The Gillmor Gang

October 15, 2004


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The Gillmor Gang

Brendan Eich

Steve Gillmor, ZDNet
Doc Searls, Linux Journal
Jon Udell, InfoWorld Test Center
Dana Gardner, Yankee Group

This week's special guests are Scott MacGregor (Mozilla Thunderbird architect) and Brendan Eich (chief architect) of the Mozilla Foundation

Google Desktop Search is this week's hot topic even though Doc isn't happy that it's not available on either Mac or Linux. No doubt it's a powerful personal tool, but what does it mean for IT departments? If it sneaks in at the desktop level, what about security and privacy? For that matter, what does it mean that "the application sends non-personal information about things like the application's performance and reliability to Google?"

Does Microsoft continue to have a blindspot for search? There were rumors of a pending Google browser. Is this even better for the company and for us? What's the commercial value for Google, and will Yahoo! follow suit? Finally, is GDS just a platform for additional services?

All of this plus the podcasting phenomenon on another chock-full edition of The Gillmor Gang.

[You can also hear other editions of The Gillmor Gang.]


Here's what others have written about The Gillmor Gang: October 15, 2004:


» Gillmor Gang - October 15 (from Digital Man's Outtakes)

Scott MacGregor of Mozilla Thunderbirds group as well as Brendan Eich Mozilla's chief architect are the guests this week. The Gillmor gang debates the security and privacy issues with Google's new desktop search service. Microsoft has yet to offer a ... [Read More...]

Tracked   October 16, 2004   05:18PM

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