The Gillmor Gang

June 25, 2004


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[runtime: 00:49:13, 16.9 mb, recorded 2004-06-25]  

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The Gillmor Gang

Photo: Dan Bricklin
Esther Dyson
Dan Farber

Steve Gillmor, contributing editor, eWeek
Doc Searls, senior editor, Linux Journal
Jon Udell, lead analyst, InfoWorld Test Center
Dana Gardner, senior analyst, Yankee Group

This week's special guests are Esther Dyson, chairman of EDventure Holdings (CNet), and Dan Farber, Editor, ZDNet/CNet. The program was recorded at Supernova 2004.

Halfway through the final day of the conference, The Gang considers the highlights. Messaging is on everyone's mind. The CEO of Skype called into the conference -- via a POTS line. Increasingly at such events, attendees communicate with one another and with the geographically extended audience in real time. IM, IRC, email, Rendezvous. Is there a future for real-world vs. virtual conferences? Comdex: death or coma?

Is it time for the universal inbox? Can anyone build a cross-platform solution using open standards? (They don't exist for IM.) Apple: Doing great with techies and consumers, but not with the majority in between. There's hope for SPAM. The future of Microsoft's Exchange.

[You can also hear other editions of The Gillmor Gang.]


Here's what others have written about The Gillmor Gang: June 25, 2004:


» Supernova thoughts (from Deep Green Crystals)

Went to Kevin Werbach's SuperNova conference last week. I like Kevin. He is a deep thinker about messaging. I like conferences with alot of other deep thinkers around. This one filled that bill. The conversations in the hall and during... [Read More...]

Tracked   July 1, 2004   10:46AM


» Doug Kaye, Gillmor Gang, Gmail (from house of warwick)

I've subscribed to the RSS version (with enclosures) of Doug Kaye's IT Conversations for six months or so, listening to the enclosures sporadically. [Read More...]

Tracked   July 1, 2004   01:56PM


» Biting into an Apple Mini Mac (from TBD)

I'm going to do it in 2005. Gonna buy a Mini Mac. Why? When you listen to people like Esther Dyson and Doc Searls talk about the number of Macs they now see at technology conferences, you feel like you're... [Read More...]

Tracked   January 27, 2005   05:10PM

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