The Gillmor Gang

September 3, 2004


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The Gillmor Gang

Michael Vizard

Steve Gillmor, contributing editor, ZDNet
Doc Searls, senior editor, Linux Journal
Jon Udell, lead analyst, InfoWorld Test Center
Dana Gardner, senior analyst, Yankee Group

After a week to think about it, The Gang digs deeper into the ramifications of Microsoft's announcements re Longhorn. The stock market didn't react at all. (Perhaps because the implications are too long term.) How will it affect the reseller channel? Does this give the storage vendors an opening to sell platform-independent file systems? Does this level the playing field for alternative user interfaces or will Avalon/XAML become the de facto standard for the Windows world?

Michael Vizard, editor-in-chief of CRN Magazine, joins The Gang this week.


Here's what others have written about The Gillmor Gang: September 3, 2004:


» IT Conversations (from Virtual Possum)

With the addition of the iPod to our collection of toys, I thought I'd found out new ways of listening to some interesting stuff while traveling to or from somewhere, not just music. Today, for example, I was invited as [Read More...]

Tracked   September 16, 2004   03:37AM

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