C.O.R.E. Network

Cosmic Orgone Engineering

Cloudbusting, for

Drought Abatement and Desert-Greening

A Natural Method for Restoring Atmospheric Energetic Pulsation
and Rains to Regions of Drought and Desert

Invented by the late Dr. Wilhelm Reich

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The USA CORE Network is an association of natural scientists, physicians and naturalists, established in the early 1990s to provide for better coordination of experimental operations with the Reich cloudbuster as undertaken at different experimental stations in the USA. Such work has been on-going by Network members since the 1960s with a less formal structure. Over the years, there has occurred an increased interest in Dr. Reich's findings on "Cosmic Orgone Engineering" (CORE), which in trained hands can be used to overcome the problems of atmospheric stagnation and restore atmospheric-energetic pulsation and self-regulated qualities, for the purpose of drought-abatement, desert-greening and pollution abatement. This increased interest has required a closer integration, analysis and oversight, to improve the outcomes of operations, and towards this end the CORE Network was founded. The Network provides for inter-group discussions of weather problems and phenomena, notifications of operations, and constructive critical analysis of operations as undertaken by its various members and apprentices, with occasional meetings and publications.

Members of the CORE Network take a decisively functional, natural-scientific approach, and have decades of practical experience with the Reich cloudbuster -- being guided by the original theories and methods as laid down by Wilhelm Reich many years ago, with a few advancements in apparatus and techniques. All members of the CORE Network have engaged in significant study and personal experimental investigation into Reich's orgone biophysics, with additional study of classical meteorology and climatology. CORE Network members also have a significant personal background in Reich's orgone therapy, so as to increase their personal life-energetic contact with the natural environment, and to reduce or eliminate traces of biophysical-characterological armoring within themselves. These latter considerations are considered paramount by CORE Network members, especially given the current chaotic situation of widespread amateur "activism" with cloudbuster-type devices, for which very large and unsupportable claims are often made. By contrast, CORE Network members have a long history of undertaking serious analysis and publishing of their research data in various scientific journals, with a demonstrated record of safe and successful operations.

The CORE Network offers the skills of its experienced members for the application of the Reich cloudbuster to problems of drought and deserts, and teams of Network workers with suitable equipment have undertaken such work in the USA and in desert-drought regions overseas as well. Serious inquiries are welcomed. Professional training is also available to suitable candidates.

Contact information:

James DeMeo, Ph.D.
Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
PO Box 1148
Ashland, Oregon 97520 USA
E-mail to: info(at)orgonelab.org
(Click or copy into your email program and insert the "@" symbol)

Dr. DeMeo is available to give a PowerPoint presentation on his research findings, and the larger subject of CORE-cloudbusting to your group. Click here for more information.

For more information on the subjects of atmospheric orgone biophysics and cloudbusting, please consult the following list of articles, located at the website of the Orgone Biophysical Research Lab:

* "Research Summary on a New Method for Drought-Abatement And Desert-Greening: Cloudbusting", by James DeMeo, Ph.D.

* "Cloudbusting: Growing Evidence for a New Method of Ending Drought and Greening Deserts", by James DeMeo, Ph.D. (published in the Newsletter of the American Institute for Biomedical Climatology)

* "Orop Arizona 1989: A Cloudbusting Experiment To Bring Rains in the Desert Southwest" by James DeMeo, Ph.D.

* "OROP ISRAEL 1991-1992: A Cloudbusting Experiment to Restore Wintertime Rains to Israel and the Eastern Mediterranean During an Extended Period of Drought", by James DeMeo, Ph.D.

* Cloudbusting is Not "Weather Modification".

* Nuclear Power, Atom Bombs and Droughts
Severe Drought Crisis in Rajasthan Province, India, following underground nuclear bomb tests in India and Pakistan, May 1998. by James DeMeo, Ph.D.

* So, You Want To Build A Cloudbuster? A Rational Approach to the Development of Cosmic Orgone Engineering, and for Resolving the Problems Which Have Occurred Due to the Growing Interest in Cloudbusting, by James DeMeo, Ph.D.

* On Atmospheric Disturbances, "Chemtrails" and the "Croft Chembuster": Critical Discussions.

* The Growing Nonsense About Wilhelm Reich and Orgone Energy on Global Internet.

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