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A Perseus Greek Anthology

15 April 2003

Florilegium Perseus has many, many Greek texts, covering a span of over 500 years, including prose and verse, drama and history, love and politics, satire and satyrs. Where should a new reader begin?

One answer to that question is the Perseus Greek Anthology, containing links to favorite passages in Greek literature, generally not particularly difficult. The anthology is written in simple HTML, so that it also serves as an example of the code you need to make links to Perseus texts and images from your own web pages. We encourage you to make links to anything within the Perseus Digital Library, so long as you provide proper attribution (see the copyright page for details on rights).

The new Greek Anthology was designed to match our Latin Anthology, introduced in 2001 based on discussions with Latin teachers at a workshop funded by the NEH.

A note on Perseus links: Note that the links in the Greek Anthology use the standard human-readable abbreviations for the texts they go to. As you page through a Perseus text, the preferred link format will appear at the bottom of each page. Use this rather than the URL your browser shows, which will contain an internal identifier for the text; similarly, links among texts within the Perseus Digital Library use internal reference forms. These internal forms are more efficient than the human-readable abbreviations; they encode information about the specific version you are reading (original language or English translation). We recommend that you not copy the URL from your browser's location field and that you not use the internal format for links you create to Perseus texts, because linking by internal document id forces the choice of a particular version, overriding the preferences that the reader has set with the Display Configuration tool.

Please report any problems to the Perseus webmaster.

Document last updated 15-Apr-03, AEM