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11/01/2008 - EUREGHA Winter Conference: Addressing Health Inequalities in the Regions of Europe

Room JDE 51: 09.00 – 13.00

The EUREGHA network (European Regional and Local Health Authorities Platform) will hold its 2008 winter conference on the theme of Addressing Health Inequalities in the Regions of Europe.

Addressing Health Inequalities is central to the EU Health Strategy. The aim of the conference is to examine how the regions in Europe can contribute to addressing health inequalities and to look at some of the good practice that is already occurring at regional and local level in this field.

The conference will be chaired by Mr Karsten Uno Petersen - CoR Rapporteur (EU Health Strategy and the Directive on safe, high-quality and efficient cross-border healthcare), Danish Regions.

Organiser: EUREGHA

To register, please contact: Ms Nadia Elhaggagi

Tel: 02 5040756

Fax: 02 5040722

E-mail: or

24/01/2008 - Eurosparks – Cross Border Parking Enforcement Initiative – Legal research

Room JDE 51: 09.00 – 18.00

VVSG will host a meeting of the EUROSPARKS initiative that is focusing on the following issue : The adoption of civil legal procedures in road traffic enforcement and road user charging in Belgium, the UK and a number of other European jurisdictions (Netherlands, Spain, Malta, Germany, Italy and others) is leading to unforeseen problems of enforcing civil judgments across borders, and to inequalities of treatment between different classes of citizen who infringe the traffic regulations or fail to pay civil debts arising from vehicle use in another member state.

Organiser: VVSG

To register, please contact: Ms Linda Francx

Tel: 02 211 55 56

Fax: 02 211 56 00

12/02/2008 - Biorefuture 2008

Room JDE 52: 10.00 – 17.00

The BIOREFINERY EUROVIEW project aims at preparing for future EU research and technological development activities, including monitoring, assessment activities in the field of biorefineries, and the implications for agriculture and forestry policy. This approach meets the Treaty objectives of strengthening the scientific and technological bases of EU industry and encouraging the latter to become more competitive at international level.

The BIOREFINERY EUROVIEW is designed to support European policy (agriculture, forestry, energy and research policies in particular) and to strengthen the European Research Area, in order to increase the competitiveness of European territorial systems in the biorefinery field.

  • Studying existing or planned European biorefineries

  • Identifying socio-economic factors and regulatory aspects which improve or slow down the development of biorefineries

  • Building a range of forecasting scenarios for biorefinery development

  • Selecting the concepts and the operational policies for the future development of biorefineries

The first conference entitled BioreFuture 2008 has the aim to present the results of the project, and to discuss with the stakeholders of Europe on joint concepts and strategies.

Organiser: Biorefinery Euroview – Eszak-Alföld Region, Hungary

To register, please contact: Ms Kincso Izsak

Tel: 0032 485 977 384

Fax: 0032 2 735 65 99


14/02/2008 - Interactions between atmospheric pollution and climate at regional scale.

Room JDE 51 – 09.30 – 16.30

Atmospheric pollutants responsible of negative effects to human health, and green-house gases at the origin of climate change, are often originating from common sources. Control measures to mitigate climate change are not neutral in terms of atmospheric pollutants emissions, and vice-versa.

Today it is believed that a relevant evaluation of control measures efficiency to mitigate both phenomena should rely on a global approach, including not only their correlated effects but also their costs, in view of possible future integrated Policies.

This Conference organized by ENERO (European Network of Environmental Research Organisations-representing 12 Member States in 2007) and supported by Regions Picardie and Wallonia, will allow to make an exhaustive review on such complex issues with all involved stakeholders.

The conference involves the major actors of this topic in Europe, either at the European commission (Policy makers, Research managers of the Framework Programme and at JRC), and the main Research Organisations at national/regional levels. Emphasis is put on the phenomena at a regional scale, including also metropolitan areas.

After describing observed effects, it is addressing the needs for research to overcome the identified knowledge gaps. New infrastructures under development, based on satellites observation (GMES), are also presented.

Challenges in modelling of economic issues, resulting from control measures conceivable scenarios, are presented and discussed.

A concluding Round Table will gather together Regions, Networks of Regions ERRIN (Research oriented) and EPRO (Environment oriented), the EP Environment Committee, the European commission actors and national research Organisations involved in these topics.


Organiser: ENERO (European Network of Environmental Research Organisations)

To register, please contact: Mr Philippe Villeneuve de Janti

Tel: 0033 3 44 55 64 73

Fax: 0033 3 44 55 66 00


22/02/2008 - European Convention of the Employers’ Groupings

Room JDE 51 - 09.00 - 14.30

The Employers’ Groupings offer a new form of collective and interdependent work organisation, which allows to fit:

  • Punctual needs of skills necessary to the development of companies
  • Employment stability and work advancement of employees

Developed in France, Germany and Belgium, Employers’ Groupings invite you to a convention and an interactive debate, in the presence of Mr Vladimir Spidla, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal opportunities. Testimonies of employees, company leaders and managers of Employers’ Groupings will then make you discovering all the facets of their activities.

Favouring a win-win relationship between the Economic activity and employees, Employers’ Groupings adapt and anticipate the global market changes, to the benefit of sustainable employment at the very time the European Commission adopts its Common principles of Flexicurity

Programme: EN- FR

Organiser: CRGE Brussels, CRGE Poitou Charente, GEMIP, CRGE Brittany, PAGE, UGEF, PROGET 83, BV-AGZ.

For registration:


  • France: 00 335 49 882 557
  • Belgium: 00 3226 261 540
  • Germany: 00 493 078 794 211


27/02/2008 - Tomorrow's waste legislation

Room JDE 52 – 15.00 – 19.00

In the perspective of a possible second reading agreement, the workshop will provide an excellent opportunity to strengthen the inter-institutional dialogue since key players from the Council, the Parliament, and the Commission as well as from the Committee of the Regions and the Economic and Social Committee will be present.

In particular, the rapporteur of the European Parliament, Dr. Caroline JACKSON, will present the state of play at the Parliament in the kick-off phase of the Second Reading. Timo MÄKELÄ, Director, DG Environment and Dimitri GIOTAKOS, member of the cabinet of Commissioner DIMAS will represent the Commission.

There will be short addresses by key-note speakers covering some of the key questions to be raised and debated before adopting the final framework legislation that will be applicable in the coming decades:

  • Harmonisation versus flexibility
    • Co-decision vs. comitology
    • Clarity / Legal certainty
  • Coherence between the articles and the environmental objectives
  • Enforceability / Implementation

The speakers will not present the views of their respective organisations. They have been carefully chosen to provide the substance to a think-tank exercise, in which all invitees are invited to participate. This is why ample space has been foreseen for questions and answers.

The event will be concluded by a cocktail allowing for informal discussions between participants.


Organiser: ISWA, CEMR, FEAD, EEB

For registration, please contact: Mr Jacques Hoffenberg

Tel: +32 477 342 372



Launch of the FRA report Community Cohesion at local level.

Room JDE 51 - 10.30 - 17.00

On 3rd March 2008, the Committee of the Regions, ECOS Commission and the Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) will launch jointly a new FRA report “Community Cohesion at local level: addressing the needs of Muslim Communities”.  The objectives of the meeting are to introduce new report, work of the Local Communities network (LCN) and provide a discussion forum for topics highlighted in the Report. 

This Report is aimed at policy makers and practitioners involved in addressing racism and discrimination or working in the field of equality, community cohesion and integration at the local level. This publication provides a number of examples of good practice or initiatives at the local level from across European cities. They illustrate models of mainstreaming anti-discrimination and social cohesion. They highlight that some municipalities and regions target their integration policies/strategies toward Muslim communities, while others apply generic integration policies/strategies towards ethnic minorities. These are valuable lessons to be learned and shared with municipalities and regions across Europe.

The LCN brings together the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), the Committee of the Regions and policy officers from the cities of Aarhus (DK), Antwerp (BE), Bradford (UK), Genk (BE), Mannheim (DE), Nantes (FR), Sheffield (UK), Rotterdam (NL) and Turin (I), in order to lead policy dialogue and exchange of good practice in addressing racism and discrimination, as well as issues specific to the situation of Muslim communities.


Organiser: EU fundamental Rights Agency

To register, please contact: Ms Ingrid Haas, by 26th February at the very latest

Tel: : +43 1 58030 634

Fax: +43 1 58030 693


For more information please contact:

Ms Eva Sobotka, (Tel: +43 1 58030 634; Fax: +43 1 58030 693)

Mr Matteo Bettoli, (Tel: 43 1 58030 634; Fax: +43 1 58030 693).



Workers’ mobility in the health care sector
Room JDE 51 – 10.00 – 17.00


This Eurofedop event deals with the issue of mobility of health care professionals in Europe. Within the EU there is a tension between the fundamental principle of ‘free movement’ and migration flows from recently acceded Member States into EU15. A second angle is the developments in the health care sector in Europe and the trends and challenges that the health care professionals are facing.


Organiser: Eurofedop


For more information and registration, please contact :

06/03/2008 – 07/03/2008

Creation of a European Network of Social Interpretation and Translation Services.

06/03/2008- Room JDE 52
07/03/2008- Room JDE 51

The European social interpretation and translation services have been invited to this congress which aims for the creation of a European Network of Social Interpretation and Translation Services. The congress schedules the presentation of the attending services, and the identification and approval of the future objectives and activities of the European network, as well as its functioning.

