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Last updated: Nov 4, 2005 1:06 PM PT

Cutting Edge

Wireless: The new backseat driver?

The family sedan might soon be able to talk to the SUV in the next lane. GM is getting the tech in gear.
Photos: Crash-free Caddies

Moore's Law lives

For how long can the semiconductor industry keep up its innovation and fast growth? Some say indefinitely.

November 4, 2005, 1:00 PM PST

E-paper moves from sci-fi to marketplace

But much like when LCD displays came to the market, consumers are first likely to see the technology in clocks and watches.

November 4, 2005, 12:32 PM PST

NASA director: $5 billion more needed for shuttles

NASA administrator tells House committee cost of operating the shuttle fleet before it is retired was higher than expected.
Photos: Preparing for next shuttle mission
The New York Times

November 4, 2005, 6:16 AM PST

South Africa's big eye on the sky

The country aims to become a star-gazer's destination with the Nov. 10 launch of the largest telescope in the hemisphere.

November 4, 2005, 5:01 AM PST

A bird flu resource guide

High Impact We could be just a mutation away from a deadly superflu, but many questions remain. Here's a reality check.

November 3, 2005, 4:00 AM PST

IBM slows light, readies it for networking

Light's fast, but if it can be slowed down, it can be used inside computers to cut down on energy, Big Blue says.

November 2, 2005, 10:39 AM PST

Taking the future for a drive

California family is the first in world to drive a car powered by hydrogen fuel cells.
The New York Times
Photos: Hydrogen hits the road

November 2, 2005, 7:26 AM PST

Ford squeezes an office into a truck

Mobile office inside a truck includes touch-screen PC, printer, wireless broadband and GPS. What, no water cooler?
Photos: Computer that's 'built Ford tough'

November 1, 2005, 7:41 AM PST

Amazon beats VCs to the punch

Large tech companies are claiming prime investment candidates even before they launch. Robot Co-op is such an example.

October 31, 2005, 1:16 PM PST

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Updated: 7:44 PM PST
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Why Microsoft plays games with iPod Unsecured Wi-Fi would be outlawed by N.Y. county 'Madden': The next generation Crowd gathers for Homebrew Computer Club's 30th Week in review: Redmond guns for Google Xbox 360 and iPod interoperability? Sort of Digg temporarily downed by 'success' A bright, handy new BlackBerry Market growing for refurbished, used iPods Apple sounds alarm over QuickTime flaws Just Googling it is striking fear into companies Stores look for a niche as gadgets grow up Excited and wary, investors look at China Photos: Homebrew's 30th anniversary  News Corp. may form Net company
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Daily spotlight

Video: Moore amazed at his namesake law

Gordon Moore talks about his forty year observation about the speed of tech innovation.

Hey, you got your iPod in my Xbox 360

Microsoft has cooked up a way to stream songs and photos from the music player to its next-generation game console. Will Apple push back?

Perspective: Can the wizard of Oz pull it off?

Ray Ozzie will face the challenge of a lifetime turning Microsoft's new services mantra into a success, CNET's Charles Cooper says.

Newsmaker: Kevin Mitnick on hacking's evolution

The reformed hacker takes stock of today's hackers and the current state of software security.
Photos: Mitnick on the job

Music downloads without the software

Digital music providers are moving their services onto the Web, as opposed to requiring delivery through an application like iTunes.

Police blotter: Judge questions Patriot Act bugs

In this week's episode, a Massachusetts judge curbs the Justice Department's Internet wiretap request.

Windows Live? Think MSN

Microsoft's new batch of services borrows heavily from current or proposed products for its MSN property.
Photos: Live and kicking
Microsoft buys FolderShare

Google touts new features in desktop tool

Unveils finalized version of Google Desktop 2, app that mixes desktop search and floating palette that offers custom info.
Photo: Google Sidebar

Firefox beta out of the foxhole

Browser's test version offers such features as automatic updates and improvements designed to speed browser navigation.

Breathalyzer source code must be disclosed

Florida police can't use breathalyzers unless the source code can be reviewed, a state court decides.

iTunes dons cap and gown

High Impact Universities are using the download service to reach students and alumni. Stanford is going a step further.

Images: Spying the seasons from space

NASA releases striking images showing how Earth changes through the seasons.
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