NYC 9/11 Truth Events Calendar for 2005

Demand The Truth of 9/11


On Sunday, September 11th, 2005


And Marched From Times Square to the United Nations


report · demands · statements · media · what's next?

By Nicholas Levis - Updated 9/20/05

Should we rejoice, because it was the largest march for 9/11 truth in history?

Or should we despair, because it took four years before 300 people rallied on the streets of New York City to confront the US government and the corporate media for their lies about September 11th, 2001?

In the most emotional speech of the day, Donna Marsh O'Connor, mother of Vanessa Lang Langer (who died at WTC Tower II) defined the task ahead for the 9/11 truth movement with a simple question: "Where are the suits?" She meant: Where are the politicians, the journalists, the officials of whatever institution? 

"This isn't good enough," she said. Our numbers and our sway are still far from forcing the issue of 9/11 truth disclosure to the top of the national and international political agenda. Yet that is what we must do, as a matter of survival for all: The whole world is still at war, supposedly because of what happened on September 11, 2001. 

Called by NY 9/11 Truth and the Lower East Side WTC Truth Movement, the fourth-anniversary rally was predicated on the idea that the events of September 11th were the product of an "inside job." 

We the organizers argue that 9/11 was a "New Pearl Harbor," stage-managed by elements within the US government. The goal of this ambitious and ruthless deception was to transform the United States and the world according to a "New American Century" blueprint. The horror of the attacks was exploited to justify and sanctify foreign invasions and repressive domestic measures that were all planned and intended long in advance. The resulting wars have nothing to do with protecting the American people or combatting terrorism, but in reality are motivated by the needs and desires of empire.

September 11 is a specific incident, a crime. What really happened involves questions of literal facts, not opinions or ideologies: Was there an air defense stand-down? Did administration big-wigs know about the plot in advance and deliberately allow it? Were wargames used as a cover for a false-flag attack? Were the WTC buildings blown up using explosives? Were the alleged hijackers under surveillance by US and other agencies prior to September 11th? Who financed the alleged hijackers, and why does The 9/11 Commission Report say it doesn't matter? Does the report omit important lines of inquiry?

The bodies of evidence indicating complicity in the attack by US and allied foreign intelligence networks have yet to be examined at all by either, the official investigations or the US corporate media.

Hundreds of "Stop the 9/11 Cover-up" signs were lofted at the March 20, 2004 antiwar march in New York. (Above: front page of NY Newsday, 3/21/04. Click on the photo below for a surprise!)

During the last four years, the research of those who were willing to look at discomforting facts took off via the Internet. A movement of "9/11 skeptics" arose to reject the official mythology of September 11th. Most of the world's people (if not the people of the US) have been exposed to their ideas. 

While the corporate media remained silent, audiences ranging into the thousands attended hundreds of 9/11 truth lectures, films and meetings across the nation. Vigils for truth sprang up in public squares, including at Ground Zero itself. And large numbers among the crowds at US antiwar demonstrations took up the cry of "Stop the 9/11 Cover-up."

But the misguided gatekeeping of established antiwar leaders kept the 9/11 truth issue from achieving a dominant position within the US peace and justice movement as a whole. (See Charles Shaw's "Regulated Resistance" and "The Gatekeepers of the So-Called Left.")  

Instead, 9/11 became the strategic blind spot of the organized opposition to war, injustice and the "the Bush agenda." That agenda has of course been a bipartisan endeavor, especially insofar as it is packaged as a "War on Terror." Establishment antiwar leaders have allowed the 9/11 mythology to define reality for them, accepting a rigged game in which the machinery of war was made to appear as necessary and noble. 

Clearly, the time is now for protests devoted specifically to 9/11 truth. Someone should have called a rally like this one two years ago, or three years ago; but there's no point in crying about that now. We must begin where we are.

No doubt it was a grand feeling for most of the marchers last Sunday, to see so many fellow 9/11 skeptics ready to stand up and be heard. At times, the train of signs and banners stretched out for a block and a half. Given that this was the first attempt ever to mount a major NYC demonstration based on the premise of an "inside job," the turn-out was strong.

Tens of thousands of people along Times Square, Fifth Avenue, Sixth Avenue and 42nd Street saw the march and heard its slogans. Among these:

Ho ho - hey hey
Bin Ladin was trained by the CIA!

