

Office Of Emergency Preparedness (OEP)


To the maximum extent possible, the University of Texas at San Antonio Office of Emergency Preparedness will provide a safe and secure environment through the development and implementation of a comprehensive Emergency Response Plan.  Emergency Response Team members will receive on-going training to prepare them for the challenges presented by a critical incident.  Preparedness information will be available and disseminated to ensure the entire University community will be armed with knowledge needed to respond appropriately.  The Office of Emergency Preparedness will work cooperatively with all members of the Tri-Campus community to achieve these goals.


Department Summary


Mission Statement About OEP  |  OEP Team Members



Emergency Preparedness Plan


University State of Emergency  |  Chapter 1  |  Chapter 2 Chapter 3  |  Chapter 4  |  Addendums



Useful Information


Homeland Security Advisory System  |  Links


 Emergency Response Matrix


Select an emergency from the below drop-down menu for information on how to handle: 

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