Organiser: COFETIS-FOSOVET asbi (Coordination Fédérale de la Traduction et de l´Interprétatiat Social)

For more information and registration, please contact :


Première reunion de la Groupe Aquamarina
JDE 70

Groupe de travail de la Conférence des Régions Périphériques Maritimes (CRPM), Aquamarina est un groupe permanent d'intervention et de suivi du Livre Bleu et de la politique maritime européenne, présidé par la Région Bretagne.
Les axes de travail de ce groupe, qui réunira les Régions maritimes européennes, sont de deux ordres :
- assurer le suivi du Livre Bleu et du plan d’action communautaire ;
- Pour certains thèmes prioritaires, analyser les besoins d’évolution des politiques maritimes communautaires.
Le 26 mars se tient, au Comité des Régions, la première réunion du groupe qui abordera, en particulier, le thème de la sécurité maritime.

Organisateur: Conseil Régional de Bretagne

European Forum with Public Communicators- Open Preparatory Session
JDE 51 14.30-18.30

feacp (european federation of public communicators associations) is currently organising, on the 18th and 19th September, 2008 at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, a European Forum with Public Communicators under the theme “How Do National Public Institutions, Cities and Territories Communicate with Citizens?”

So as to collectively elaborate the final programme of the European Forum, we cordially invite you to an open preparatory session the 26th March at 14:30 at the Committee of the Regions of the European Union, 101, rue Belliard, Brussels. 
With the collaboration of the Slovenian Presidency of the Union, this meeting will end with a brief debate, from 17:30 to 18:30, on the topic "Communication with European Citizens". One of the speakers will be Mrs Nada Serajnik Sraka, Senior Advisor in the Slovenian Government Communication Office for EU related communication.
tel: 0140209200
fax: 0142610558


Purposes, Objectives and Priorities

European Forum with Public Communicators

Programme 18th 19th September




“Mobility in Europe” and “ESF across borders – engaging the regions”

27.03.08 JDE 51 09.00-17.00
28.03.08 JDE 51 09.00-17.00

Organiser:  European Association of Regional and Local Authorities for Lifelong Learning (EARLALL)
The purpose of the first seminar is to address the issues faced by several regions in relation to mobility practices for apprentices, students and teachers, including in the area of vocational educational training (VET). In addition, it will look at how to improve and facilitate the mobility between European regions in the future.
The second seminar will focus on the opportunities for transregional cooperation within the European Social Fund. The purpose is to discuss practical ideas which can facilitate cooperation between regions and also to identify potential project ideas and partners. In the afternoon there will also be a “Market place” which will give participants the opportunity to present their ESF projects and find potential project partners.
EARLALL brings together regional and local authorities and aims to influence European policymaking in the fields of education and lifelong learning. Since its creation in 2001 EARLALL has participated in a number of European projects and contributed to the debate on lifelong learning through various position papers presented in the Employment and Regional policy debate as well as the European Education and Training area.

Kent Johansson (ALDE/SE), Member of the Committee of the Regions is the Chairman of EARLALL. The high-level seminar in the afternoon of 27 March and morning of 28 March include presentations from Gerd Harms (PES/DE) Member of the Committee of the Regions and President of the EDUC Commission and representatives from regional governments across Europe.

For registration and to participate in the seminars please consult:


Transfair (TRANSnationality for Training, Action and Rural Initiatives), along with partners from the British Isles, southern Europe, PECO and representatives from the education sector, aims to equip the agricultural and rural sector with tools to enable them to deal with the issues and problems with which they are faced in Europe in the twenty-first century. 

Pascal Dagron
AC3A  - Rue Adolphe Bobierre – La Géraudière – 44939 Nantes cedex 9
Tél : +33 2 40 16 37 44


AC3A Invitation


China-Europa Forum

JDE 52 09.00-13.00

In a world that has become heavily interdependent, how are we to organise global dialogue between societies in different regions of the world in order to overcome misunderstandings, develop cooperation and learn from each other's experience?  Furthermore, what role can European regions play in developing this dialogue? The China-Europa Forum offers powerful and innovative answers to these two questions.
After having witnessed the success of the second forum, which was held in Europe from 4th to 7th  October 2007, the Committee of the Regions and the forum's organisers are convinced that the regions have a key role to play in organising and developing society-to-society dialogue.The objective is to root each of the 46 workshops of the second Forum, and others to be set up in response to European and Chinese requests (on health systems for instance) in one or more European regions.

As we are convinced that this proposal offers European regions new and strong prospects for strengthening their international role and profile, fostering stakeholder dialogue, enriching intellectual and social life and strengthening cooperation among European regions, we are pleased to invite you to attend a briefing and discussion meeting on 1 April 2008, from 9 a.m. to 13 p.m., at the Committee of the Regions headquarters, located at rue Belliard 99-101, 1040 Brussels.

For further information, please contact :

Ms Isabelle Dirkx (Committee of the Regions)
Tel : (+32) 2 282 25 13

Ms Eglantine Jastrabsky (China-Europa Forum)
Tel : (+33) 1 40 21 36 57



Information Pack


Sea Your Future! - Social and Regional Partner Conference
Room VM-3 14:30 – 18:00

The Social Partners in the European shipbuilding and ship repair sector, the European Metalworkers’ Federation (EMF) and the Community of European Shipyards’ Associations (CESA) will officially launch the 2nd European Shipyard Week 2008 – entitled “SEA YOUR FUTURE”- with a conference at the Committee of the Regions in Brussels on 2nd April 2008  hosted by the German Land of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
During the European Shipyard Week a large number of activities are organised all over Europe to advocate shipbuilding fascination and support the sector and the regions in their efforts to create new jobs and to attract skilled young people to work at shipyards. In order to underline this objective, top young professionals from European shipyards will attend the conference and have a “European Shipyards’ Next Generation Party“ after the conference.

Organisers:  European Metalworkers’ Federation (EMF)
   International Trade Union House (ITUH)
   Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 5 (bte 10)
   B-1210 Brussels

   Community of European Shipyards’ Association (CESA)
   Rue Marie de Bourgogne, 52, 3rd floor
   B-1000 Brussels

For registration, please contact: Heike Thomsen
Tel: 00 32-2 282 03 54


Draft Programme

French National Rectors’ Conference Annual Meeting: ‘European universities: new frontiers, new perspectives’
02.04.08- JDE 5th floor 16.30-20.15
03.04.08- JDE 5th floor 8.30- 19.00
04.04.08- JDE 5th floor 8.30- 16.00

To coincide with the French Presidency of the EU taking place later this year, The French National Rectors’ Conference (Conférence des présidents d’université - CPU) is organising its annual meeting in Brussels, Belgium (2-4 April). The theme of this special conference, which is due to be opened by the Commissioner for Education, Training, Culture and Youth, Ján Figel', is ‘European universities: new frontiers, new perspectives’.

The conference includes round tables on the issues of mobility and the role of universities in the knowledge society. There will also be a series of themed workshops on key European issues such as: university autonomy, financing of university research, quality assurance and evaluation, and the issue of widening access and participation.

EUA will be actively involved in the conference, with a special pre plenary session being organised by the CPU/EUA. Professor Georg Winckler, EUA President, and other members of the EUA are also due to speak on a number of the roundtables. French Minister for Higher Education and Research, Valerie Pecresse, will give the event’s closing presentation.

Translation from French to English will be provided for the plenary sessions.

For more information on the conference, which is open to the rectors of European universities, please visit the CPU website or contact Sophie Dotaro.

Organiser: Conférence des Présidents d’Université - CPU

For registration, please contact: Sophie Dotaro
Tel: 0033 144 329127
Fax: 0033 144 329102

CPU Website



Communiqué de Presse

Final Seminar of Interreg 3C sud- ABC Development project
JDE 52 15.00-21.00

This project has tried to assist European regions face the programming period 2007-2013 through efficent policies for development.
The regions involved, Regione Liguria (Lead Partner) Generalitat Valenciana, Islas Baleares, Regione Sardagine, Regione de Thesslie, have differing experiences- as Objective 1 or Objective 2 regions- and they are implementing their programming documents in an innovative way.
In the ABCD project, each region has identified its own priority sectors for sustainable local development and has managed pilot projects, which have just reached their conclusions.
The final event intends to showcase these experiences from each region, which have produced an interesting model for a new Regional Unique Programming Document.
The final Seminar in Brussels is the opportunity to share these results and to evoke a debate on the subjects involved.
The lead partner, Regione Liguria is responsible for the event, also with its offices in Brussels, Casa Liguria.

Organiser: Regione Liguria

For registration, please contact:


European cities integrating migrants - From Amsterdam to Zagreb: Fostering a dialogue about successful policies
Room JDE 62 – 09.00 – 18.00

The joint conference organised by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, the European Commission, the Council of Europe and the Committee of the Regions will bring together policy makers, high-level representatives of European cities, experts, national and regional representatives and representatives of civil society and social partners to debate on innovative policies of local governance for integration and access to housing and on personnel policy of local authorities and services for migrants.

