The Gillmor Gang

May 28, 2004


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The Gillmor Gang

Dan Farber

Steve Gillmor, contributing editor, eWeek
Doc Searls, senior editor, Linux Journal
Jon Udell, lead analyst, InfoWorld Test Center
Dana Gardner, senior analyst, Yankee Group

This week's special guest is Dan Farber, ZDNet Editor.

This week The Gang starts by taking on web services and service-oriented architectures, or as some now call them, "services fabrics." (Customers are saying that web services are low-value, but on a scale of 1-10, SOAs get 8-9.)

What's the advantage to vendors if SOAs commoditize IT? How will vendors make money in a world of open source, web services, and SOAs? Can BEA build a $3 billion business from a $1 billion business while competing against free application servers? Are we still in a customer-in-charge economy or has consolidation among their ranks shifted power back to the vendors? And which vendors really get it? IBM? BEA? Microsoft? SAP?

Web services promised best-of-breed integration, particularly when portals were all the rage. So why are the major vendors again pushing suites?

What about messaging? Is it a standalone service or will it become part of the infrastructure like TCP/IP? What will happen to commercial messaging products?

[You can also hear other editions of The Gillmor Gang.]


Here's what others have written about The Gillmor Gang: May 28, 2004:


» Text > brain (from nick gaydos > thynk)

Just like non-OCR'ed documents, Audio as well as all multimedia wants to be translated into text - it just gets into our brains faster. [Read More...]

Tracked   June 1, 2004   09:00PM


» I agree - Audioblogs require transscripts (from Marc's Voice)

Five guys talking . [Read More...]

Tracked   June 1, 2004   10:36PM

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