Welcome to the Chicago Network for Justice and Peace

Network / Le Réseau / La Red
Newsletter of the International PEN Women Writers Committee

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San Miguel International PEN Scholarship Program  [ in Spanish ]

The San Miguel PEN Scholarship Program focuses on students who do well in school and want to continue their education but cannot for economic reasons. Such scholarships have proven themselves effective for enabling students to pursue their educational goals and for improving the general economic and social situation of their families (See NYTimes p. C2, May 2, 2002). Please contact Pat Perrin or Wim Coleman at colper@unisono.net.mx for detailed information about the program and the students. Checks in support of this program should be made out to Chicago Network for Justice and Peace and mailed to:

3023 N. Clifton Ave
Chicago, IL 60657 - 4266
Notice of a Publication
Chicago Network announces publication of two books: Nuestra Voz and Conditional Liberty.

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in French ]

in Spanish ]

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