Organiser: ECOS Commission

For registration, please contact: Mr  KIENEL Christof
Tel: 02/282.2521
Fax: 02/546.9061

Making cancer a priority at european, national and regional level. Cancer patients – Partners for change
Room JDE 52 – 14.30 – 18.30

Under the auspices of the Slovenian EU Presidency, the European Cancer Patient Coalition (ECPC), an umbrella organisation for all cancer patient groups from across Europe, will hold its Cancer Patient Summit on 7 and 8 April 2008 in Brussels at the Committee of the Regions.
The aim of the Summit is to bring together cancer patient advocacy groups, health policy makers, politicians and the professional oncology community to unite behind the Slovenian cancer initiative and work together to promote the Presidency cancer conclusions at the European, national and regional level. Cancer is a complex set of over 200 diseases and a major health burden which is set to increase as the European population ages. With one in three EU citizens being diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime and one in four dying of it, cancer is a major public health burden. 
The conference will address 3 key issues:
• How to implement a comprehensive cancer control strategy addressing prevention, early detection, screening, diagnosis, treatment and care, including palliative care.
• How to share already available best practice, encourage more research and find creative ways to improve cancer outcomes.
• How to mobilize all stakeholders and join forces to reduce the existing cancer gaps within and between countries and regions of the European Union.

Organiser: European Cancer Patient Coalition

For registration, please contact: Mrs Hildrun Sundseth
Tel: 02/646 69 50
Fax: 02/646 84 66

The Role of the Family in the Regions: The results of the "Family Network" of the Autonomous Province of Trento
Room JDE 70 15h00 – 17h00

The aim of this event is to present the public policies and the private integrated services, which have been put into practice in the Autonomous Province of Trento (Trentino- Italy) for the territorial promotion of family well-being, to the representatives of the European regions in Brussels, the officials of the National Representations to the EU, the members of the ECOS-Commission of the CoR and to the officials and members of the involved committees of the EP and the EC.

Organiser: Eurorégion Trentino – Tyrol du Sud - Tyrol

For registration, please contact: M. Rodaro Vittorino
Tel: +32 743 27 00
Fax: +32 742 09 80


Meeting of the Regional Parliament and the Regional Government of the Province of Noord Brabant in Brussels
Room JDE 51 11.00-15.30

The Regional Parliament and the Executive Board of the Province of Noord Brabant will pay a study visit to Brussels on April 17th 2008, 09.00-14.30. After a plenary introduction, the following themes will be discussed and debated in 3 parallel seminars: Climate change and Energy, the Structural funds and the CAP and ICT and Social Inclusion. The meeting will conclude with a plenary session, during which conclusions will be presented and commented upon by a specialist panel.

Contact person for the study visit:
Mr. H. Homan,
Policy adviser European & International Affairs,
Province of Noord Brabant,
the Netherlands.


ESBG: Towards a greener European savings and retail banking sector
Room JDE 53 – 09.00 – 17.00


This conference, organised by ESBG, the European Savings Banks Group, aims to demonstrate the savings banks' responsible engagement in favour of the "fure of the planet", which would come as an expected part of the return to society they embody and of their long-term commitment to the communities.
Organiser:  ESBG - European Savings Banks Group
For registration, please contact:



Closing ceremony of the Eurostars competition
Room JDE 53 14.30-17.30

Ile-de-France Region (FR), the Land of Brandenburg (DE) and the region of Mazovia (PL) co-organised the competition “Eurostars” in the Framework of the 6th session of the French-German-Polish youth parliament and on the thematic of 2007, European Year of Equal Opportunities for All.
The projects could be organised
- by schools,
- by youths
- or by regions
and had to aim
- the fight against prejudices and misunderstandings
- work for gender equity
- participate at the building of a fairer society
They had to take place in the 3 regions (Ile-de-France; Brandenburg, Mazovia) and could have an impact purely regional, bilateral or trilateral with the 2 other participating regions.
More information on: .

The winners of the 3 projects are invited to meet in Brussels. This will give them the opportunity to meet and also exchange with all the stakeholders: institutionals (representatives from the European Commission -DG EAC + DG EMPL- and the Committee of the Regions –representatives from the 3 regions-) as well as the civil society (European Youth Forum and European Disability Forum) and the other regional offices based in Brussels.

Organiser : Bureau Ile-de-France Europe


Quo Vadis, Cuba- Transition Scenarios at the end of the Castro era
Joint Conference of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and the Robert-Schuman Stiftung
13.05 Room JDE 51- 15.00-18.30
14.05 Room JDE 51- 9.00-13.30

The objective of the event is to analyse the potential transition scenarios for Cuba, aiming at a democratic opening and a change of the political system. Accordingly, the aim is to present the different political, socio-political and economical actors and their ideas. The international scenario, particularly the role of the USA, the EU and the countries of Latin America in this process, will also be dealt with during this discussion.

Organisateur: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, European Office

Participation only on invitation

Mme Ingrid AM Bous 



Innovative management of territories: Future challenges
Barcelona's proposal

This year, Diputació de Barcelona celebrates the 10th anniversary of its presence in Brussels. During this period, Barcelona Province has worked to participate in the European policy communicating and putting in value the activities and local policies implemented in our territories. 
In the framework of this celebration, where a high number of representatives of our administration will be present, including the President of Barcelona Province, Celestino Corbacho, we intend to organize a seminar on the innovative management of the territories, explaining what Barcelona is doing in the field of urbanisation, natural parks management, immigration and the network of libraries. Diputació de Barcelona, intend to evoke a debate on the capacity of local governments to implement innovative policies.
Organiser: Barcelona Provincial Council/ Diputació de Barcelona

For more information, please contact: Ms Marga Barceló
Tel: 02 223 3521
Fax: 02 223 3527


GROWTH AND JOBS SUMMIT: Leading and gaining momentum for our joint challenges. Taking the next step in terms of the Lisbon Strategy – EU, nationally, regionally, and locally
Room JDE 53 09.30-16.30

Sörmland Regional Council’s ambition with this workshop is to gain insight into where the EU stands today in terms of the Lisbon Strategy and gather the force and momentum to resolve Sörmland’s most fundamental challenges. The workshop will highlight the important issues that Europe faces also in terms of global competition, the roles of the regions and which strategies form the platform for these efforts. Furthermore, the challenges that Sweden faces will be presented as well as where Sörmland stands today as regional and local players. Through the Lisbon Region’s network and Lotta Finstorp role as Chairperson, a great deal of work is being done through the Stockholm-Brussels Office. Consequently, the regions have also been invited to present how they implement the strategy and gather momentum. The Regional Council has also invited the Lisbon Council, a think tank for the Lisbon Strategy, and important player in promoting developments

Organiser: Sörmland Regional Council
For registration, please contact Elisabeth Langgren Lundov
Tel: 0046 155 778 98



Key factors of success in promoting social cohesion: Contributions of partnerships between local authorities and organisations of social interest
15.05 Room JDE 52- 16.00-18.00
16.05 Room JDE 52- 09.00-15.30

The strengthening of social cohesion within European territories and among European territories is a cornerstone for the accomplishment of the Lisbon objectives, as well as for the full realisation of the European social model.
It means, above all, to reinforce the links within and between local communities and to strive for the full participation of all local actors in the shaping of processes fostering social cohesion. Respect of fundamental rights and their guarantee to all citizens and inhabitants are herein crucial. It appears thus of utmost importance to remove all obstacles of social and economic nature that might hinder individuals to have access to and to fully enjoy these rights. 

Local and regional authorities as well as the organisations of social interest have a key role to play in this process, as they are the closest to citizens and thus able to activate effective bottom up processes.

REVES, the European Network of Cities and Regions for Social Economy, is active in the definition and construction of local partnerships able to pursue the establishment of cohesive, fair and inclusive local societies. Through its initiatives, it is in a position to individuate the potentialities of such partnerships, but also the constraints that often inhibit them from working properly in the pursuit of common objectives.

The half-day conference, organised by REVES under the patronage of the Committee of the Regions and with the support of Mr. Vladimir Špidla, Commissioner for Employment and Social Affairs, aims to analyse:
a) the contribution of local partnerships to the achievement of the objective of social cohesion;
b) the European political and legal framework for such partnerships face to territorial experiences in terms of political and legal constraints;
c) possible perspectives and actions to be taken in order to take full advantage of local experiences.

On 15 May, the conference will be preceded by the REVES General Assembly which will partially be open to the public (on invitation).

16 May the public conference will last from 9 a.m. to 11.30 a.m and will be followed by a closed part of the REVES General Assembly (not open to the public) as from 11.30

Organiser: REVES

For more information, please contact: Ms Erdmuthe Klaer
Tel: 02 230 8810
Fax: 02 230 4618

Invitation & Programme

Transatlantic Civil Society Conference on marine protected areas (MPAs) and their contribution to the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity
Room JDE 51 09.00-17.00

The conference is the final event of a two-year project for transatlantic civil society dialogue, entitled 'Transatlantic Platform for Action on the Global Environment (T-PAGE)'. This is a joint project of the Institute for European Environment Policy (IEEP) (London/Brussels) and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) (Washington) with co-funding from the European Community. T-PAGE is a forum to facilitate debate between members of EU and US civil society and to aid understanding and identify areas for future collaboration between civil society organisations on both sides of the Atlantic with a view to contributing to improved protection of the global environment.
One of the global environmental issues addressed by T-PAGE is the conservation of marine biodiversity and more specifically the establishment and sustainable management of marine protected areas (MPAs). The Brussels conference, which has been prepared through two expert workshops and the production of background papers, will address the following themes:
- High Seas MPAs - what is required for their establishment
- MPAs and their role in the implementation of the ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management
- Development of an MPA community strategy - to identify successes (and failures) and learn from them
- How to communicate and market success stories for different audiences.