Figure it out - it's not hard
nine-eleven was an inside job!

Many on the street reacted positively, reaching for leaflets or the mock version of The New York Times that had been produced especially for the march.

But Donna Marsh O'Connor is right: This isn't good enough. We have got to make this a lot bigger, and do so a lot faster than it took to get to this point. 

We have got to get crowds that are ten and then one-hundred times as large, and keep building until the day 

- when the 9/11 truth movement becomes indistinguishable from the antiwar movement; 

- when establishment institutions are forced to deal with the reality of 9/11; 

- when a million people are ready to stop business as usual until the truth of 9/11 is acknowledged by the government and the mass media; 

- when the 9/11 truth movement makes itself irrelevant, simply because paradigms have shifted and the basic premise of an "inside job" can no longer be denied by anyone; 

- when, finally, the not-so-secret government responsible for 9/11 and so many other crimes resigns, and becomes subject to criminal investigation. 

Let that be the first prerequisite to saving the republic and establishing a real democracy in the United States! 

Do you want to help make this transformation happen? 

You can hold your own events to inform your neighbors and friends - it's easier than you think to procure a small hall, do some neighborhood promotion and show a film! (See here.)

If you are in the New York area, you can sign up for action and news alerts at NY 9/11 Truth, and join us Sundays for our film evenings at St. Mark's Church in Manhattan. (This is also where we will organize future actions.) 

If you live outside New York, you can look for a group near you, or else start one in your area and link it up to the national movement via

This only scratches the surface of possibility. We must all lead together, or we will hang separately. 

demands of the rally and march

A survey last year by Zogby International found that 49% of NYC residents believe US officials knew about the 9/11 attacks in advance and "consciously failed" to act (NY State: 41%). But US corporate media and official investigations have never acknowledged the evidence that leads millions around the world to think 9/11 was an "inside job." 

Flyer - PDF

We the People of New York

and the World






THAT THE CORPORATE MEDIA fulfill their obligation to the public and uphold transparency in our Democracy by conveying truth, and not simply the "news that fits"; thereby enabling THE PEOPLE to bring to justice those responsible for the crimes of September 11th, 2001;


THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT to investigate the crimes of September 11, 2001; the murder of thousands of innocent civilians; and the physical destruction of the WTC complex.

Posters for march:
| half | jpg

(Click for larger.)

protest statements


Featuring a few of the headlines that should have 
appeared in The New York Times after 9/11/2001
(click for larger images)

Page One - download PDF Page 2 - download PDF Back Page - download PDF


To Criminal Prosecutors 

In the United States and Abroad:

Sufficient probable cause exists to convene grand juries, initiate investigations and indict persons within and without the United States government for treason; high crimes and misdemeanors; crimes against humanity; gross negligence; and aiding, abetting, and concealing the crimes of Sept. 11, 2001.

We call on you to consider the case made last year in the Citizens Complaint and Petition to New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer (archived at; and the summaries of evidence presented in the books The New Pearl Harbor and Omissions and Distortions by David Ray Griffin, Crossing the Rubicon by Michael C. Ruppert, and The War on Truth by Nafeez Ahmed. And also to consider the case that the WTC complex was brought down by explosives, as presented by Jim Hoffman at and

The Attorney General has so far ignored the case for probable cause; we therefore call on other US prosecutors and the new International Criminal Court to step in and assist the people of the United States in procuring justice.

Fellow New Yorkers!

Our government lied to us about 9/11. Our political system has been hijacked. The people leading the executive branch should have long ago been indicted for treason and crimes against humanity. New York was the target of this "New Pearl Harbor." What do we intend to do about it? Shall we stay silent? Or shall we assume the responsibility of citizenship and take action? We the people are supposed to be the government. The way things are going, this may be our last chance to get it right.


The mock headlines on the front page of this paper refer to real stories that have gone uncovered in the US mainstream media. They only scratch the surface of the 9/11 deception. Credible whistleblowers and smoking-gun documents are out there for you to discover, if only you are willing to take the risk. If you do not act, how much longer do you expect press freedom to survive?

Law Enforcement Community!

You lost many of your own on 9/11. People at the FBI and other agencies have come forward to say that counter-terror probes were intentionally obstructed. Have you been sent to watch peaceful protesters, when you should be more concerned with what happened on 9/11, and with who was really responsible?

