The Gillmor Gang

Guest: Jeff McManus of eBay

November 18, 2004


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[runtime: 01:06:04, 30.2 mb, recorded 2004-11-18]  

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Steve Gillmor, contributing editor, ZDNet
Doc Searls, senior editor, Linux Journal
Jon Udell, lead analyst, InfoWorld Test Center

The Gang's guest this week is eBay technology evangelist, Jeff McManus. The company's web-services APIs process one billion requests per month. (That's an average of nearly 2,500 per second!) Hear how 11,000 developers are helping 430,000 people in the U.S. alone make a full- or part-time living via eBay, why the eBay trust system works, and how they're starting to use RSS.

[You can also hear other editions of The Gillmor Gang.]


Here's what others have written about The Gillmor Gang: November 18, 2004:


» Branding Microcontent (from Read/Write Web)

RSS flow is creating a need for data to be 'designed', not into HTML containers but into chunks of branded microcontent that will probably be XML. What I mean is: the data may not end up as HTML, so we have to figure out how to "brand" our data.... [Read More...]

Tracked   November 23, 2004   03:24AM

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