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On this page: Adrianus – Adusius – Aea – Aeaces – Aeacides – Afacus



ridicule. The visit of M. Antoninus to Athens made him acquainted with Adrianus, whom he invited to Rome and honoured with his friendship: the emperor even condescended to set the thesis of a declamation for him. After the death of Anto­ ninus he became the private secretary of Commodus. His death took place at Rome in the eightieth year of his age, not later than A. d. 192, if it be true that Commodus (who was assassinated at the end of this year) sent him a letter on his death-bed, which he is represented as kissing with devout earnestness in his last moments. (Philostr. Vit. Adrian.; Suidas, s. v. 3A.< Of the works attributed to him by Suidas three declamations only are extant. These have been edited by Leo Allatius in the Excerpta Varia Graecorum So- pki'starum ac Rlictoricorum^ Romae, 1641, and by Walz in the first volume of the RJietores Graeci, 1 832. [B. J.]

ADRIANUS ('Afymi/o's), a Greek poet, who wrote an epic poem on the history of Alexander the Great, which was called 'AAe|az/8pjas. Of this poem the seventh book is mentioned (Steph. Byz. s. v. Hapeia), but we possess only a fragment con­ sisting of one line. (Steph. Byz. s. v. 'Acrrpcua.) Suidas (s. v. yAppiav6s} mentions among other poems of Arrianus one called 'AAe|ai/5pjas, and there can be no doubt that this is the work of Adrianus, which he by mistake attributes to his Arrianus. (Meineke, in the Abhandl. derBerlin. Mademie, 1832, p. 124.) [L. SJ

ADRIANUS ('ASpicWs) flourished, according to Archbishop Usher, A. D. 433. There is extant of his, in Greek, Isagoge Sacrarum Literarum, re­commended by Photius (No. 2) to beginners, edited by Dav. Hoeschel, 4to. Aug. Vindel. 1602, and among the Critici Sacri.itA. Lond. 1660. [A. J.C.]

ADUSIUS ('ASoucnos), according to the account of Xenophon in the Cyropaedeia, was sent by Cyrus with an army into Caria, to put an end to the feuds which existed in the country. He after­wards assisted Hystaspes in subduing Phrygia, and was made satrap of Caria, as the inhabitants had requested, (vii. 4. § 1, &c., viii. 6. § 7.)

AEA. [gaea.]

AEA, a huntress who was metamorphosed by the g'ods into the fabulous island bearing the same name, in order to rescue her from the pursuit of Phasis, the river-god. (Val. Flacc. i. 742, v. 426.) [L. S.]

AEACES (Am/a;*). 1. The father of Syloson and Polycrates. (Herod, iii. 39, 139, vi. 13.)

2. The son of Syloson, and the grandson of the preceding, was tyrant of Samos, but was deprived of his tyranny by Aristagoras, when the lonians revolted from the Persians, b. c. 500. Pie then fled to the Persians, and induced the Samians to abandon the other lonians in the sea-fight between the Persians and lonians. After this battle, in which the latter were defeated, he was restored to the tyranny of Samos by the Persians, b. c. 494. (Herod, iv. 138, vi. 13, 14, 25.)

AEACIDES (Am/cftfys), a patronymic from Aeacus, and given to various of his descendants, as Peleus (Ov. Met. xi. 227, &c., xii. 365; Horn. II. xvi. 15), Telamon (Ov. Met. viii. 4 ; Apollon. i. 1330), Phocus (Ov. Met. vii. 668, 798), the sons of Aeacus ; Achilles, the grandson of Aeacus (Horn. II. xi. 805; Virg. Aen. i. 99) ; and Pyrrhus, the great-grandson of Aeacus. (Virg. Aen. iii. 296.) [L. S.]


AEACIDES (AiWSrjs), the son of Arymbas, king of Epiras, succeeded to the throne on the death of his cousin Alexander, who was slain in Italy. (Liv. viii. 24.) Aeacides married Phthia, the daughter of Menon of Pharsalus, by whom he had the celebrated Pyrrhus and two daughters, Dei'dameia and Troi'as. In b.c. 317 he assisted Polysperchon in restoring Olympias and the young Alexander, who was then only five years old, to Macedonia. In the following year he marched to the assistance of Olympias, who was hard pressed by Cassander ; but the Epirots disliked the service, rose against Aeacides, and drove him from the kingdom. Pyrrhus, who was then only two years old, was with difficulty saved from destruc­tion by some faithful servants. But becoming tired of the Macedonian rule, the Epirots recalled Aea­cides in b. c. 313 ; Cassander immediately sent an army against him under Philip, who conquered him the same year in two battles, in the last of which he was killed. (Paus. i. 11; Diod. xix. 11, 36, 74; Plut. Pyrrh. i. 2.)

AFACUS (A'i'a/cos), a son of Zeus and Aegina, a daughter of the river-god Asopus. He was born in the island of Oenone or Oenopia, whither Aegina had been carried by Zeus to secure her from the anger of her parents, and Avhence this island was afterwards called Aegina. (Apollod. iii. 12. § 6; Hygin. Fab. 52 ; Pans. ii. 29. § 2; comp. Nonn. Dionys. vi. 212; Ov. Met. vi. 113, vii. 472, &c.) According to some ac­counts Aeacus was a son of Zeus and Europa. Some traditions related that at the time when Aeacus was born, Aegina was not yet inhabited, and that Zeus changed the ants (/xup/x^/ces) of the island into men (Myrmidones) over whom Aeacus ruled, or that he made men grow up out of the earth. (Hes. Fragm. 67, ed.Gottling ; Apol­lod. iii. 12. § 6; Paus. I. c.) Ovid (Met. vii. 520; comp. Hygin. Fab. 52 ; Strab. viii. p. 375), on the other hand, supposes that the island was not unin­habited at the time of the birth of Aeacus, and states that, in the reign of Aeacus, Hera, jealous of Aegina, ravaged the island bearing the name of the latter by sending a plague or a fearful dragon into it, by which nearly all its inhabitants were carried off, and that Zeus restored the population by changing the ants into men. These legends, as Mliller justly remarks (Aegineticri), are nothing but a mythical account of the colonisation of Aegina, which seems to have been originally in­habited by Pelasgians, and afterwards received colonists from Phthiotis, the seat of the Myrmi­dones, and from Phlius on the Asopus. Aeacus while he reigned in Aegina was renowned in all Greece for his justice and pietjr, and was fre­quently called upon to settle disputes not only among men, but even among the gods themselves. (Pind. Ist-h. viii. 48, &c.; Paus. i. 39. § 5.) He was such a favourite with the latter, that, when Greece was visited by a drought in consequence of a murder which had been committed (Diod. iv. 60, 61; Apollod. iii. 12. § 6), the oracle of Delphi declared that the calamity would not cease unless Aeacus prayed to the gods that it might ; which he accordingly did, and it ceased in consequence. Aeacus himself shewed his gratitude by erecting a temple to Zeus Panhellenius on mount Panhel-lenion (Pans. ii. 30. § 4), and the Aeginetans afterwards built a sanctuary in their island called Aeaceum, which was a square place enclosed by

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