Organiser: Institute for European Environmental Policy

For registration, please contact Mr Marc Pallemaerts
Tel: 02/738.74.71
Fax: 02/732.40.04

The Peri Urban dimension of the CAP: the PURPLE regions’ position
22 May- JDE 52 14.00-17.30

The PURPLE network, encompassing 13 Peri-urban regions in Europe - Catalunya, Dublin, Flanders, Frankfurt Rhein-Main, Ile-de-France, Mazovia, MHAL (Maastricht, Hasselt, Aachen, and Liège), Nord-Pas de Calais, Randstad, Rhône-Alpes, South-East England, Stockholm and West Midlands – aims to provide a platform for discussion of the peri-urban dimension of the CAP in the context of the health check.
The peri-urban areas meet particular challenges for their agriculture. It is important to recognise the specific peri-urban agenda in the European regulations on agriculture and rural development, and this event - which will be attended by the EU Commissioner in charge of Agriculture and Rural development, experts from the European Commission, and representatives from the European Parliament, the Committee of the Regions, NGOs, the academic sector and other stakeholders - will be the occasion to present the PURPLE position paper about the future of EU agriculture.
With the organisation of such an event in the CoR, “the Meeting Place of the European regions”, the PURPLE Regions want to contribute to the discussions about the European Agricultural Policy.  

Organiser: Peri Urban Regions Platform Europe- Plateforme européenne des régions Périurbaines (PURPLE -

For registration, please contact Emma Splinter
Tel: 0032 2 737 99 64
Fax: 0032 2 737 99 61


27.05.2008 – Conference – Room JDE51
ICTs for a green and connected city: sharing initiatives from business leaders and local authorities.

The main objectives of this event are to share ICTs initiatives against climate change between business leaders and local authorities and to launch and promote the ICT network for Energy efficiency.

Organized by ACIDD (Association for Communication and Information for Sustainability)
Phone: +33 (0)4 90 07 53 26


French National Rectors’ Conference Annual Meeting: ‘European universities: new frontiers, new perspectives’
02.04.08- JDE 5th floor 16.30-20.15
03.04.08- JDE 5th floor 8.30- 19.00
04.04.08- JDE 5th floor 8.30- 16.00

To coincide with the French Presidency of the EU taking place later this year, The French National Rectors’ Conference (Conférence des présidents d’université - CPU) is organising its annual meeting in Brussels, Belgium (2-4 April). The theme of this special conference, which is due to be opened by the Commissioner for Education, Training, Culture and Youth, Ján Figel', is ‘European universities: new frontiers, new perspectives’.
The conference includes round tables on the issues of mobility and the role of universities in the knowledge society. There will also be a series of themed workshops on key European issues such as: university autonomy, financing of university research, quality assurance and evaluation, and the issue of widening access and participation.
EUA will be actively involved in the conference, with a special pre plenary session being organised by the CPU/EUA. Professor Georg Winckler, EUA President, and other members of the EUA are also due to speak on a number of the roundtables. French Minister for Higher Education and Research, Valerie Pecresse, will give the event’s closing presentation.
Translation from French to English will be provided for the plenary sessions.
For more information on the conference, which is open to the rectors of European universities, please visit the CPU website or contact Pascal Level, or Sophie Dotaro.
Organiser: Conférence des Présidents d’Université - CPU

For registration, please contact: Sophie Dotaro
Tel: 0033 144 329127
Fax: 0033 144 329102



Communiqué de Presse

MIGRATION: a changing world
City to City Final Conference and Exhibition
Room:JDE 62 – 29/05/2008 –09.15-16.00
Room:JDE 62– 30/05/2008 –09.30-13.00

OVERALL GOAL: to bring to the attention of the policy- makers the work implemented at regional level by authorities and stakeholders in order to establish a continuing dialogue between the EU institutions and the European stakeholders with regard to migration policies and priorities on the territories.

THE OBJECTIVE OF THE EVENT: to discuss, share and showcase actual policies, measures and pilot actions implemented at regional level by the C2C partners and other projects financed by EU and mainstreaming regional programs (Interreg, ESF, Equal etc).

AUDIENCE:  European, national and regional stakeholders and decision-makers

EXHIBITORS: C2C partners, other organizations/institutions—invited by regional partners-- working on projects and or implementation of policies at regional level

CONCEPT: The event is a moment to share with other stakeholders and the EU institutions the activities and the regional policies on migration, focusing on good practices and identifying priorities and needs of the European territories.
For logistics reasons the conference element and the actual exhibition will take place in different venues and times

The exhibition will include :
1. exhibit of projects/actions (stands of different projects)
2. launch of European Network on Human Capital and economic Migration
3. visual presentation (cinema corner and photo exhibit, cultural shows and networking cocktail)
4. animation of the European debate on migration (opening session, 3 thematic workshops and closing conference)


Public-Private Partnership. Opportunities in Transport Infrastructure – regional perspectives in Poland and Spain
JDE 52 10.00-17.30

On the 3rd of June 2008 representations of Lodz and Valencia regions in Brussels, in cooperation with the Committee of the Regions, will organise a conference, the purpose of which is to exchange experiences of Polish and Spanish regions regarding transport infrastructure projects, implemented in the framework of public and private partnership. Some models of surface transport projects and the development of co-modality as best practice in logistics to fight climatic change and give a boost to sustainable transport will also be presented. In addition, representative of DG TREN will present the European transport policy and support for PPP transport infrastructure projects. The conference will be concluded by a reception and the opening of an exhibition in Atrium, presenting the most successful infrastructural projects from Lodz and Valencia.

Organiser: Regional Office of the Lodz Voivodship in Brussels, Valencian Regional Office in Brussels
For more information, please contact: Mr Mielczarek Mariusz
Tel: 02 230 90 77
Fax: 02 231 15 87


To register, please use this form:

Registration Form

Reforming public services: the implications of changes in services delivery and the role of social dialogue in local and regional government
JDE 51 10.00-17.00

Local and regional authorities across Europe are responsible for the delivery of a wide range of services to the citizens. In the past years, the models used by local and regional governments to deliver services to the communities have undergone fundamental changes, under the pressure of a number of factors. As a result of this, there is currently a variety of forms of service delivery including: self-delivery, public-public partnerships, public-private partnerships, outsourcing, etc.

The decision to change the form of delivery of a service can have substantial consequences on the organisation of work and the management of employees at municipal or regional level. For this reason, the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) and the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) have carried out a joint research project looking at the consequences of changes in service provision.

The conference will present the outcomes of the research, including good practice examples on the joint management of social partners and the role of social dialogue in the process of change. Participants at the event will discuss about the challenges ahead for public services and the role of social partners in facing these challenges. 

Organiser: Council of European Municiplaities and Regions (CEMR)
For registration, please contact: Ms Valérie Solle
Tel: 02 500 05 37
Fax: 02 511 09 49



STRATEGIES TO END HOMELESSNESS: Elements of conflict and cooperation at local level
JDE 51 8.30-5.30
Friday 6 June 2008

FEANTSA, the European Federation of national organisations working with homeless people, and the Committee of the Regions are organising a European seminar on “Strategies to end homelessness: Elements of conflict and cooperation at local level” with the participation of European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Vladimir Spidla, and First Vice-President of the Committee of the Regions, Michel Delebarre.

There are increasing efforts across Europe not only to manage or compensate for the phenomenon of homelessness, but also to significantly reduce and even end this societal phenomenon through consensus-building, targets and general public mobilisation. Ending homelessness is undoubtedly an ambitious task with potential elements of conflict and cooperation, especially at local level where solutions are to be found. Speakers at this seminar will consider some of the obstacles to /success factors for ending homelessness.

For information, programme, registration, please consult the FEANTSA website.
Deadline for registrations: 16 May 2008

Organiser: FEANTSA

For registration, please contact: Liz Gosme
Tel: 02 538 6669
Fax: 02 539 4174


FEANTSA webpage

Information meeting: Matching Opportunities for Regions in Europe (MORE) – the new DATABASE on transfrontier co-operation for local and regional authorities in Europe
JDE52 12.30-14.30

MORE is the free-of-charge online database on transfrontier, interterritorial and transnational co-operation of the Council of Europe and its Congress of Local and Regional Authorities.

MORE is run with the support of the Italian government and presented in co-operation with the Committee of the Regions of the European Union and the Council of European Municipalities and Regions.

MORE helps local and regional authorities to find partners for their European co-operation projects and is a platform for sharing and exchanging co-operation experiences.

European regions and municipalities, their associations and co-operation structures are invited to make use of this free service and help build a new platform for European partnerships.

The presentation of MORE is followed by a reception and will provide the occasion for both representatives of regions and municipalities to the European Union and for members of the Committee of the Regions to try out this new database now at their disposal.

