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 Horoscopes - your stars for the weekend
If it is your birthday on Saturday
Certain individuals have encouraged you to think they're sensitive about some issues. They're not. The sooner you raise these, the more swiftly you'll end their rule as petty despots and return to normal life.

If it is your birthday on Sunday
Your birthday eclipse ends one chapter and begins another. While what's going is clear, what's coming isn't. Initially you'll have to rely on faith, but that will soon be justified by events.

If it is your birthday on Monday
What could be termed your life philosophy has resulted from considerable thought and reflection. Now events are testing you, and in some cases you must defend your views. You'll soon realise those questions are apt and well timed.


Aries, 21 March - 19 April
Nothing is more frustrating than knowing how to deal with problems but being unable to take action. Yet the suggestions you've made have fallen on deaf ears. That's because others are determined to find their own solutions, however long it takes. Remain at the sidelines, prepared to offer help when needed.
For a weekly in-depth forecast, call 0906 8666 043
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Taurus, 20 April - 20 May
It's not that you've been dishonest with others, as much as you've skirted around issues you thought might upset them. Nevertheless, before any arrangements can be considered lasting, potential dilemmas must be discussed. However, you can take your time, since changes continue until early May.
For a weekly in-depth forecast, call 0906 8666 044
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Gemini, 21 May - 20 June
Every eclipse marks a turning point. However, because Sunday's lunar eclipse accents various obligations, some of which you were coerced into agreeing to, apparently disruptive events could prove to be in your best interests. What seems nothing but a nuisance now could prove unexpectedly worthwhile.
For a weekly in-depth forecast, call 0906 8666 045
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Cancer, 21 June - 22 July
The current planetary set-up so emphasises matters of the heart, there's no doubt that exciting developments are coming your way. These could involve those you love, projects you're passionate about or even romantic encounters. Whichever it is, what takes place now could change your life.
For a weekly in-depth forecast, call 0906 8666 046
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Leo, 23 July - 22 August
Every ending is a beginning, although it may not seem that's the case now. The current powerful planetary activity plus Sunday's eclipse suggest you've no choice but to let go of certain elements of your life. Once you do, you make way for opportunities beyond anything you'd ever considered possible.
For a weekly in-depth forecast, call 0906 8666 047
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Virgo, 23 August - 22 September
It might appear that you've allowed yourself to be painted into a corner. Certainly you seem to be short of options. Don't despair. Between the changes triggered by Sunday's powerful lunar eclipse and your ruler Mercury's potent aspect to Jupiter next Friday, glorious opportunities are coming your way.
For a weekly in-depth forecast, call 0906 8666 048
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Libra, 23 September - 22 October
When it comes to tackling tense issues, it's as much a matter of timing as it is what you say. Raise them now and you'll have to cope with the changes triggered by Sunday's powerful eclipse. Let them come up naturally during the week and you could resolve them - and without the dramas you so fear.
For a weekly in-depth forecast, call 0906 8666 049
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Scorpio, 23 October - 21 November
Remaining silent when you disagree with others may seem lacking in integrity or courage. However, this is one of those times when they're unlikely to pay the least bit of attention to what you have to do. If things are pressing and you must speak, choose your words carefully and keep them to a minimum.
For a weekly in-depth forecast, call 0906 8666 050
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Sagittarius, 22 November - 21 December
You may know exactly what you want to do. At the moment, however, there are several obstacles that are preventing you from pursuing those goals. Either you can bide your time, doing nothing until the tide turns your way, or go along with others' plans, which, while different, could work out splendidly.
For a weekly in-depth forecast, call 0906 8666 051
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Capricorn, 22 December - 19 January
Others insist they want to explore various options before decisions involving finances are made. But you worry that with each passing day unwise arrangements could be costing everybody dearly. You're right. First ensure that outgoings are being spent wisely. After that, consider other ideas.
For a weekly in-depth forecast, call 0906 8666 052
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Aquarius, 20 January - 18 Feburary
Ever since the courageous Mars moved into Aquarius on 20 March, you've been in a cycle of personal questioning and action. On 1 May it departs. Between now and then you owe it to yourself to think carefully whether matters of any nature remain that you haven't yet explored, considered or dealt with.
For a weekly in-depth forecast, call 0906 8666 053
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Pisces, 19 Feburary - 20 March
When you first conceived of certain arrangements, you expected they'd be simple and straightforward. They have been anything but that. This confusion has nothing to do with the wisdom of what you had in mind. You're tackling these in a difficult climate that turns simple arrangements into a minefield.
For a weekly in-depth forecast, call 0906 8666 054
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 For your weekly in-depth forecast, call:
  0906 8666 043
0906 8666 044
0906 8666 045
0906 8666 046
0906 8666 047
0906 8666 048
  0906 8666 049
0906 8666 050
0906 8666 051
0906 8666 052
0906 8666 053
0906 8666 054

 For your monthly forecast, call:
  0906 8336 504
0906 8336 505
0906 8336 506
0906 8336 507
0906 8336 508
0906 8336 509
  0906 8336 510
0906 8336 511
0906 8336 512
0906 8336 501
0906 8336 502
0906 8336 503
Calls cost 60p per minute

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