Undergraduate Studies

The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry offers BA and BS undergraduate degrees in both chemistry and biochemistry, with options in teaching and computation. We currently have 325 declared chemistry majors and 525 declared biochemistry majors, and typically graduate one of the largest classes of ACS certified majors in the country. In addition to teaching our majors, our department provides service teaching to many hundreds more students, particular in the lower division classes of freshman and organic chemistry. The Undergraduate Course Office helps students, TAs, and faculty, with the daily administration of these courses. The Undergraduate Advising Office is the place to go to for advice on course selection and registration, degree plans, academic progress and graduation. Before contacting the course office or advisors, you may wish to look over our list of the most frequently asked questions.The department offers a number of scholarships yearly. UT is a top-level research institute and you should consider getting involved in undergraduate research. A number of student organizations are based in this department.