For more information and to register for the conference, please contact Mr Sebastian SPERBER
Tel: +33 3 90 21 52 30
Fax: + 33 3 88 41 27 84


Forum of Federations / Committee of the Regions Global Dialogue on Federalism "Unity in diversity"
Committee of the Regions' Van Maerlant Building (Rue Van Maerlant 2, 1040 Brussels)
Room  VMA 1   9.00-18.00

The Global Dialogue on Federalism creates ongoing opportunities for people from different backgrounds to share their experiences and research in order to produce enduring comparative resources about current and emerging issues in federalism.
Country coordinators, practitioners and CoR members will engage in an international dialogue, responding to questions, learning about new trends and comparing their experiences in their respective countries, regions and organisations.

The following themes will be treated:
- Inter-personal solidarity and inter-regional solidarity
- Constitutional ambiguities and silences as a device for accommodating diversity and managing conflict
- State-wide parties and sub-state parties and the management of diversity
- Institution of shared-rule
- Accommodation of new diversity and demographic change in federal systems
- Indigenous peoples, first nations and minority rights in federal systems.

Organiser: The Committee of the Regions and The Forum of Federations

The final conference programme will be available soon. 

For more information, please contact:
- for the Forum of Federations:
 Ms Rhonda Dumas
- for the Committee of the Regions:
 Ms Valentina Staveris
 Tel: 02 282 2581

Emplois familiaux : la Fepem mobilise les régions en Europe
Salle JDE 53 - 09.00-14.30

Descriptif : Premier employeur de France, la Fédération des Particuliers-Employeurs (Fepem), forte des 5 millions de ressortissants et de salariés qu’elle représente, mobilise les régions en Europe sur les enjeux liés au développement des emplois familiaux à l’échelle de l’Union : emploi, travail illégal, politique familiale et cohésion sociale. La manifestation permettra de souligner la dimension régionale de l’Union européenne ainsi que le rôle du Comité des Régions et de rappeler que les solutions pour l’emploi et la croissance viennent d’abord du terrain. Le modèle de la FEPEM pour concilier vie professionnelle, vie privée et vie familiale en est une illustration.


o 9h00 : Présentation du rôle du Comité des Régions et de la commission ECOS en charge des affaires sociales, suivie d’un débat.

o 10h00 : Pause café

o 10h30 : Concilier vie professionnelle, vie privée et vie familiale : le modèle de la FEPEM – vers un espace européen des emplois familiaux

o 13h15 : Conclusion des débats

o 13h30 –15h00 : Déjeuner-buffet

Climate Change and the Challenges for Public Health: Engaging the Regions
JDE 51 09.00-18.00

The severe human health impacts of climate change require a clear response that incorporates health protection as a key component of climate mitigation and adaptation strategies. To address this, the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) ( and EUropean REGional Local Health Authorities (EUREGHA) network (, supported by the Committee of the Regions (CoR), and the Veneto and the North West of England regions, are co-organising a one day conference:

“Climate change and the challenges for public health: engaging the regions”

The event will bring together EU and international policy figures and the local health authority community, and provide a platform for discussion on how to better shape EU climate change policy by incorporating health. Conference participants will have the opportunity to share local knowledge, build partnerships and debate current EU climate change policy.

The specific purposes of the conference are to:

- Outline the European policy framework on the health impacts of climate change;
- Increase understanding of the health risks of climate change and options for mitigation and adaptation;
- Showcase existing local and regional adaptation and mitigation initiatives;
- Develop partnerships among local authorities, policy-makers, and the broader health and environment community;
- Provide policy recommendations on the EU climate change legislative framework, in particular the EU climate change and energy package and EU draft regulation on setting emission performance standards for new passenger cars

As part of this conference a Climate Change and Health Good Practice Awards will be awarded to local and regional mitigation and adaptation projects that simultaneously promote human health protect the climate. The awards will share good practice in projects aimed at reducing carbon emissions or in preparing adaptation plans for the inevitable changes that climate change will bring.

The precise awards categories, regulations and deadlines for this year's competition can be found on the awards website:

Organiser: European Regional and Local Health Authorities (EUREGHA)
For registration, please contact: Tina Blain
Tel: 0032 2 229 5389
Fax: 0032 2 229 5383

Futur European navigation satellite system
New opportunities for European enterprises and civil society

24 June 2008



Why a conference on Galileo by mid-2008 ?

The European Council of 13-14 December 2007 has ratified the decision to abandon the initial formula of a PPP at the advantage of a full financing by the budget of the European Union of the realisation and the display of the Galileo satellites positioning European system.(3.4 billions of Euros)

The European Space Agency (ESA) in cooperation with the European Commission is currently proceeding to the setting up of industrial planning and to the preparation of the calls for tender. On their side, the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers of the EU have successfully negotiated the regulation allowing the continuation of the EGNOS and GALILEO programmes.
This regulation, voted at a large majority by the European Parliament, on April 23, will be formally adopted by the Council of the Union before June.

Relying on this decision, the European Commission is now in a position to launch the formal calls for tender for the construction of ground infrastructures and satellites and their deployment.

All the main factors will be put together to open the way for a rapid launching of the industrial works which should lead to the sending into orbiting of the constellation of 30 satellites and the setting in function of all the ground infrastructures.

Why a conference on the civil applications of Galileo ?

It is therefore a new phase which would open up this upcoming summer, geared not any more to the realization of the system in itself but to the optimal use of the navigation systems, positioning and dating which will be offered by Galileo.

The publishing by the Commission, expected for mid-2008, of the results of consultations carried out since the publishing on dec.15.2006, of its Green Paper on the applications of Galileo, will demonstrate, in a symbolic fashion, that a page is being turned.

The Galileo constellation of 30 satellites as well as the ground communications and control infrastructures will not, of course, be operational before 2013. However, reinforcing, as of now, mobilising and stimulating the research centres and the European industrial community does not appear as a premature initiative. The time horizon is indeed 6 years down the line which, in these domains, looks like a particularly short time span.

Even more so that in the industrialized countries, starting with the USA , the GPS owners, as well as in countries such as Russia and China which are busy developing their own satellite radio navigation system, investments, research and development of products using satellite positioning signals are well on their way.

In June, this conference will open a period dedicated to the information and heightening up of the potential users’ awareness of these services as well as to the encouraging of technological research, to the promotion of their developments, the tuning up of industrial and commercial advance equipments apt to help satisfy , in a optimal way, the current requirements for services.

The conference would thus take place at a turning point of the development and the positioning of the Galileo project and all the actors concerned. This is the way the European officials in charge, approached by us, have seen its opportunity and decided to support it.


Representatives of the European Institutions : Commission, Parliament, Council Presidency, European Economic and Social Committee, Committee of the Regions, European Spatial Agency.
Representatives of the National public authorities : ministries of European Affairs, Transports, Environment, Home Affairs, Agriculture, Public Health, Industry, Research, Tourism, Immigration, etc.. ; of the national parliaments and the various national agencies concerned.
Representatives of the regional and territorial authorities and bodies: regions, provinces, cities, etc...
Representatives of R&D centres, research laboratories, competitiveness centres, specialised agencies, universities, etc...
Delegates of companies developing processes and application equipments: members of Galileo Services and others, both Europeans and Non-Europeans.
Delegates of public bodies, of public or private services users of Galileo : civilians rescue operations, sea and mountain rescue operation, road safety, management of road traffic, air traffic, transport and tracking of hazardous substances, surveillance of high risks sites and infrastructures (hydrographical networks, power stations, dams, seismic faults lines, monuments, iceberg, etc..), support to geological, seismic research, etc...
Representatives of users companies in the following sectors : road, air, river, rail, maritime, civil engineering, agriculture, fishing, energy, telecommunications, intelligence and security agencies, insurances and finance.
Representatives of civil society : traffic and positioning information, assistance to navigation, help to handicapped people, assistance to sick people( Alzheimer, etc ), optimizing the use of public transports, relief services, children surveillance, etc...
Representatives of the financial services industry: European investment bank (EIB), commercial banks, risk capital, etc...
Representatives of trade unions, consumers associations, NGO’s etc...
Representatives of the civil society: business lawyers, lobbyists, etc...
Observers of the defence and public security sectors
Representatives of the media sector

Organizing entity

Business Bridge Europe
Company incorporated under Belgian law, founded in 1990.
Registered office: 270, rue de la Cambre,
1200-Bruxelles, Belgium.


Vanderauwera Joëlle
32(0) 473 420968

Galileo Information

Galileo Website


Labour Market - Migration - Region
Presentation of an Instrument for Target Group Monitoring
Room JDE70– 24/06/2008 – 12.00-17.30


A concept of ‘Target Group Monitoring’ which can be applied to observe, accompany, direct and control  the status of integration from migrants into regional labour markets will be presented and discussed in this workshop. The specific goal of this meeting is to deepen central aspects of the concept and its modes of application in different European regions to improve its usability. To manage this, experts with different backgrounds in labour market, migration, statistics, politics, and qualification will be brought together.

The concept which will be presented was developed within the EU-funded project ‘Target Group Monitoring’. Of great importance in the development of the concept were on one hand processes of mutual learning between members of the European Network of Regional Labour Market Monitoring. On the other hand, there were researchers from Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, and the Netherlands involved, to assure the practicability of the concept in various European regions.

It can be expected that the workshop will improve the usability of the concept. It also provides the participants with basic information on the concept which will help them to apply it in their own framework or spread information about the concept within their own networks. If participants are interested in a continuous exchange on this issue, the European Network of Regional Labour Market Monitoring will provide the opportunities to do so.