Fellow Truth Marchers!

Take a look around you. Whatever our numbers today, together we could mobilize ten times as many people in a month. Research and Internet campaigns cannot alone force accountability on an illegitimate government and the obedient corporate media. History shows that this can happen only through non-violent people power, on the scale of millions taking to the streets. Let us reach out with open hearts to our neighbors. People power movements always begin with two elements: a handful of people, and an unyielding devotion to justice and truth.







It's not just about 9/11...


In the days immediately following 9/11, New Yorkers were misled by false assurances about the Ground Zero air. Remember Christie Todd Whitman saying that the air was safe, that no special precautions were necessary? Two years later, it was revealed that the White House had forced the Environmental Protection Agency to suppress an initial assessment that the air was deadly. How many lives were shortened as a result? What does this tell us about the government's willingness to sacrifice Americans on behalf of corporate interests?

Recommended Web site 


There was no Iraqi connection to 9/11, no matter how many times the Bush administration has said so. That is an "outrageous conspiracy theory," to use George W. Bush's own term. The Downing Street Minutes confirm what those who opposed the invasion from the beginning knew all along: The White House and Pentagon lied about Iraqi "weapons of mass destruction" and terrorist connections to justify an imperial adventure that had been planned years in advance as "The Project for a New American Century."

Recommended Web site

ELECTION THEFT 2000 & 2004

Most people have realized that the loser of the 2000 popular vote came to power thanks to massive frauds in Florida and a an unconstitutional Supreme Court decision to suspend the recounts that would have established Bush was the runner-up in that state. In 2004, Bush kept power thanks to fakery by Ohio Secretary of State Blackwell, who also headed the state's Bush-Cheney campaign--and thanks to the black-box, no paper-trail electronic voting machines from Diebold, Sequoia and ES&S. Consider that when an election result abroad is displeasing to the US government, it cites exit polling as evidence of wrong-doing. In the US, the 2004 exit polls in a dozen swing states showed massive discrepancies compared to the official vote count--in every case favoring one candidate, Bush, in an unprecedented statistical miracle. One need not support Kerry, who after all did nothing and watched as other parties contested the unlikely results of November 2004, to realize that without a verifiable paper trail and an end to partisan control of elections, the last semblance of democracy will vanish.

Recommended Web site 

The list goes on... This is what happens when we have a Government 
Of the Corporations, By the Big Lie, and For the Bankers.

Join NY 9/11 Truth
Hotline: 212-714-7147 - Contact

and the L.E.S./WTC Truth Movement



media coverage

Of course we did not "end the media blackout," and we didn't imagine that the first stand-alone demonstration for 9/11 truth in four years would do so. The point was to make a breakthrough within the movement itself: to launch a series of growing protests. We believe we have succeeded in that goal.

The 9/11/905 rally has so far garnered the following coverage:  

· Two one-hour episodes of "Truth for a Change" (The Joe Friendly Show), Manhattan Neighborhood Network, Ch. 34, 9:30 am Thursday, Sept. 15 and 9:30 am Friday Sept. 16, 2005. Live stream at Joe Friendly's "Truth for a Change" is on daily! Repeats will be announced here at and at

· Video footage by Damian at Current Studio - please vote to "give it a greenlight" so that it will appear on cable stations associated with Current Studio!

· has been very busy posting many items about the march, including audio of Donna Marsh O'Connor speaking at Dag Hammerskjold Plaza and of Dr. Faiz Khan and Craig Hill speaking at St. Mark's Church on the evening of Sunday, Sept. 11, 2005.

· During the march, we received word that it had been mentioned on Boston local news. A camera crew was assigned to the march by WPIX Ch. 11 News, the local WB affiliate. If anyone saw the march reported on TV in Boston or in New York on either Ch. 11 or Ch. 5, please let us know (contact here).

· We also heard during the march that ABC radio stations, including WABC 770 in New York, were scheduled to broadcast a one-hour taped discussion that evening with David Ray Griffin (author of The New Pearl Harbor), Phil Berg, and Lorie Van Auken. As one of the "Jersey Wives," Van Auken is among the September 11th family members who originally lobbied for the creation of the 9/11 Commission; she later became one of its most outspoken critics. If anyone recorded this program, again please let us know (contact here). Thanks.

