The Gillmor Gang

with guest Dan Bricklin

February 4, 2005


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The Gillmor Gang

The Gang asks guest Dan Bricklin, president of Software Garden, what innovations are on his radar. Dan's answers include the trend to large amounts of storage that allow a store-now-think-later approach, mobility, cheap CPU power and IP connectivity everywhere. We're seeing success from those who plan for, or at least enable unintended consequences. "Google caught everyone by surprise," by using the population to generate the connection database, says Dan.

The gang digs into the benefits of pervasive devices that can share with others and considers whether evolution shows us how markets work. Is there a technology ecosystem?

And what's new in interfaces? Google again. And Flash (and to some extent DHTML and JavaScript), which allow us to developed rich controls again.

Today's Gillmor Gang:

Steve Gillmor, contributing editor, ZDNet
Doc Searls, senior editor, Linux Journal
Dan Farber, editor, ZDNet/CNet
Dana Gardner, senior analyst, Yankee Group
Mike Vizard, editor-in-chief, CRN

And our special guest:

Dan Bricklin

[You can also hear other editions of The Gillmor Gang.]


Here's what others have written about The Gillmor Gang: February 4, 2005:


» Did the Gurus miss the real opportunity with Sun's Grid? (from .:: a few thoughts on the subject by rob wright ::.)

I just finished the latest Gillmor Gang (I love that show) and there was some discussion of Sun's $1/cpu-hr annoucement. The guys discussed the obvious applications, render farms and life science applications. I agree that Sun's grid is obviously tar... [Read More...]

Tracked   February 9, 2005   02:51PM


» New Uses for Motion Sensors (from Phil Windley's Technometria)

At the CTO breakfast yesterday, we were talking about the innovative uses people are making of the PowerBook's motion sensor. For example, you could imagine motion sensors in a GPS unit or cell phone that allowed you to navigate... [Read More...]

Tracked   March 25, 2005   03:05PM

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