Innovative development of regions
Room VM3 14.00-18.00

The Žilina self-governing Region (Slovakia), in co-operation with other partners, organises in the long term activities aimed at innovative support. This term contains a long-lasting process which will connect an environment for research and development, a business sector and innovative potential in regions onwards to sustainable development. A vital component to ensure continued progress is to create partnerships at European level.

Therefore the Žilina self-governing region in co-operation with the CoR would like to invite you to a conference Innovative development of regions which will be held on Tuesday 24 June at 2:30 pm in the CoR´s spaces on Rue Van Maerlant 2 (opposite the CoR headquarters building) in the room VM3.

The main goal of the conference is to approach innovative companies and projects from the Žilina region to participants and to provide a platform for discussion on the strategy of innovative development in the EU and in Slovakia.

We will present key activities which have already been realised, the European Commission, DG REGIO will familiarise us with possibilities of innovative activities financing in regions and ERRIN – European Regions Research and Innovation Network has rich experience in this field as well.

Organiser: Žilina Region
For registration, please contact: Mr Marek Dvorsky
Tel: 02 741 82 77


Euracom Operating Committee
Room 2253 09.30 - 12.00

The operating committee brings together the coordinators of the national associations of the mining cities among Europe. These associations represent about 900 local authorities in 10 countries. The members of Euracom come from the various part of Europe (From UK to Hungary). The meeting will tackle the implementation of the ERDF in the mining areas, and the projects of interregional cooperation between the mining regions of Europe.

To register, please contact : Patrice Delattre, Euracom Coordinator.

The NEREUS Network’s (Network of European Regions Using Space Technologies) General Assembly
Room JDE 52 – 09.00-17.00

Officially launched on 18 December 2007, the NEREUS Association wishes to become a dialogue, exchanges and reflection place between the Regions, the actors from the space sectors in Europe and the European authorities, in many fields such as Galileo and GMES programmes, telecommunications, the development of the universe sciences, training, scientific culture.
NEREUS aims at supporting technologies transfers, innovation, and the development of services, by becoming a necessary instrument for the implementation of a space policy for economic growth, industrial competitiveness, job creation in Europe.

12 Regions signed the statutes of the Association on 14 April 2008, and several new members are ready to join the network during the Extraordinary General Assembly, on 7 July 2008. On the occasion of this event, the network will elect its committee and will welcome its new members. The call for candidature is now open for any European region or associated members, such as companies, universities, associations…).
This morning session will be limited to the NEREUS members.
This General Assembly will be followed by a Conference, open to the public: « NEREUS Network : the regional dimension for space applications » from 14:00 to 17:00.

For any information and registration to the afternoon conference, please contact
Please find further information about NEREUS on the following web-site:


Aquamarina - Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR)
Room JDE 53 09.30-18.00

Within the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR), whose members are from more than 150 European maritime regions, Aquamarina is a group of intervention and monitoring of the Blue Book and European Maritime Policy, chaired by the Brittany Region.

This small group, bringing together 40 European maritime regions, is there to guide the implementation of the Commission’s action plan and proposes initiatives necessary to ensure that maritime policy is well adapted to maritime territories.

On July 8, stands, at the Committee of Regions, the group's second meeting which will this time concern maritime transport, in the presence of DG TREN, the ECSA and the ETF

Organiser: The Regional Council of Brittany

Regional Poilcy: The Benefits of Satellite Information and Services
Room JDE 51 09.00-14.30

Local and Regional Authorities can use satellite services to manage the economy, protect the environment, and improve the quality of life of their citizens. Indeed, satellite services provide them with ideal tools to deliver policy objectives, such as those of the EC “Regions for Economic Change” Programme. Local and Regional Authorities are in the best position to gain from satellite services because of their increasing role in the European multilevel governance structure and their proximity to the issues specific to their territory.

This conference, organised by Eurisy and hosted by the Committee of the Regions, will present the mid-term findings of Eurisy’s Programme for Local and Regional Authorities. These findings, based on feedback and input from European regions and cities, point out practical recommendations on facilitating EU and national-level measures to improve their access to satellite services.

During the half-day meeting, European decision-makers, policy experts and space programme administrators will engage in a dialogue with representatives from Local and Regional Authorities to discuss the findings and recommendations of the position paper.

The conference programme will feature best practice presentations from representatives of cities and regions who are successful in using the services. It will conclude with a round table discussion, followed by a press conference.

Participation is by invitation only.

For further details, please contact Teodora Secara, Eurisy Project Administrator, at



New Technologies and Lifelong Learning in Rural Tourism: the Forestur Project
Room JDE 51 14.00-18.00

For most rural areas in Europe, tourism has become an important engine to boost the creation of employment, diversifying local and/or regional economies and contributing to rural development in general.

Rural areas will face important challenges in the near future in terms of economic growth, employment and sustainability. Leisure and tourism related activities are meant to lead these areas to a favorable situation but at the same time this will also imply a bigger local responsibility about the exploitation and preservation of their natural/heritage resources.

Human capital is a key factor in the development of sustainable rural tourism but it is necessary to enhance the professional training to face the future challenges and achieve the Lisbon goals. But tourism professionals in inland destinations usually find difficulties to access training due to
• the long distance between urbanized areas where the training is available and the rural environment;
• the structure of the tourism sector, that is composed mostly by nano and microenterprises,
limits the financial and personal availability
• the lack of awareness regarding their training needs

In this context, together with an appropriate training methodology the use of ICTs has become a solution in the implementation of alternative ways to deliver professional training in isolated inland areas.

As an example, the project FORESTUR, co-financed by LdV program, aimed at increasing professionalism of the tourism human resources in the rural areas. After identifying needs and requirements in the sector the project implemented tailored lifelong training pilots in Romania, Hungary, Italy and Spain using asynchronous communication and social integration. Likewise, the use of ICTs represented also a tool to facilitate tourism management in rural areas, offering a wider scope for publicity and simplifying administrative work, bookings, accounting, etc.

This conference will gather different EU stakeholders involved in the use of ICTs and lifelong learning programs in order to contribute to the diversification and sustainability of local economies and facilitate the exchange experiences on high quality continuous training for both employees and managers of rural tourism smes: decision-makers, EU representatives, IT experts, education experts,universities, trainers, tourism professionals operating in rural areas and local authorities.

Organiser : Valencia Region
To register please contact : Mr Gustavo MARTINIE
Email :
Tel : +32 22 824 162
Fax : +32 22 824 161


Social and territorial dimension of pharmaceutical public services.

September 18, room JDE-51, 5th floor

The Official Association of Pharmacists of Valencia and the Fundación Comunidad Valenciana - Región European are organising the Conference “Social and Rural Dimension of pharmaceutical Public Services” to be held on 18th September at the Committee of the Regions to discuss on the territorial and social dimension of the regulated model of pharmacies as a key for social and territorial cohesion.
The aim is to contribute to the current debate on the infringement procedures initiated by the European Commission against several Member States due to their legal national systems on establishment of pharmacies, which will have an impact on the provision of pharmaceutical services in the EU.
Concepts like “subsidiarity”, “rural depopulation”, “proportionality”, “social and territorial cohesion”, “national health systems”, “equal access to public pharmaceutical services” and “pharmaceutical attention to chronicle patients” will arise during the debate.
The Conference will give a say on current and future model of pharmaceutical public services to patients and consumers associations European institutions representatives, experts on European law, pharmacists’ association representatives and regional and local politicians.
The seminar will be accompanied by the exhibition “A picture is worth a thousand words” that presents a visual insight of the current territorial distribution of pharmacies in the Member States. To conclude, a networking cocktail will be served at the Atrium 5.

To register please send the registration form to:
Teresa Tena:
Telf.: +32 2 2824160
Fax.: +32 2 2824161

29-30 September 2008 - Athlone, Ireland – Sheraton Hotel
Economic and Social Policy (ECOS) Commission meeting followed by the Conference on 'Supporting our SMEs - overcoming barriers to their development' including a specific session on the "Small Business Act for Europe"

The conference will officially be opened by the Taoiseach (prime minister) of Ireland, Mr. Brian COWEN and include high ranking speakers from the European Commission and Parliament and CEOs of Irish enterprises.


Robert Ronstrom – CoR ECOS Commission
  Tel: 02-282 2192  E-mail: 
 Robert Collins – Irish Regions Office
  Tel: 32-2-2828474  E-mail: 

Press contact:

Dennis Abbott

+32 0)2 282 20 99

+32 (0)2 282 20 85


Regions and cities in a challenging world - OPEN DAYS 2008

In the space of just five years the OPEN DAYS have become a key event at which cities and regions have provided practical evidence of their capacity for creating growth and jobs, implementing European Union cohesion policy in such a way as to achieve the best results.

Conceived and developed by the Committee of the Regions and the European Commission DG for Regional Policy, this communication platform has enlisted loyal support from over 5 000 local, regional, national and European decision-makers and experts, whose achievements have been manifold in the areas of economic success and social integration, cooperation between regions, fruitful partnerships between local and regional authorities and businesses, and centres of excellence with research centres and universities.

