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Michael Powell Read This: FCC Needs Broadband Trust Fund
High Speed Connectivity in America is Slow Compared to Countries like Japan
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`The Ambassador' - for real
"To win the battle for public opinion in America, you have to present yourself as a victim; that is how you win the heart of Americans. He who apologizes for using force loses.."
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Three Things American Companies Must Understand to Compete Globally
With supply chains stretching to China, customers as likely in Paris as Peoria, outsourcing operations in India and development in Russia, the reality of today's economy is that we must be global to succeed. But how do we succeed at being global? Here are three areas where most American companies need to get better, if they are going to succeed globally.
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Getting inside (the mind of) a video file
Video indexing opportunity
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What is 602.412.3315?
It's a "virtual" number that has become a reality through the author's inexperience with Vonage
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The Vikings: A Memorable Visit to America
"Exploring the New World a thousand years ago, a Viking woman gave birth to what is likely the first European-American baby. The discovery of the house the family built upon their return to Iceland has scholars rethinking the Norse sagas."
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CIO Magazine: More than humans
When the people around you - competitors, colleagues, partners - can run Google searches in their brains during conversations
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Arab Terror: Who (or What) to Blame?
Islam? Bush? Saddam? How About the Satellite Dish?
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Microsoft suffers Window blow from EU
The EU struck at the commercial backbone of Microsoft’s global software empire today (12/22/04) – forcing the company for the first time to strip its Windows platform of a popular feature to give competitors a better shot at success.

An EU court ruled Microsoft must immediately divulge some trade secrets to competitors and produce a version of its flagship Windows operating system without the program that plays music and video.
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It's all down to common sense...
...but what do we mean by it?
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Podcasting Hype Goes Mainstream

Podcasting is now officially hyped and worthy of it.  Today CNN carried a story on Podcasting.  I blogged about Podcasting during Adam and Dave's session at Stanford in November for BloggerCon

Great stuff.  This is worthy of hype.  The fact that there are no barriers to entry for anyone to podcast will enable a new breed of broadcasters.  We'll see unlimited channles of stuff (both crap and good quality).

Congrats to Dave Winer and Adam Curry and the rest of the BloggerCon community. 


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Z - Soon us "cave men" will be walking erect!

John Furrier | POSTED: 12.09.04 @06:14

Podcasting is an example of a natural progression of technologies that touch the senses. We have visual technologies (television) which via broadband and convergence will move from one way forms of communication to two way forms. We have auditory technologies - again moving from one way form (radio) to a two way (podcasting). Then there are ancient kinesthetic technologies (tapes, CD’s, books) the two way form being a telephone, a blog and social networks. This should be a complimentary universe. What hype does is create silo's or unnecessary competition between one way and two way forms of media.

Given the biotechnological world, one day we will move to “multi-way” forms of technology, technologies that integrate inside our bodies (bits of this are here and people like Bill Joy have voiced concerns, in other words he wants us to personally THINK about the implications of such progress).

So all of this should be seen in the context of an expanded universe of technology not as an alternative. In an expanded universe the most important shift isn't technological it is mindset. For me mindshift is about moving away from silo to integrated thinking and it is about generating your own thinking (which unfortunately becomes someone else’s content) since who actually needs to figure this progressive weaving world out if not ourselves. It isn't about thought leadership today it’s about thinking and if you are not thinking through exploration and experiment then whats being generated is simply more content. - and we already have an incredible amount of content, its called the network and the library.

A mindshift happens when we become our own pioneer and/or a local mentor and utilize this thinking and drive it inwards like a lasesr beam to where we personally stand and live, so it’s not simply about spraying more stuff into the world which is merely content, its about thinking that relates mindshift with technology shift. The use of two way technologies can become personal journeys and when content has a two way individual relationship that IMHO is called thinking. This is our new flint that makes new tools, the sticks that make new fire; we are the cave people of the information age.


Ma.rk 7:24 | POSTED: 12.09.04 @05:43

As podcasting evolves the content will be there. It's just a matter of time and a bit of "social marketing". Just because Podcasting goes mainstream in articles doesn't mean it's ready for prime time. That being said there are a lot of smart folks working on it.

John Furrier | POSTED: 12.08.04 @20:35

The problem with Podcasting is lack of content. Most involved spend a lot of time talking about, you guessed it, Podcasting. Until Podcasters have something to say, there will be no reason for the average 'Net user to go that route.

Penswoman | POSTED: 12.08.04 @18:42

Nice timing, John. I was just* interviewed on a PodCast called The Vision Thing that will likely air on Friday.


*- ...and I mean just. We finished recording not 30min ago.

Christopher Carfi | POSTED: 12.08.04 @16:27

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