· A Village Voice article by Sarah Ferguson. This begins with a report on the separate action at Ground Zero on the morning of Sept. 11 by Wing-TV and a number of New York activists. It also gives modest due to the afternoon rally and march by NY 9/11 Truth.
   Inexplicably, Ferguson goes on to associate the two 9/11 truth protests with the punk rock concert also held that day at Tompkins Square Park. While we bear no ill-will to the punk bands, and while one or another of them may have spoken out about 9/11, their concert had no relation whatsoever to 9/11 truth issues. Ferguson could have just as fairly (and as logically) associated the 9/11 truth actions with the latest exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, or the opening games of the NFL season, which were also held last Sunday. 
   The connection to the punk concert is entirely Ferguson's construct, and apparently functions (like the rest of her article) to portray the 9/11 truth movement as something far removed from mainstream American culture. 
   Ferguson does not omit the usual cliches about fringey "conspiracists" "invading" an innocent world with their impolite and fanatic ideas, upsetting nice people and soiling the moral furniture. Her rhetorical tactics seem to have been lifted straight from the classic guide, "The 25 Rules of Disinformation."
   Her article avoids detailing the actual issues that prompt skepticism about Sept. 11, while painting 9/11 skeptics as an isolated, obscure cult with little resonance among the people. To accomplish this, Ferguson does her best to spin away the Zogby poll results and other indicators of popular disbelief in the official story. 
   Why doesn't she call for exploring this question scientifically - by holding a national poll that asks a sampling of all American citizens whether they believe the official story, or think 9/11 could have been an inside job? The Village Voice could finance such a survey easily, and odds are not bad the results will make for a blockbuster.

· Writer Greg Szymanski was at the march and published two articles, one focusing on William Rodriguez ("9-11 Lies Under Fire") and an in-depth profile of Donna Marsh O'Connor at Arctic Beacon: "Mother Talks About Pain Felt Losing Daughter at Ground Zero. Donna Marsh-O'Connor made an impassioned plea at a recent New York 9/11 truth rally, demanding Bush be removed and calling for Americans to demand a truthful investigation into what really happened on 9/11." (Note: Both of these articles are admirable. We are merely noting their existence. This should not be understood as an endorsement of American Free Press or of whatever else Mr. Szymanski may have written.)

what's next?

One opportunity for protest is the upcoming dedication of the new World Trade Center Building Seven, currently expected in November. 

This is a chance to contest the exploitation of Ground Zero without hurting the feelings of those who lost loved ones on Sept. 11th. 

And it may be the best chance ever to pose the question: What did owner Larry Silverstein mean, when he told a PBS documentary team that Building 7 was "pulled" on the afternoon of Sept. 11? Does this "decision to pull" the building explain why video of its collapse shows a near-perfect implosion, with the building cascading smoothly in a vertical line into its own footprint within the same time it would take for a basketball to reach the ground from the roof? Since it would been impossible to set up Building 7 for such a controlled demolition in the few hours between the 9/11 attacks and 5:20 pm on September 11th (when it collapsed), when was this done? Were any other buildings similarly prepared? 

Have the same "precautions" been taken for the new WTC 7, i.e., is it also ready to be "pulled"? Do the new tenants know about all this?

Recommended Web site

The events of 9/11 and its aftermath continue to define our political, social and economic reality. Make no mistake, the true crimes remain unsolved and the path to truth and accountability has been obstructed. The 9/11 Commission was never intended to be an objective and impartial investigation, and we continue to see omissions and deceptions in their account. We've been thrust into an atmosphere of constant fear which has led to the erosion of our Constitution, multiple wars, and trillions in public debt with a need for serious debt management for generations to come. Lack of accountability combined with a major deficit in truth has become the norm, as has been demonstrated by the lies revealed in the Downing Street Minutes which we must now trace back to 9/11. Our government and the corporate media have failed us. By default, the task of obtaining justice has fallen upon We the People.

We must acknowledge that failure to pursue the truth of 9/11 will extend free reign to the forces of empire that have embroiled us in wars of conquest, and this is not an acceptable option. Our survival depends on our ability to create world peace.


(This page completed 9/20/2005 and is (c) 2005 Nicholas Levis; additional copyrighted materials here are used with permission or with appropriate credit under fair-use provisions, for non-commercial information purposes only, under Title 17 provisions.)


As of 2008, this page contains two links requested by sponsors:

Not responsible for content of outside sites.