Purpose of the OPEN DAYS

The purpose of the event is multiple: first, it brings together political representatives, decision makers, experts and practitioners of regional policy as well as stakeholders from banking, business, civil society organisations, academia, EU institutions and the media to discuss common challenges for European regions and cities and debate possible solutions. Second, it provides a platform for capacity building to those involved in implementing EU cohesion policy and in managing its financial instruments. Third, the event aims at facilitating cooperation and networking among regions and cities on best practice in regional development. And finally, it offers the opportunity to debate the European cohesion policy of tomorrow in a wider context involving recent research and views from third countries and international organisations.

Main themes for the OPEN DAYS 2008

The sixth OPEN DAYS event, scheduled for 6-9 October 2008, has a renewed and specific aim: to convey to the European institutions a joint vision of future European policy on economic, social and territorial cohesion as shared and implemented by partner regions and cities. Next autumn, the European agenda will be particularly suitable for an initiative of this kind: discussions on the EU's political priorities and review of its budget after 2013, and preparations for the elections to the European Parliament to be held in spring 2009.

Regions and cities will play a major role in the discussions, and the OPEN DAYS are an ideal framework for them to convey the importance of maintaining forceful, effective cohesion policy to ensure sustainable development, present research and innovation projects, develop human capital and generate projects for cooperation between regions.

The general heading of OPEN DAYS 2008 will be: Regions and cities in a challenging world.  The seminars and events will be grouped under four thematic priorities:

   1. Innovating regions: Promoting research, technological development and innovation
   2. Sustainable development: Regional responses to climate change
   3. Cooperation and networking: Exchange of best practice in regional development
   4. Looking forward: A European cohesion policy for tomorrow

These are the new issues that the future partner regions and cities address at the 2008 event.

To read more about the OPEN DAYS event, please visit the official website.

24 October 2008 – Paris – French Senate
Subsidiarity Conference, organised by the Committee of the Regions in cooperation with the French Senate

Audience: CoR members and representatives of EU institutions the French EU Presidency, the national and regional parliaments and the of associations of local and regional authorities

Contact: Isabelle Dirkx – Committee of the Regions
Tel: +32 2 282 2513 E-mail:

Press contact:

Athénais Cazalis de Fondouce

+32 0)2 282 24 47

+32 (0)2 282 20 85

brief description of the project:
Consultation mechanisms at local and regional level are the most effective ways to maintain a dialogue between immigrants, hosting communities, public institutions and other stakeholders.  The project ROUTES aims at setting up transnational cooperation networks to exchange best practices in the field of immigrants’ integration.  The project contributes to increase the collaboration between public entities, NGOs and immigrant associations, by identifying the most effective policy approaches to guarantee an appropriate response to integration needs.

Regional and national practices on the field are a useful tool for policy makers and other related actors.  The project has analysed good practices concerning integration policies produced by local governments and valuable experiences generated by NGOs.  ROUTES will create a framework for a better integration of immigrants and a set of recommendations for the implementation of the most valuable findings to different contexts. 

ROUTES is an EU funded project (JLS/2006/INTI/061) under the INTI programme for preparatory actions promoting the integration of people who are not citizens of the European Union. The final conference will take place on October the 28th at the Committee of the Regions, in Brussels. The results of the project will be presented  at the Conference and outstanding experts in the field of migration and citizenship participation will take part in the debate.

Programme of the conference

Speakers names


Comenius Regio Partnerships – Launch Conference 2008-11-03

This conference marks the launch of Comenius Regio, a new action by the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Programme. Comenius Regio Partnerships will promote joint cooperation activities between local and regional authorities with a role in school education in Europe. This cooperation aims to support the participating regions in developing and exchanging best practice, developing sustainable cooperation across borders and strengthening the European Dimension in school education.

The Comenius Regio launch conference will be jointly organised by the European Commission and the Committee of the Regions. It will present the new action and offer a chance to discuss both the Commission's communication on European co-operation on schools (July 2008) and the opportunities of regional cooperation in school education.

The European Commissioner for Education, Training, Culture and Youth, Ján Figel' and MEP Doris Pack will be among the speakers at the conference. Workshops will concentrate on new approaches in the organisation of schooling, on disadvantaged pupils and early school leaving and on teacher qualifications and competences.


Stéphane Montserrat
8, rue du Dahomey  F-75011 Paris
Tel: + 33 1 43 67 73 52
email :

Susanne Conze
School Education; Comenius
European Commission - Directorate General for Education and Culture
Lifelong Learning; Education and Training, Programmes and Actions
Tel: +32-2-298.02.36


JDE 51 between 14:00 - 17:30: Workshop B: Providing high quality learning for every student
JDE 52 between 10:00 – 17:30: Workshop A: Focus on key competences
JDE 53 between 14:00 – 17:30: Workshop C: Teachers and school staff
with a lunch break at Atrium 5 between 12:00 - 14:00

Cormorants between fisheries and the protection of species - Regional or European solutions?


Populations of cormorants are increasing all over Europe causing more and more damages for fisheries. A solution to this problem has to be found which is compatible with European law and takes into account the interests of fisheries and the need to protect this bird species.
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern as a coastal region in Germany particularly concerned by the problem is therefore organ-ising, together with the Committee of the Regions, this conference. The aim is to discuss the situation and to analyse the need for and feasibility of a European management plan for cormorants.

Conference on Internalcultural Practice in Ireland

Conference for European institutional audience on best practice in the field of intercultural dialogue in the arts / culture, sport and tourism sectors in Ireland



Permanent Representation of Ireland to the EU


Conference on Demographic Change

Ahead of the Demographic Forum, regions collaborating in the Demographic Change Regions Network will present their specific challenges resulting of demographic change, and political approaches as well as concrete projects and tools on how to address them successfully on regional level. The aim of the conference is to intensify and extend a dialogue between the regions within and beyond the network as well as with national and European authorities and institutions, on how best to tackle the demographic challenge on regional level.
At the same time, the conference will be an opportunity for networking and exchange of concrete project ideas and proposals, e. g. in the frame of INTERREG.


SaxonState Chancellery, Saxony Liaison Office Brussels

Email contact:

11 novembre 2008 - 2nd Ifo Brussels International Economic Forum (Ifo BrIEF)

"Desperate remedies: Lessons from the Crisis"

Localisation: Committee of the Regions, room JDE 52, 2008-11-11

Organisateur: Ifo Institute for Economic Research and the Committee of the Regions
More information: Jutta Albrecht - Ifo Institute for Economic Research

Tel. 00 49 / (0) 89 9224 1332

Health First Europe - New Horizons Congress - 12.11.2008

Localisation: Committee of the Regions, room JDE 52

Organisateur: Health First Europe


Pour vous inscrire, veuillez contacter: Heidi Ranscombe, tel + 32 22 27 61 82, email

12.11.2008 - Aquamarina  


Au sein de la Conférence des Régions Périphériques Maritimes (CRPM), conférence dont sont membres plus de 150 régions maritimes européennes, Aquamarina est un groupe d'intervention et de suivi du Livre Bleu et de la politique maritime européenne, présidé par la Région Bretagne.
Ce groupe restreint, qui réunit 40 Régions maritimes européennes, a pour objectif d’accompagner la mise en oeuvre du plan d’action de la Commission et de proposer les initiatives nécessaires afin que la politique maritime soit adaptée aux réalités des territoires maritimes.
Le 12 novembre se tient, au Comité des Régions, la troisème réunion du groupe qui abordera cette fois le thème de la recherche marine et maritime, en présence notamment de la DG Recherche, de ICES et du Marine Board.

Organisateur: Conseil Régional de Bretagne


Location: Committee of the Regions, room JDE- 53, between 9h30 - 17h30

13.11.2008 Sea our future: Launch of the Maritime Action Plan Schleswig-Holstein


Schleswig-Holstein, the region between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea live off and with the sea. We want to use the vast opportunities the oceans offer. At the same time we know we have to protect the marine environment to guard it safely to our children and grandchildren. With our good governmental approach “sea our future” we try to manage all the different sectoral policies and interests. Consequently, Schleswig-Holstein adopted a regional Maritime Action Plan this year. On the 13th November Minister Uwe Döring and Maritime Coordinator Prof. Peter Herzig will present this best practice example as the contribution of Schleswig-Holstein within the implementation phase of the European maritime “Blue Book”.

Location: Committee of the Regions, room JDE-52, between 18h00-20h00 and Atrium 5 between 20h00-21h30

Organiser: Representation of Schleswig Holstein


 17.11.2008 Combined Universities in Cornwall 10th Anniversary Celebration

The Combined Universities in Cornwall 10th Anniversary Celebration marks the completion of the first decade of a pioneering initiative designed to regenerate the economy of a rural, peripheral region through investment in higher education. The event will include an address by Commissioner for Regional Policy, Danuta Hübner, who has taken a close interest in Combined Universities in Cornwall. The aim of the Celebration is to demonstrate to colleagues from other EU regions how Cornwall has used EU structural funds to create a new model of university level provision which is closely allied with regional economic priorities.

For further information:


Mr Kirk, David 


Committee of the Regions, room JDE-53, between 12h30-16h30

European Regional Champions Awards 2008

The Regional Review Magazine’s European Regional Champions Awards 2008, held in association with the Committee of the Regions, will take place on Wednesday 19th November.

