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Jenny Stranzl is a senior majoring in nutrition. Readers may submit questions to her via e-mail at
  The Digital Collegian - Published independently by students at Penn State
[ Tuesday, Oct. 5, 2004 ]

My Opinion
Celebrate October by eating healthy
Nutrition bits

Did you know that October is:

National Apple Month

Apples are low in calories (80 calories per medium apple) and high in fiber (four grams). Fiber is good for making you feel full, because it takes longer to pass through the digestive system. Even the sensory experience of chewing high-fiber foods, which take more time to chew up, decreases the urge to quickly scarf down more. Think about how long it takes you to eat 80 calories of pretzels (less than one handful) compared with a medium apple.In addition, apples can be used in various ways. Salads, pies, applesauce, cider and apple butter are just a few examples. For a quick apple treat, core a medium apple and add Ã} teaspoon of lemon juice. Place the apple in the microwave for two minutes on high. Follow by sprinkling ground cinnamon, and, if you like, top it with some low-fat vanilla frozen yogurt.

National Pasta Month

Eating pasta is a great way to get your servings of carbohydrates and grains. At least half of your diet should come from carbohydrate-rich foods. While white pasta contains the important B-vitamins your muscles utilize to convert ingested carbs into energy, whole-wheat pasta (think brown-colored noodles) contains more fiber. Pasta also contains folate, which can help decrease the risk of heart disease.Just remember: One cup of cooked pasta contains about 200 calories. Most restaurants serve up to 3 or 4 cups, in addition to the sauces and oils, plus any added meats, cheeses or vegetables, so be calorie-conscious.

National Seafood Month

Filled with omega-3 fatty acids, salmon and other "fatty" fish help keep our immune system strong. The oils can also increase blood flow, which may be helpful in improving our workouts.Oysters pack 500 percent of our daily value of zinc. Zinc is important for establishing a healthy immune system and for helping to repair and maintain muscle tissue. Aim for 15 milligrams of zinc per day. In addition, zinc is critical for sperm production and sexual functioning. Not to mention oysters have been known to be a natural aphrodisiac. Eat up!


Quick pollQuick poll: After the Republican and Democratic conventions, do you know enough about the candidates?

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