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  Tool of the Month Joe "Zonker" Brockmeier

Tool of the Month: K3b
Do you miss the nice, slick GUI CD burning programs under Windows and Mac OS X? Or just want to stop using command-line tools to burn your CDs? K3b might just be what the doctor ordered.
October 2002

Tool of the Month: tui-sh
This month Zonker features not one, not two, but more than a dozen shell scripts that are included with a package called "tui-sh," short for "Texts Users Interfaces on Shell." Now, the odds are you won't make use of all the scripts, but there's something for almost anyone in this collection of shell scripts.
September 2002

Tool of the Month: MlView
Zonker looks at an XML editor/validator called MlView. MlView is an XML editor/validator that has some features that may be of interest to anyone working with XML documents.
August 2002

Tool of the Month: Lay Siege to Your Web Site
Efficiently running Web servers is more of an art than a science. You need to have a way to benchmark your servers to see what they can take when real users get a crack at them. Joe looks at two tools, scout and siege, that you can use to stress-test your Web sites.
July 2002

Tool of the Month: MySQL Backup
Backing up data stored on a MySQL database isn't too hard using mysqldump, but I'm always looking for ways to make my life easier. So, when I stumbled upon MySQL Backup, I decided to give it a try.
June 2002

Tool of the Month: Web Mail Folder
Web Mail Folder (WMF) can convert mail to HTML. Zonker discusses configuration and use of WMF and shows how to create an HTML archive using WMF and procmail.
May 2002

Tool of the Month: Incyte Project Manager
Zonker reports on an open source project management solution that's Web-accessible and easy to use.
April 2002

Tool of the Month: rain
Zonker showcases a packet builder that can help you stress-test your hardware and software.
March 2002

Tool of the Month: TWiki
Zonker turns the spotlight on TWiki, a tool for creating collaborative online environments where potentially anyone can add or edit material.
January 2002

Tool of the Month: Vipul's Razor
There are few things in life that annoy me as much as spam -- and I'm not talking about the canned meat by-product variety. Unsolicited ads are annoying in any form, but the nature of spam is parasitic as well: it steals time and bandwidth. So, for my money, anything that helps defeat spam is a Good Thing.
December 2001

Tool of the Month: J-Pilot
If you're like me, you'd forget everything without a trusty PIM. For me, it's a rapidly aging Palm III. Unfortunately, Palm doesn't produce software for operating systems other than Windows and the MacOS. Naturally, *nix geeks don't want to have to maintain a Windows system just to sync their Palm Pilot or Palm compatible. Luckily, there are some options.
November 2001

Tool of the Month: Quanta Plus
Zonker's been using Vim, but is he about to make the Quanta leap?
October 2001

Tool of the Month: HTML Tidy
One thing I love about the UNIX philosophy is the idea that each program should do one job and do it really well. There are zillions of small tools for UNIX-type OSes that make life much easier and are hugely useful, but they don't necessarily get written about. They certainly don't receive the same kind of coverage that Apache and Sendmail receive. One of my favorites, HTML Tidy, is a tool for HTML/Web development that I think will interest a lot of folks. HTML Tidy cleans up HTML produced by WYSIWYG editors and such.
September 2001

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