Donna Marsh O'Connor at Dag Hammerskjold Plaza 
(click for WMV video -

Download "The Ballad of William Rodriguez"
MP3 audio record of song performed at the rally by 
Victor Sadot
- read the lyrics here.


Visit the weblog for this page and say what you think! 

March Route

(click for larger image)

Faiz Khan speaking at St. Mark's Church on 
Sunday evening (click for WMV video -
Dr. Khan is a founding member of the
Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth


Judy Gorman

Vic & Rob Sadot

Trudy Silver

Sheila Brown

David Moss

Sharleen Leahy



Dr. Robert Bowman 
Ret. Lt. Col. USAF, head of "Starwars" programs under Ford and Carter · Donna Marsh O'Connor Writer for Project for the Old American Century (article), Mother of Vanessa Lang Langer, WTC Tower II, 93rd Floor  ·  Fr. Frank Morales St. Mark's Church, L.E.S. WTC Truth Movement  · Willie Rodriguez Custodian of WTC 1, decorated for saving dozens of lives on 9/11/01, sued the Bush regime for racketeering and complicity in the crimes of September 11th · Phil Berg Fmr. Pennsylvania Deputy Attorney General, filed racketeering lawsuit against Bush regime on behalf of Willie Rodriguez  · Craig Hill Filmmaker, VT Green Senate candidate · Mark Crispin Miller Author, NYU Professor · Mimi Rosenberg WBAI "Building Bridges" · Dr. Faiz Khan Ground Zero triage doctor on September 11th, Asst. Imam, co-founder MUJCA




Click on thumbnails for larger images.
All photos by Stefania Zamparelli (c) 2005

Fr. Frank Morales of St. Mark's Church speaking in front of the New York Times building
Across from the New York Times building
Sherry Bender points to the New York Times building
Times Square
Times Square
In front of NewsCorp (Murdoch empire, owner of NY Post & Foxnews)
In front of NewsCorp
Pennsylvania attorney Philip J. Berg, who filed a racketeering lawsuit against the White House, speaking in front of Time-Warner/CNN.
Nicholas Levis speaking to Sunday visitors at the edge of Rockefeller Plaza (facing GE / NBC)
Front of the march
Down Fifth Avenue
Passing by Grand Central Station
Fr. Frank Morales speaking at Dag Hammerskjold Plaza, across from the United Nations


Hotline: 212-714-7147 

To New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer
Documenting probable cause for a 9/11 grand jury

October 2004: Citizens submit complaint and petition to NY State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, demanding new criminal investigation of September 11. The "Spitzer Complaint" is an excellent summary of the real 9/11 evidence.  Read the complete case and sign the solidarity petition at

Isn't it time Eliot gave us an answer?

The Mission
Do We Really Know the Truth?

What really happened on the morning of September 11, 2001? Why did the people at the top of the US military chain of command--Bush and Rumsfeld, Gens. Myers, Eberhard, Winfield and Mies--fail to act during the decisive portion of the attacks? Why did the air defense system fail to carry out its standard responses for intercepting errant planes, procedures which it had implemented some 67 times during the nine months prior to June 1, 2001?

How did the World Trade Center towers really come down? What brought down a third skyscraper, the 47-story WTC Building 7, which wasn't even hit by an airplane?

Why did it take four years for US officials to admit, only recently, that they had alleged hijacker Mohamed Atta under surveillance for years before the attacks, as part of the Pentagon's "Able Danger" operation? Why is there still no admission that the alleged hijackers of the "Hamburg Cell" were under surveillance by the CIA and other agencies for years before 2001?

Why were FBI investigators blocked from tracking the alleged hijackers before 9/11? Why was there no action on early, numerous and specific warnings from foreign governments that an attack was imminent? Who was protecting the men who would later be blamed for the "Attack On America," and why?

Why did The 9/11 Commission Report ignore most of the real questions posed by the September 11th victims' families? Who financed the hijacking operation, and why did the 9/11 Commission say "the question is of little practical significance"? Why did the Commission avoid bodies of evidence pointing to a circle of complicity within the US government and its covert agencies?

Immediately after 9/11 the US government ignored all questions and embarked on three broad policies. First, it marched us into a "pre-emptive," costly, open-ended "war on terror", with military invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, both planned and prepared long in advance of 9/11. Second, it brought the war home to America, in the form of the USA PATRIOT Act and related legislative assaults on our civil liberties and the Constitution. 

