
Plan your winter holiday for less

Money savers: As the nights draw in, many people are planning a getaway to beat the winter blues. Jo Thornhill has some advice to make your pound stretch further...

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Man with head in hands Laws may be changed to help the thousands of Britons who owe less than £30,000 in debts. Read the report.


For sale signs Worried about the prospects for your property's value? Read the latest news in our house prices section.



A sledge Experts are warning of a harsh winter ahead. Cut your heating costs now with This is Money's switch & save tools.

House sales recovery boosted by rate cut

Mortgages & homes: The house market is showing further signs of strengthening, as the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors says sales were up last month...

Half give up holiday leave

Small business: More than half of British workers will forgo some of their annual leave entitlements this year because they feel guilty about taking time off...

Comeback for credit card fees

Credit & loans: More consumers will face annual fees on their credit cards as issuers struggle to make profits in the face of 'rate tarts' and bad debtors... talk

Sony 'blocks' internet bargains

Money savers: Sony has been accused of trying to block shoppers from internet savings on its products by charging web retailers more than High Street shops... vote

Cavendish Black to be wound up

News: Businesses exposed by investigator Tony Hetherington are to be wound up by the High Court following an official investigation...

Watchdog raps mortgage brokers

Mortgages & homes: The FSA has discovered 'significant failings' among small mortgage brokers, who are failing to check up on half of self-certified applications....

Cut-price family holidays plan

Money savers: Travel companies and the Government are teaming up to offer cheaper holidays during school breaks in a bid to cut truancy...


A train Experts have predicted an era of price-cutting on trains to match the budget airline battle.
Read the report.

Endowment claims avalanche

Mortgages & homes: The number of endowment mis-selling claims lodged with the Financial Services Compensation Scheme looks set to treble this year...

Loan cover: The ongoing scandal

Insurance: Leading banks and building societies are among those who have been caught by the FSA in a loan insurance investigation. Christian Richard is one victim... vote

Welcoming the online revolution

Saving & banking: Special report: Paula Ritchie never writes cheques or calls her bank. She pays all her bills online. Is this the future for us all?...

Another deal, more strings

Saving & banking: Alliance & Leicester is the latest to jump on the bandwagon with a high-interest account. But Amanda Maisey chose HSBC...


Couple Don't get pushed into needlessly taking loan or credit card insurance. Arm yourself with our loan insurance Q&A;.


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The hard sell

Misery of Abbey's new habit

Mortgages & homes: While struggling to tackle a flood of mis-selling claims from people such as the Stephensons, the bank is planning to axe 2,500 staff ...

£1 fare signals rail revolution

Money savers: Britain's first budget long-distance train left London today, in a move that may herald an era of price-cutting like that seen in air travel...

Debt piles up for young women

Credit & loans: A 'spend now, pay later' culture has seen a 122% surge over the last three years in the number of young women in serious debt trouble... talk

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