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Developer Central
Developing on SGI

SGI provides scalable compute and graphics systems that can solve today's largest technical and creative problems.

SGI® systems are based on either the MIPS® CPU and IRIX® operating system or the Intel® Itanium® 2 CPU and the Linux® operating system. These systems share a common architecture that provides flexibility for our customers.

Whether your development focus is on high performance computing (HPC), visualization or storage, SGI systems provide the following features that enable your applications to scale beyond traditional compute limits:

    64-bit computing: expands the size of the problems that can be solved by providing the ability to handle larger scientific simulations, larger data cache, hold greater amount of data in memory.

    Global shared memory: eliminates data transfer overhead by providing a single memory address, allowing all processors to access all the data in the system's memory directly and efficiently.

    NUMAflex™ architecture: provides balanced resources even for very large systems as CPUs and memory are added, enabling systems to efficiently scale well beyond the traditional bus-based architecture systems

    Scalable graphics: allows an application to add graphics resources (multipipes) to meet the requirements of larger visualization problems

SGI Global Developer Program

The SGI Global Developer Program is the primary source for technical and business resources for anyone developing on the SGI platforms. There is no membership fee to join the program. Our program provides significant benefits to developers including:

Contact us today about joining

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