The Gillmor Gang

June 18, 2004


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[runtime: 01:04:22, 22.1 mb, recorded 2004-06-18]  

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The Gillmor Gang

Mitchell Kertzman

Steve Gillmor, contributing editor, eWeek
Doc Searls, senior editor, Linux Journal
Jon Udell, lead analyst, InfoWorld Test Center
Dana Gardner, senior analyst, Yankee Group

This week's special guest is Mitchell Kertzman, Partner at Hummer Winblad Venture Partners.

Are the venture investors back? Are they putting money into open-source software? What about Java -- is it still an important platform? Should Sun make it open source? The Gillmor Gang tackles these questions as well as DRM, and of course RSS.

[You can also hear other editions of The Gillmor Gang.]


Here's what others have written about The Gillmor Gang: June 18, 2004:


» Some IT Conversations (from Ted Leung on the air)

Here are some of the IT Conversations that we listened to in the car, and points that stuck out to me. Ray Ozzie talked about uses of Groove in Iraq, as a demonstration of where things are working "at the edge" (this was a Supernova talk). He made so [Read More...]

Tracked   August 19, 2004   10:54AM

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