Hulon Mitchell Jr. Yahweh ben Yahweh Cult

Hulon Mitchell Jr.'s message of black superiority leads followers into murder, extortion & beheading.

Read more about Criminal Psychology

Criminal Psychology
What Makes Them Tick:
What the experts are saying

Beverley Allitt:
Attentive pediatric nurse, suffering from bizarre Munchausen by Proxy syndrome, maims and murders many babies before the hospital understands the problem.


Criminal Profiling
Criminal Profiling:
Fact, fiction, fantasy and fallacy

Criminal Profiling:
How it got started and how it is used


Forensics & Investigation
Forensic Anthropology:
Bones and skulls, the silent evidence in high-profile cases like John Wayne Gacy that can help to catch murderers and give closure to grieving families of victims.

Forensic Autopsy:
The famous death detective Dr. Michael Baden whose autopsy and crime scene skills have been used on the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and high profile cases such as O.J. Simpson, Ted Binion and serial killer Dr. Michael Swango.


Interactive Stories
Criminal Profiling, Part 2:
Look for behavioral clues in this high-profile whodunit with two separate investigative threads.

Robert Berdella:
An art student turns into a sadistic murderer of young men: the psychology of a psychopath.


Scams & Hoaxes
Frank Abagnale Jr.:
Astonishingly successful young imposter and bad check artist moves from one profession to another. The true story behind the successful movie in which Frank is played by Leonardo DiCaprio.

Martin Frankel:
Neurotic weirdo, surrounded by riches and beautiful women, is the mastermind of a $200 million insurance fraud.


Weekly Schedule
North Mission Road
High Flyer - NEW!
Tuesday@9:30pm ET/PT
When a plane plunges into a building in LA's historic Fairfax District, citizens fear it was a terrorist act.
Psychic Detectives
House of Peril - NEW!
Wednesday@9:30pm ET/PT
Detectives are stunned, as the home their suspect had been in the night before a murder is exactly as a psychic described.

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