The Gillmor Gang

July 22, 2004


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The Gillmor Gang

Dave Sifry

Steve Gillmor, contributing editor, ZDNet
Doc Searls, senior editor, Linux Journal
Jon Udell, lead analyst, InfoWorld Test Center
Dana Gardner, senior analyst, Yankee Group
Dan Gillmor, columnist, San Jose Mercury News

This week's special guest is Dave Sifry, founder and CEO of Technorati

Along with Mary Hodder, Dave will be providing real-time analysis of the political blogosphere for CNN at next week's Democratic National Convention. He looks forward to introducing the blogosphere to the 95% of the country who have never heard of it.

Dave discusses this announcement and gives us both social and technical insights into Technorati: "tracking patterns of influence and authority in real time." 140+ servers give Technorati a huge grid-computing system, and Dave explains how their technology is different from traditional search engines. On open-source software, "We wouldn't exist without it." He even goes deep into the Postgres/MySQL debate.

Don't miss next week's show (Thursday, July 29, 1pm Pacific) when our guest will be Dave Winer, live from the Democratic National Convention floor.

[Hear other editions of The Gillmor Gang or visit The Gillmor Gang's blog.]


Here's what others have written about The Gillmor Gang: July 22, 2004:


» Technorati's Trial by Fire (from Lockergnome's RSS & Atom Tips)

Technorati has undergone some significant changes recently, both visible and behind the scenes. To beef up for the convention partnership with CNN they added 60 servers, bringing their total to almost 200 - not a small number considering where they wer... [Read More...]

Tracked   August 3, 2004   09:42PM

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