Third, it shifted literally trillions in spending priorities (in the years since) from butter to guns. We have seen an economic transformation that amounts to a "new new economy," one based on war and confiscation of vital resources around the world, and an infinite surveillance apparatus at home. (The corporate sponsors, friends and relatives, and direct members of the Bush regime have been among the leading profiteers and beneficiaries of these policies.)

We, of the broad based "9/11 truth movement" across America and the world believe that getting justice for all the victims of 9/11 is the means by which which we can both achieve peace and secure our liberties. And yet, in order to do so we must confront and expose the role of the mass media in supressing the truth of 9/11.

As a consequence, we researchers, activists and ordinary citizens with common sense are compelled to make our case directly to you, the public, for only we, the people, can act to expose the 9/11 cover-up.

Every day we are warned of the potential for new horrors, targets of a strategy of panic designed to keep us quiet.

People in New York City, particularly people of color, are being subjected to random searches as they board subways, violations of our Fourth Amendment rights. These searches won't stop any terrorists, because they are not designed to do so, but may simply be one of the most extensive trial balloons for martial law in American history.

And this was before the horror of Katrina allowed an even greater test of military rule on our soil: The commander of US forces moving into New Orleans declared to the Army Times (Sept. 2) that the city will soon look like a little Somalia, and that it is currently in the hands of an "insurgency" that must be crushed.

That is America after 9/11. There is nothing new in governments that degenerate into tyranny and plunder, or who use the tools of fear, the "strategy of tension" to keep the people confused and ready to accept policies they would never otherwise desire. When did a "great power" launch a war, without a big lie to start it? There would be nothing new about a government that allowed or even engineered an attack on its own people for political and economic gain. The list of historical precedents for both "false-flag" terror attacks and for false "casus belli" is long and sorrowful, both in this country and around the world. The United States is not unique.

Shall we be ruled by fear and the urge for flight, or shall we get together with others and stand up and fight? Shall we stay on the road to perpetual war, fiscal ruin and a police state, or shall we build a world of freedom, justice and peace? Shall we remain ruled by the lie, or live together in the light of truth? Our democracy is under threat, it is in mortal danger. The truth of 9/11 can help reignite the fire of patriotic dissent in us all and help bring about justice for the victims of 9/11, both here and around the world.

We can and must choose a different world! We invite you to participate in the ongoing 9/11 Truth events in New York City and the World. (frm/nl)

- - 

Justice for 9/11
- "Complete 9/11 Timeline" -

The Ballad of William Rodriguez

It was a beautiful September morning!
Now everyone remembers that date!
World Trade Center worker, William Rodriguez
Was lucky to be coming in late.

He'd been clockin' in to his janitor job
For twenty long years, don't you know
He'd even survived the '93 basement bombing
That injured a thousand or so.

As he walked into the Maintenance Office
Right down there on sub-level one
His buddy Felipe stormed in the room screamin'
In panic and pain he did run
When a fiery blast from the elevator shaft
Burned the skin off his face and his arms
Felipe was screamin' "Explosion! Explosion!"
Then came the sound of alarms!

Instrumental -

The building was shaking and groaning
From below them they heard a great roar
Then above came the crash of a jet plane exploding
While below was still rattling the floor.

So Willie led Felipe out before the tower fell
Went back down and rescued some more
Then he went in again and he ran up the stairwell
Heard a series of blasts in the core.

Saving lives made him a "Ground Zero" hero
He was praised for his bravery
NBC sent a film crew to his home for an interview
But they didn't put his story on TV

He testified to the 9-11 Commission
On the truth he would not compromise
Then his story, like others, went the way of omission
Cause It contradicted the lies

Instrumental -

It was a terrible nine-eleven morning!
Now everyone remembers that date!
World Trade Center worker, William Rodriguez
Was lucky to be coming in late

If he'd come in on time, he'd a been on the top floors
He'd not have known of explosions below!
He was lucky to survive those demolition bombings
That murdered three thousand or so

Copyright (c) 2005 Victor Rene Sadot
Orbian Love Music/BMI

Craig Hill  speaking at St. Mark's Church on Sunday evening (click for WMV video -

NYC 9/11 Truth Events Calendar for 2005