Abuse Report

Thank you for reporting abuse found in Yahoo! Shopping reviews. We appreciate your input and will resolve the issue as soon as possible. By notifying us of the abuse, you're helping to ensure a quality shopping experience for other Yahoo! Shopping users just like you.

  Here is the information of the review you are reporting:
Product ID: 1991686805
Review ID: 7
Review title: Excelent portable notebook
Review excerpt: this comp has been great. it never caused me any problems. very fast, nice software and feat

Please provide the following information to complete your report:

1. Email address to which you would like a reply to be sent:

2. What do you feel is the violation?

3. Feedback:
Be as detailed and descriptive as possible. The more information you provide, the easier it is for us to respond quickly. When we're alerted of abuse on Yahoo! Shopping, we promptly investigate the problem and determine if it violates our Term of Service.

Your report will be submitted to Yahoo! Shopping Customer Care
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