years while women found guilty of lesbian acts will spend seven years behind bars.

The law was passed unanimously by the island's Parliament in April and recently signed into law by the President.

Islamic groups on the island, which has a largely Muslim population, have called for more stern measures against homosexuality.

Meanwhile tour operators specializing in trips for gays and lesbians have threatened to boycott Zanzibar, which relies heavily on tourism revenues.

Zanzibar recently won a best tourism destination in Africa Award in a world wide poll.

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