The Gillmor Gang

August 6, 2004


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[runtime: 01:03:31, 21.8 mb, recorded 2004-08-06]  

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The Gillmor Gang

Dan Farber

Vikram Dendi

Kevin Foreman

Steve Gillmor, contributing editor, ZDNet
Doc Searls, senior editor, Linux Journal
Jon Udell, lead analyst, InfoWorld Test Center
Dana Gardner, senior analyst, Yankee Group
Dan Farber, editor, ZDNet

This week's special guests are Vikram Dendi and Kevin Foreman of RealNetworks, Inc..

Some of the Gang members report from Linux World. (Doc says it's too much about what the vendors are doing. [clip] )

Vikram and Kevin discuss RealNetwork's plans to open source components of their Helix line of products. They're using two licenses: GPL for open source and a commercial license for manufacturers who can't be bound by the GPL.

Jon continues to explain the need for random-access players and supporting URLs [clip] and standards and why he thinks players will ultimately become authoring tools.

Dana weighs in on why multimedia has yet to catch on in the corporate world. Kevin explains that manufacturers are first adding music playback to handsets aimed at business users, not consumers. [clip]

[You can also hear other editions of The Gillmor Gang.]


Here's what others have written about The Gillmor Gang: August 6, 2004:


» Dinner with Miguel and the Seattle Mono User's Group (from Ted Leung on the air)

Miguel is in town for ECMA meetings, and the Seattle Mono user's group held a dinner in his honor. Since I was already in Seattle for some other meetings, I decided to drop by. We had some interesting dicussions on the quality of the Linux desktop [Read More...]

Tracked   January 26, 2005   11:52PM

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