Now in its second year, the awards highlight and celebrate the achievement of regional projects across the European Union. The ceremony will take place from 18:45 in the 5th Floor Atrium with an opening speech from the President, Luc Van den Brande at 19.00.
For more information about the awards, please view the website

To request an invitation, please contact Rachel Hewett on or 32 (0)2 285 0922.
We look forward to welcoming you on Wednesday 19th November.

International Conference
Organic Waste in Urban Environments - New European Challenges

In order to promote information exchange about how to implement the new European rules and to foster the debate at European level, particularly about the appropriateness of setting up a specific directive on organic waste, ACR+ (the Association of Cities and Regions for Recycling and sustainable Resource management) and Bruxelles Environnement (the Environment Administration of the Brussels-Capital Region) will hold an international conference on “Organic Waste in Urban Environments” on 20 & 21 November 2008. This event is organized in collaboration with the Committee of the Regions, ICLEI and CEMR.

For further information:


Location: Committee of the Regions, room JDE-52, between 9h00-17h30 and Atrium 5, between 12h00-13h30

Organiser: Bruxelles Environnement, Brigitte Cordi

24.11.2008 Sustainable and innovative management solutions for pig slurry. Regional Innovations and Solutions. ECODIPTERA


Selected by the Committee of the Regions as an example of Best Practice to achieve the objectives of the Lisbon Strategy, the Project ECODIPTERA aims to demonstrate the viability of an alternative method for the management of slurry generated in the pig farms through Biodegradable Procedures.
This FINAL CONFERENCE will present the results of the ECODIPTERA.
The environmental impact of farms all over Europe is leading the regional authorities to innovate applying the environmental policy of the EU (Directive 91/676/CEE and RD 261/96) to protect the environment. The project is part of the European Programme LIFE Environment, launched in 1992, and contributes to the implementation, development and enhancement of the environment policy of the EU.

Location: Committee of the Regions, room JDE 53, between 14h00-17h30

Organiser: Fundacion Comunidad Valenciana - Region Europea 

To register please contact


26.11.2008: Commission "Développement durable et Environnement " du Conseil Régional Nord-Pas de Calais


Region Nord – Pas de Calais – Members of the Commission Environment & sustainable development from the Region Nord – Pas de Calais meet Jean Louis Joseph, member of the Commission DEVE and President of the EU network FEDARENE :
- presentation of the Commission DEVE ‘s works, by Hélène Moraut, administrator at Commission DEVE;
- discussion with Jean Louis Joseph on the role of Regions and the Committee of the Regions’ action on environmental matters, and on the FEDARENE growing involvement in EU institutional works on energy and climate.

The Challenge of Sustainable Mobility: a concrete response of Regions to Climate Change

Confronted with the challenges of climate change European local and regional authorities are asserting themselves as key players by actively engaging and ensuring sustainable development of their regions. Many regions are already engaged in promoting sustainable mobility through cleaner, intelligent and safer land and maritime transport.
This conference will provide local and regional authorities with a platform to inform and highlight the role they already play and the future role they can play in order to foster the implementation of sustainable transport systems.


 Committee of the Regions JDE51

  2008-11-04                               2008-11-05
  between  13h30-14h30          between 09h30-13h00
  between 14h30-17h30

02.12.2008: "European Neighbourhood Policy - interregional cooperation as a road towards the efficient support to democratic transition process in Georgia. Summary conference of the project "REGIO-TAMAR, self-governments across divides", examplifying actions strenghtening collaboration between European and Georgian regions."

The conference entitled "European Neighbourhood Policy - interregional cooperation as a road towards the efficient support to democratic transition process in Georgia. Summary conference of the project "REGIO-TAMAR, self-governments across divides", examplifying actions strenghtening collaboration between European and Georgian regions" will be held by the region of Wielkopolska together with the Committe of the Regions. It is aimed at summarising a Polish project of interregional cooperation, complementary to the actions undertaken by the EU in  framework of the ENP. Thanks to this conference the attention will be drawn to promoting the existing and discovering new opportunities for cooperation among local and regional governments in Member States and neighbouring countries. In particular, the conference will be dedicated to Georgian self-governments of Tbilisi, Mtskheta-Mtianeti and Georgian Association of Local Officials SATMA, giving their representatives a voice in order to present specific needs and aspirations, also in the context of recent dramatic events,  and opportunity to recommend possible improvements to the European institutions, helping provide Georgia with even more effective assistance.



Wielkopolska Region

Ms.Kapturska Monika

email contact:

03.12.2008: The Outermost Regions, a chance for Europe


The conference organized by UPEC gives the opportunity to uphold the dialogue already engaged by the French Presidency in regards to the main assets that the Outermost Regions can provide to the European Union. In a globalized world where notions of scarcity and safety are becoming a growing concern for political leaders all over the world (especially regarding biodiversity, raw materials, natural resources…), considering the effort deployed by their states and the EU for these regions, it is relevant to discuss how the EU can benefit from these regions. Owing to their significant natural resources and strategic location, the outermost regions represent a great potential for the EU (in terms of economy, science, geopolitics, cultural diversity and human resources) which deserves to be taken into account. Through a comprehensive overview of all the advantages provided by the Outermost Regions, the speakers will open a constructive dialogue to look into the future on how Europe should manage, appreciate and take advantage of its Outermost Regions.


05.12.2008: ASPIRE Project Conference

This event will present the key outputs of the European ASPIRE Project , which is supported by the Intelligent Energy Europe programme. ASPIRE has devoloped a model for creating Sustainable Energy Communities in peripheral areas of EU and the event will demostrate the oppurtunities for other peripheral regions and communities to replicate this model and adopt the ASPIRE approach. It will also provide an oppurtunity for delegates to discuss the important contribution that peripheral region  can make to increasing  energy security in the EU through the exploitation of indigenous renewable energy resources. Key note speakers will be invited from the European Commission and European Parliament to provide an update on the EU Energy and Climate change package presented in January 2008.

Organiser: Cornwall County Council

For further information or to register email:



8-12.12.2008: Growing Poland

Between 8 and 12 December, the Committee of the Regions will host an exhibition 'Poland: Growing beautiful! – 7 miracles of European Funds' which provides an overview of the variety of changes that have occurred in the 16 Polish regions since their accession to the EU. The examples which will be presented show that the process of decentralisation fostered by implementation of EU Structural Funds has been a success. In addition, they show how crucial it is for Polish regions to participate in the decision-making related to this process. On the occasion of the exhibition on 10 December, 18:00, President Luc Van den Brande, the Polish Minister for Regional Development, Elzbieta Bienkowska, and Regional Policy Commissioner Danuta Hübner will address 200 invited guests as part of little ceremony to be followed by a carols' concert by Urszula Dudziak and Kasia and Mik Urbaniak.
Participation is only possible upon invitation.

“Financing of Renewable and Efficient Energy in Europe” - 10.12.2008

The global environmental problem is a growing concern. Raising awareness of environmental problems and responding to them is absolutely essential for dealing effectively with the challenges of climate change and the Public Banks have decided to make their specific contribution to environmental protection and sustainability.

The European Association of Public Banks (EAPB) in co-operation with the Committee of the Regions (COR) therefore invites you to the conference: “Financing of Renewable and Efficient Energy in Europe” at the premises of the Committee of the Regions/2nd floor – Room “Van Maerlant 3”, Rue Van Maerlantstraat 2, B - 1040 Brussels on 10 December 2008.

Officials from the European Commission, experts from the banking sector, local authorities and regions will make available their expertise and discuss current developments in the financing of renewable and efficient energy. The conference programme is enclosed herewith.

As places for the conference are limited, registrations will be handled on a "first come, first served" basis.

Please confirm your attendance using the attached registration form and fax it to: 0032 (0)2 231 03 47 or mail to:

10.12.2008: Comité opérationnel d´EURACOM

The operating committee brings together the coordinators of the national associations of the mining cities among Europe. These associations represent about 900 local authorities in 10 countries. The members of EURACOM come from the various part of Europe (from UK to Hungary). The meeting will tackle the implementation of structural funds in mining regions and the set up of the European programme Interreg IVC.


11.12.2008: ERRIN: The Regional European and Global dimensions of EU clusters policy

Clusters are attracting more and more attention from EU policymakers in their quest to improve regional competitiveness. Following the European Commission`s Communication on “Powerful clusters: Main drivers of Europe’s competitiveness”, published on 17 October 2008, the development of world-class clusters has become an EU policy priority.
The Commission will be implementing a range of initiatives with regard to clusters. This seminar, which is part of the ERRIN Annual General Meeting, will explore how regions can get involved and shape these initiatives. It will bring together EU policy executives, international experts as well as innovation and cluster practitioners from ERRIN member regions.
This is the first of a series of ERRIN events supported by the European Commission under the umbrella of the ‘European Year of Creativity and Innovation’. ERRIN extends an open invitation to all interested policy professionals and practitioners to participate in this debate.


11.12.2008: The territorial and regional social protection in Europe


The social protection is becoming more and more a subject of interest at regional and local level. This is why in the last years, new regional and territorial social protection schemes have been created in Europe.
The conference will deal with this phenomenon, on the one hand by analysing its main causes, advantages and potentials, on the other by describing some experiences and their characteristics throughout Europe.


AEIP (European Association of Paritarian Institutions of social protection)
Associations in charge of the conference: AEIP and EAPSPI.
Person to contact: Ms Anna Kondrak or Ms Corinne Lamarcq (



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