The Gillmor Gang

July 29, 2004


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[runtime: 01:01:50, 21.2 mb, recorded 2004-07-29]  

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The Gillmor Gang

Photo: Dan Bricklin
Dave Winer

Steve Gillmor, contributing editor, eWeek
Doc Searls, senior editor, Linux Journal
Jon Udell, lead analyst, InfoWorld Test Center
Dana Gardner, senior analyst, Yankee Group

This week's special guest is Dave Winer.

Dave Winer has had a huge impact on the Internet as we know it. Blogging and RSS? They might not exist if it weren't for Dave. Live from the Democratic National Convention, Dave joined The Gillmor Gang to discuss and the reaction it has received from the traditional press who have no idea what's under the covers. Dave says the DNC is "truly visionary" and have accepted this "technology transplant" but they probably don't realize what they've done. This could be the the turning point for RSS--when it becomes just another part of the infrastructure.

Where will blogging and RSS go? Deeper into local politics? Are RSS and the web as powereful as talk radio on a 50,000-watt AM station? Dave and The Gang also debate the importance and future of audio blogging and the need to link to or excerpt multimedia content. It's one thing to download a one-hour show to an iPod, but when you can blog a sound bite as easily as you can a text byte, then look for a boom. You'll hear this and much more in another great edition of The Gillmor Gang.

[You can also hear other editions of The Gillmor Gang.]


Here's what others have written about The Gillmor Gang: July 29, 2004:


» Gillmore Live from the DNC - audio! (from Michael Levin's Weblog)

The Gillmore Gang: Dave Winer has had a huge impact on the Internet as we know it. Blogging and RSS? They might not exist if it weren't for Dave. Live from the Democratic National Convention, Dave joined The Gillmor Gang to discuss ConventionBlogger... [Read More...]

Tracked   July 30, 2004   05:00PM


» If Doc says it - then it used to be so..... (from Marc's Voice)

I'm really sorry I missed OSCON. Isn't it funny when new people start (whom you've jsut met) start showing up all over the place in your life? That's what it's like for me and Dick Hardt. All of a sudden he's there. And everywhere. Here's Doc's... [Read More...]

Tracked   August 1, 2004   09:49AM


» Blog that MP3, errr...MP3 that Blog (from .:: a few thoughts on the subject by rob wright ::.)

So, I'm listening to the July 29, 2004 edition of Steve Gillmor and gang in which the guys <<discuss>> the integration of audio with blogs. I then notice this "clip" link on the IT Converstations site that does pretty much... [Read More...]

Tracked   August 3, 2004   11:24AM


» Enter audio (from

Among other topics, the Gillmor Gang talked about bloggers pointing into audio files with [Read More...]

Tracked   December 28, 2004   11:03PM

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