The Gillmor Gang

December 31, 2004

Steve Gillmor


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[runtime: 01:08:01, 31.1 mb, recorded 2004-12-31]  

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This week The Gang digs deeper into digital identity with a panel of experts. It begins as a Kumbaya of identity vendors and technologies, but by the second half the gloves come off. Craig points out that everyone has built silos so far because there have been no alternatives. Is the idea of a Microsoft silo "old fashioned thinking," as Kim suggests, defending the company he joined not all that long ago? He then presents the first five of his seven Laws of Identity -- clearly well thought out and vendor independent as all agree. Everyone also agrees that no identity solution can succeed without the cooperation and participation of Microsoft, but Dave is skeptical given the company's history in identity management. Phil points out that PKI hasn't succeded, and Kim suggests it's because PKI violated his 4th Law of Identity. And Doc suggests that digital identity needs a 'key personality' in the same way as Dave has played a lead role in RSS and blogging. Make sure you listen to this one all the way through.

Today's Gillmor Gang panel includes:

Steve Gillmor, contributing editor, ZDNet
Doc Searls, senior editor, Linux Journal
Craig Burton, founding member, Novell; co-founder, The Burton Group
Kim Cameron, Microsoft's Architect of Identity and Access Systems
Dave Winer, father of RSS and more
Marc Canter, Broadband Mechanics
Bryan Field-Elliot, CTO, Ping Identity Corporation
Phil Windley, Brigham Young University
Drummond Reed, CTO, Cordance

[You can also hear other editions of The Gillmor Gang.]


Here's what others have written about The Gillmor Gang: December 31, 2004:


» Gillmor Gang, podcasting and Digital Identity (from Marc's Voice)

I had the honor of being invited into the Dec. 31st, 2004 Gillmor Gang in their last podcast of 2004. I was being used as filler representing the humans and FOAF in the digital identity space. Dick Hardt couldn't make it - so I also represented the Sx... [Read More...]

Tracked   January 2, 2005   05:54PM


» More Identity on the Gillmor Gang (from Phil Windley's Technometria)

There were nine of us on last week's Gillmor Gang. Doug called it the "GIllmor Gaggle." The topic was identity. Here's what Doug says about it: This week The Gang digs deeper into digital identity with a panel of... [Read More...]

Tracked   January 3, 2005   12:16PM


» And then there's my day job (from Kim Cameron's Identity Weblog)

Someone in the Wild West Gillmore Gaggle - the dust was thick but I'm pretty sure it was Bryan Field-Elliot [Read More...]

Tracked   January 3, 2005   04:53PM


» Catching up on identity (from

If you see me working with headphones or looking way too serious in my car then I'm listening to the year-end Gillmor Gang or relistening to the gang's [Read More...]

Tracked   January 3, 2005   09:55PM


» The Unifying Metasystem (from Kim Cameron's Identity Weblog)

I can't help it - I find Jamie [Read More...]

Tracked   February 4, 2005   09:56AM


» And then there's my day job (from Kim Cameron's Identity Weblog)

Someone in the Wild West Gillmore Gaggle - the dust was thick but I'm pretty sure it was Bryan Field-Elliot [Read More...]

Tracked   February 9, 2005   11:42PM


» Report from the Identity Hatchery (from  Doc Searls' IT Garage)

If you're wondering about the power of podcasting, stay tuned for what's happening to bring identity to the suite of Internet services. (for details on the meaning of that phrase, see Craig Burton... [Read More...]

Tracked   March 25, 2005   08:33AM


» Craig Burton on the Fifth Law (from Kim Cameron's Identity Weblog)

Craig Burton [Read More...]

Tracked   April 3, 2005   11:16PM


» Special Wild West Edition (from Kim Cameron's Identity Weblog)

Doc Searls [Read More...]

Tracked   April 3, 2005   11:16PM


» Step aboard (from Kim Cameron's Identity Weblog)

I met Scoble recently when he and Charles Torre of Channel 9 [Read More...]

Tracked   April 3, 2005   11:17PM

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