NASA’s Mars Rovers to Hit the Silver Screen
Mars is home to two intrepid NASA rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, featured in the IMAX documentary 'Roving Mars.' Credit: Disney/Maas Digital. Click to enlarge.
Film Documentary Spotlights Lost Challenger Teacher-Astronaut
FRAMINGHAM, Massachusetts (AP) _ The Challenger explosion left an indelible impression on Renee Sotile, who like so many starry-eyed students in 1986 had been captivated by a teacher who was among the crew heading to space.
New Horizons Documentary a 'Passport' to Space Planning, Politics and Passion
When NASA’s New Horizons Mission lifts off for its 10-year voyage to Pluto, it will have already completed the first—and likely most harrowing—half of its journey.
NASA Astronaut to Help Build Martian Bedroom
A NASA shuttle astronaut is will hang up his spacesuit for a day Saturday to try his hand at interior decorating.
Man Pays $100,000 for Virtual Space Station
NEW YORK (AP) – In one of the largest sales yet of property in an online game, a Miami resident has bought a virtual space station for $100,000 and wants to turn it into a cross between Jurassic Park and a disco.
'Chicken Little' Throws Fowl Ball
Disney’s first homegrown computer-animated film is one of the more painful moviegoing experiences in years, a contrived bit of barnyard pat dubbed Chicken Little.
Discovering the Man Behind 'First Man'
For author James Hansen, "First Man" the official biography of Neil Armstrong, is the undisputed highlight of a nearly 25-year career chronicling the history of aerospace and spaceflight.
Film Review: 'Curse of the Were-Rabbit' is Howling Good Fun
Clay-animation’s brightest stars hop to the task of saving the local produce from a night of gruesome vegetable carnage in Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit.
Joss Whedon’s ‘Serenity’ is Sci-Fi Resurrected
NEW YORK (AP) – You can see how “Firefly,” the short-lived TV show that provided the basis for “Serenity,” could have gotten addictive if given the chance.
Carl Sagan’s ‘Cosmos’ Returns to Television
The 13-part science series 'Cosmos' narrated by Carl Sagan returns to television on its 25th anniversary.
'Magnificent Desolation' Brings the Moon Down to Earth
Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon in 3D is a stunning look at what it must have been like for the 12 NASA astronauts who traversed across the lunar surface during the six Apollo landings
DVD Review: From the Earth to the Moon
HBO’s new From Earth to the Moon five-disc box set covers the broad spectrum of NASA’s entire Apollo effort, from the astronauts and their wives to the Apollo test flights that never left Earth orbit let alone the ground.
TV Review: 'Threshold' Brings a New Alien Threat
The creep factor is certainly high when you have bugs, blood and people compelled to move in patterns sent from another world.
'Spacemen’ Explains Basic Hurdles for Space Exploration
Future astronauts sent on long duration flights to Mars or beyond will have to worry about more risks than merely launching into space and reentering planetary atmospheres safely.
China's First Astronaut Heads for the Silver Screen
HONG KONG (AP) _ China's first man in space, Yang Liwei, may make his big screen debut in a charity movie produced by filmmaker Tsui Hark, a Hong Kong newspaper reported Wednesday.
STS-114 Commander Brings Letterman Up to Speed
Astronaut Eileen Collins explained to an agog David Letterman Tuesday night that the space shuttle goes from zero to 17,500 miles per hour in less than nine minutes.

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