Maps & Directions

You can find more information about the Welch Building on the University of Texas Campus & Parking Maps page. Welch is located on the corner of Speedway and 24th Street, in the Tower Area.

Tower Area Map

WEL is Robert A. Welch Hall. WCH is W.C. Hogg Building. These two buildings are right next to each other and confuse many people.

Welch is a large complex building and it is easy to lose your way. When lost in Welch, remember that there is a map in every wing on every floor. The first digit of a room number indicates the floor, and the first floor is only accessible via the elevator or stairs in the newer part of the building.

The second digit of a room number indicates the wing: Wing x.1xx runs E/W next to 24th St., wing x.2xx runs N/S next to Speedway, wing x.3xx runs E/W near Inner Campus Drive and wing x.4xx runs N/S next to Painter Hall. The large lecture hall WEL 3.502 is accessible only from outside Welch along Inner Campus Drive.